Jobs report: Labor Participation Rate remains at lowest level since Jimmy Carter presidency

The Labor Participation rate has been going down for 15 years....why is anyone surprised?
But it has been CRASHING only since 2009.

That's what happens when Baby Boomers retire.

FORCED to retire!

Boomers Forced to Retire Face Unexpected Challenges - US News

That's what happens when Dementia sets in.

Close...That's what happens when DemocRATS set in!
92.4 MILLION are out of work... You have completely lost all relevance!
Funny how the Right never thought it relevant when Bush left office with 92 million out of work!!!!!

Got a link to that fact Ed?
I do, but would it make a difference to you?
I think not.

Always interested in information, aren't you?
OK, here you go:

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Jan 2009 - 12,058,000 unemployed
Jan 2009 - 80,529,000 not in labor force
Total not working - 92,587,000
Jan. 2009 is Obama's first month.... He BOUGHT it, HE owns it!
People are arguing over semantics of how to phrase this mass of people not working seems silly to me. Whether they want work or not is irrelevant in my view. Clearly, over 100,000,000 people not working isn't economically sustainable regardless of whether they want a job or not.
So, to solve that, no one is allowed to retire, no spouses are allowed to stay at home, all students over 16 are required to drop out of school and get a job, and all disabled are required to work no mstter hoe physically or mentally crippled they are. :cuckoo:
See, problem solved with 100% LPR. :cuckoo:
You seem to be getting dumber by the comment. I know you were trying for snarky with your forced labor comment, but but you missed the mark and landed on stupid by glibly ignoring the impending entitlement obligations cliff.
Boomers have paid a surplus into SS and Medicare, now is the time for the freeloaders in the government to pay back what they have borrowed from the Boomers with interest. But the Right in the government would rather welsh than take responsibility.
Funny how the Right never thought it relevant when Bush left office with 92 million out of work!!!!!

Got a link to that fact Ed?
I do, but would it make a difference to you?
I think not.

Always interested in information, aren't you?
OK, here you go:

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Jan 2009 - 12,058,000 unemployed
Jan 2009 - 80,529,000 not in labor force
Total not working - 92,587,000
Jan. 2009 is Obama's first month.... He BOUGHT it, HE owns it!
No Jan 2009 is Bush's last month, he will always own it. The BLS surveys are taken during the week that includes the 12th, Obama didn't take office until the 20th. Those numbers belong completely to Bush!!!

I knew you would never admit the truth.
Thank you for not disappointing me.
Got a link to that fact Ed?
I do, but would it make a difference to you?
I think not.

Always interested in information, aren't you?
OK, here you go:

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Jan 2009 - 12,058,000 unemployed
Jan 2009 - 80,529,000 not in labor force
Total not working - 92,587,000
Jan. 2009 is Obama's first month.... He BOUGHT it, HE owns it!
No Jan 2009 is Bush's last month, he will always own it. The BLS surveys are taken during the week that includes the 12th, Obama didn't take office until the 20th. Those numbers belong completely to Bush!!!

I knew you would never admit the truth.
Thank you for not disappointing me.

No, it's Obama's first month since he came into power on the 20th he owns January as well! That's life Eddy boy. ....BUT, after 6 years of the Obomatoid, he hasn't done a fucking thing to change that number?... Explain that Eddy!
The Labor Participation rate has been going down for 15 years....why is anyone surprised?
But it has been CRASHING only since 2009.

That's what happens when Baby Boomers retire.

FORCED to retire!

Boomers Forced to Retire Face Unexpected Challenges - US News

That's what happens when Dementia sets in.

Close...That's what happens when DemocRATS set in!
Democrats are like stepping in shit, might as well just throw the shoe away. Once they touch something it, the thing isn't worth shit ever again.
I do, but would it make a difference to you?
I think not.

Always interested in information, aren't you?
OK, here you go:

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Jan 2009 - 12,058,000 unemployed
Jan 2009 - 80,529,000 not in labor force
Total not working - 92,587,000
Jan. 2009 is Obama's first month.... He BOUGHT it, HE owns it!
No Jan 2009 is Bush's last month, he will always own it. The BLS surveys are taken during the week that includes the 12th, Obama didn't take office until the 20th. Those numbers belong completely to Bush!!!

I knew you would never admit the truth.
Thank you for not disappointing me.

No, it's Obama's first month since he came into power on the 20th he owns January as well! That's life Eddy boy. ....BUT, after 6 years of the Obomatoid, he hasn't done a fucking thing to change that number?... Explain that Eddy!
Why should I waste my time with someone too dishonest to admit Bush owns the data from Jan 2009?
Always interested in information, aren't you?
OK, here you go:

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Jan 2009 - 12,058,000 unemployed
Jan 2009 - 80,529,000 not in labor force
Total not working - 92,587,000
Jan. 2009 is Obama's first month.... He BOUGHT it, HE owns it!
No Jan 2009 is Bush's last month, he will always own it. The BLS surveys are taken during the week that includes the 12th, Obama didn't take office until the 20th. Those numbers belong completely to Bush!!!

I knew you would never admit the truth.
Thank you for not disappointing me.

No, it's Obama's first month since he came into power on the 20th he owns January as well! That's life Eddy boy. ....BUT, after 6 years of the Obomatoid, he hasn't done a fucking thing to change that number?... Explain that Eddy!
Why should I waste my time with someone too dishonest to admit Bush owns the data from Jan 2009?

Probably because you can't answer why after 6 years does it remain so high... but YOU knew I knew why!
Or maybe that's just what happens when the manufacturing jobs are sent overseas.
The Labor Participation rate has been going down for 15 years....why is anyone surprised?
Wouldn't that have been during Clinton's Presidency?

Yes... the LPR went UP dramatically after the 94 Conservative Revolution which stripped large percentages of Welfare from the US Federal System, but as Conservative Legislators went back to work in the Private Sector, the "Moderates" who replaced them quickly ran to reinstate the Welfare... and as welfare increases, labor participation, decreases. Can't happen any other way.
What complete and utter bullshit. Here, on planet Earth, it was actually at 66.7% when Republicans took control of the Congress in 1995. It peaked at 67.3% in 2000. What you call a "dramatic" increase in the labor force participation rate is actually less than a one percent increase (0.9%) over a five year period. An increase, by the way, which actually began around 1992, three years before the GOP took control of the Congress.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
OK, here you go:

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Jan 2009 - 12,058,000 unemployed
Jan 2009 - 80,529,000 not in labor force
Total not working - 92,587,000
Jan. 2009 is Obama's first month.... He BOUGHT it, HE owns it!
No Jan 2009 is Bush's last month, he will always own it. The BLS surveys are taken during the week that includes the 12th, Obama didn't take office until the 20th. Those numbers belong completely to Bush!!!

I knew you would never admit the truth.
Thank you for not disappointing me.

No, it's Obama's first month since he came into power on the 20th he owns January as well! That's life Eddy boy. ....BUT, after 6 years of the Obomatoid, he hasn't done a fucking thing to change that number?... Explain that Eddy!
Why should I waste my time with someone too dishonest to admit Bush owns the data from Jan 2009?

Probably because you can't answer why after 6 years does it remain so high... but YOU knew I knew why!
In part because over 6 million baby boomers retired since then. In contrast to the average of about 300K retiring each year before baby boomers began hitting the age of 62 in 2008. Now, because baby boomers are hitting retirement age, between 3 to 4 times as many seniors are retiring these days than prior to 2008. G'head, vagisil, blame Obama for people getting older.
During the Obama Era, more than 11M people have dropped out of the work force, and Obama now wants to grant amnesty to 5 million illegals. Let's get that Labor Force Participation Rate below 60%!

The current labor force number is 156.4 million.

The labor force in Jan. 2009 was 153.7 million.

The Labor Force Participation Rate was 65.7% when Obama took office. It is now 62.8%, (back to the 1970s before women started entering the workforce en masse).

The adult Civilian Population grew by 14M during that same period. For 14M more potential workers, only a net increase in employment of 2.7M jobs.

That Is Pathetic! And That's Obamanomics!

Obama has nothing to do with it.
Those of us here who are sane need to keep in mind that there are no employment numbers that could possibly occur during the Obama presidency that would not elicit a negative spin from the RWnuts here.

That is how derangement works.
Participation rate matters that much to you? Then which president's participation rates were the best?

Yes, that's right, Clinton. You people are making an argument for NOT electing a Republican.
Those of us here who are sane need to keep in mind that there are no employment numbers that could possibly occur during the Obama presidency that would not elicit a negative spin from the RWnuts here.

That is how derangement works.

They're so concerned that the excellent economic numbers will reflect positively on the president that they're willing to contrive all manner of ridiculous lies.

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