Jodi Arias Penalty

What I also found interesting was when Arias mentioned that her parents didn't approve of the relationship she had with Juarez when they lived together. They didn't just drop out of her life if they were sharing an opinion with her about her life choices.
I don't want to make anyone feel terrible if they never volunteered anywhere. I guess my point was that there was nothing significant in her past that would balance out the heinousness of the crime. An ordinary life is not to be condemned. I hope that made sense.
I think the only reason she is jumping on the charitable aspect of DV is because she thinks it proves that she was a victim, somehow, and that now, suddenly, she's a leader for a cause.
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I don't want to make anyone feel terrible if they never volunteered anywhere. I guess my point was that there was nothing significant in her past that would balance out the heinousness of the crime. An ordinary life is not to be condemned. I hope that made sense.

TW I hear what you are saying. She did nothing to help in her past. But now she is trying to prove that she can do good. To me it is to little to late.
I don't want to make anyone feel terrible if they never volunteered anywhere. I guess my point was that there was nothing significant in her past that would balance out the heinousness of the crime. An ordinary life is not to be condemned. I hope that made sense.

It made sense. "Volunteering" and "hair donation" and "recycling" isn't penance for 29stab/shot/cutheadoff

WHAT IS JW talking about?

This is awful upon awful.
They should have accepted the BPD earlier. I like that Willmott is impassioned. I hope she doesn't double down on abuse.
OMGosh! More crap! Now Willmott says "Jodi has never played the victim." Really? That's all she's played.

"We know her family wasn't there for her when she was a teenager and we know that because Dr. D told you she has BPD from the lack of bonding, but contrary to what the prosecutor would have you believe, they're here now, ."

Hole E. Crap, JW, you're walking both sides in the same sentence and now I'm kinda hoping you got the herpes.
"Do you kill her for the one act she did?" Wilmott!!!

She asks this like Jodi stole ice cream out of a baby's hand.
Willmott started off a little better, this round.

flip, flop, flip, flop, flip, flop.

I just lost what respect I had for JW.

I think she spoke for herself, this time, and didn't go the Jodi route. She knows Arias is personality disordered, look at what she did to her own defense team.

How is the jury going to take backing up on what she so rigorously tried to disprove or prove during trial on so many points?

It negates what she did at trial and thereby gives her little credibility and just looks like more Fog and paint thrown at the wall. You can't have it every single which way.

She should have followed suit with the JodiMercial speech and said, damn! she screwed up and please don't kill her and left it at that. She contradicted herself so many times both in the closing itself and against what she did at trial that it at best makes her look like an idiot at worst, it makes her look incompetent or just like her client. She can't remember what she said at trial? Don't contradict yourself at closing.

I'm totally annoyed with that.

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