Jodi Arias Penalty

Did you guys hear her odd response for why she did the head stand?

Yeah the no carpet where she's going and can't pass up all that beautiful (government issued police interrogation room) carpet?
Yeah. That is literally the weirdest thing she could have said. She had the perfect yoga excuse handed to her and rejected it I wonder why.
This is how you say you're sorry: "I'm so damn sorry, I'm going to regret this the rest of my life. <<--note the period there.

This is not how you say you're sorry: "I will be sorry for the rest of my life - probably longer." - Me, my allocution, May 21, 2013 <<<----- note the distancing yourself from the sorry by QUOTING YOURSELF. Who does that?

Sorry: "I'm sorry"
Not Sorry: "I'm sorry" - Me, May 29, 2013

Just making sure everyone out there in the free world and beyond notates who said that, where and on what date. Did everyone catch it and notate the date, by who and where the "sorry" was??


Only a psychopath named JA would do that. She's trying to convince every person in the world that she really means what she wrote. LOL
This is just a guess, but one of the interviewers said she didn't apologize in her allocution and she said she did. Maybe she's responding to that.

She didn't apologize, though.

Yeah she acted as if she was giving a sales representation. She thinks she is smarter and prettier than anyone in any room she may enter. Now she is in a room all by herself :lol:

Sad thing is, the walls have more personality than she does, and the floor looks better too.
Yeah. That is literally the weirdest thing she could have said. She had the perfect yoga excuse handed to her and rejected it I wonder why.

Because the truth (Pixie's answer) sounded a tad vain so she made something up that made sense.


Who knows? She's so weird.
This is how you say you're sorry: "I'm so damn sorry, I'm going to regret this the rest of my life. <<--note the period there.

This is not how you say you're sorry: "I will be sorry for the rest of my life - probably longer." - Me, my allocution, May 21, 2013 <<<----- note the distancing yourself from the sorry by QUOTING YOURSELF. Who does that?

Sorry: "I'm sorry"
Not Sorry: "I'm sorry" - Me, May 29, 2013

Just making sure everyone out there in the free world and beyond notates who said that, where and on what date. Did everyone catch it and notate the date, by who and where the "sorry" was??


Only a psychopath named JA would do that. She's trying to convince every person in the world that she really means what she wrote. LOL

You totally just big ass fonted!! lmao

TW!!???? Aye's big ass font may be bigger than your big ass font.
I'm not going to sit through the JodiMercial again in this lifetime, but she didn't say she was sorry to his family in her ppl speech, she said exactly what she wrote "she'll be sorry for the rest of her life". That's why the reporter called her on it and asked her if she'd like to apologize to them now. She'll be sorry for the rest of her life because she's spending it in the pokey. There's a vast difference between being remorseful and apologizing to the family for taking their loved one away and saying I'll be sorry for the rest of my life. It's the difference between remorse and self-absorbed Jodi. So if she was addressing the reporter with that Tweet to "correct him", which doesn't surprise me at all with her mincing everything up, but it remains the same. She didn't apologize. Why not get on the Tweeter and just freaking say your sorry then? Games, control, games, control, games. If that is the case, which very well could be, then she's been sitting in that room going over and over him being wrong on that for days now, probably had someone bring her the damn speech so she could Tweet it word for word to correct him.

Again with the sociopathic behavior. Same Jodi, different day.

Wasn't that the same reporter who she wrote about? Something along the lines of be careful of good-looking reporters, or something like that? He's probably just another Travis in Jodi's mind, just like the prosecutor or the jurors who betrayed her.

Yep, I believe it was the same reporter (NBC). She also called him a 'hater' in that interview. LOL
Oh No, Font competition!

Font competition!-ME, on the forum, May 29, 2013
Last edited:
Aye did italics and bold.

Just sayin'

"Just sayin'" - Me, on the forum, May 29, 2013
Oh No, Font competition!

Font competition!-ME, on the forum, May 29, 2013

Now you went and did it! Now watch the "search tag" for this thread have "BIG FONT COMPETITION" show up.
  • Thanks
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There needs to be a "dumb" emoticon. I'm not sure the all the things she says are crazy as much as they are plain dumb.
Did you guys hear her odd response for why she did the head stand?

No, why did she say she did it?

Because the carpet in the interrogation room was so beautiful...*sniff sniff*

And she didn't think there would be any carpet where she was going so she couldn't pass that beautiful carpet up.

You know how it is with government issued carpet, I wish I had some of that in my living room, I'd be doing handstands all the time. Handstands, handstands, handstands.

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