Jodi Arias Penalty

Good morning everyone, caught up and I have to say today has to be the day. Give the Alexander family their lives back! These folks have lost so much already. And I could only imagine what the jurors have lost as well. It's time for this girl to get off the stage and die in the back ground with not one more thought.
Good Morning Everyone!

Oh here we are again...waiting. I'm not predicting since I was so wrong about Arias' allocution, but if they can't come to a unanimous decision then I hope they will just give her LWOP. And I do think the Judge will decide WOP because the pundits have been saying the State gives great weight to the wishes of the victim's family.

I really don't think anyone wants to see Arias on display any longer. I know I don't and I think Travis' family doesn't want to see her either. It's so sick right now with her grandstanding and basking in the glow of the camera lights. Sickening. She's never been as elated as she is now, with all this attention. Picking and choosing who to grace with her delusional presence. Put her away already. AZ hasn't executed anyone since the 1930s. Just give her LWOP and get her into solitary where she just might begin to feel some discomfort. Rant done.
Troy I could tell you were Troy when you started to type under this name lol It was clinched when J&J called you Troy lol

OMG...that was hilarious when JandJ called me Troy...I fell out of my chair and spit up water at the same time...Im like wait a minute...Im 25caliber damnit!!!:wine:

When I saw that it made me suspect that J&J is someone that was active on the forum or J&J was looking at your personal information and just spewed your name out and could not take it back lol.

Since day 1, J&J has acted like a member of the other place. I was going to say something about it at the time, but decided not to, since it'd only get deleted. In my opinion, that person is still posting there.
Her demeanor yesterday was no surprise. She was on an attention-high from all that media she did the night before. She was holding court in court, giggling and laughing and entertaining the bailiff...So obvious and such a clear example of her disorder(s). She is loving this way too much and it continues to give me major creeps.
Since day 1, J&J has acted like a member of the other place. I was going to say something about it at the time, but decided not to, since it'd only get deleted. In my opinion, that person is still posting there.

What do you mean? Who's who? I can't figure out all the name changing and stuff. It's interesting who ISN'T here, if that's what you mean.
Since day 1, J&J has acted like a member of the other place. I was going to say something about it at the time, but decided not to, since it'd only get deleted. In my opinion, that person is still posting there.

What do you mean? Who's who? I can't figure out all the name changing and stuff. It's interesting who ISN'T here, if that's what you mean.

Yep, you could put it that way. Those that aren't here, one is the 'name' behind J&J. J&J likes to mention talking to WILD often; another poster has mentioned similar things before.
Since day 1, J&J has acted like a member of the other place. I was going to say something about it at the time, but decided not to, since it'd only get deleted. In my opinion, that person is still posting there.

What do you mean? Who's who? I can't figure out all the name changing and stuff. It's interesting who ISN'T here, if that's what you mean.

Who who? I was trying to figure it out, and just can't. But yes did not sound
like a newbie there.
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Getting back to the trial --- during all the coverage it seemed to me like the media was heavily touting TA as some great guy who everyone liked and never even stepped on an ant. But from what was shown, I dont think I would have wanted to hang around with him nor would I have liked him. IMO someone with that many shoes stacked so perfectly is someone with issues of orderliness and control and having to have things a certain way. And he likely would have hated me. If myself, JA, and TA were sitting around a table I think I would have found JA far more down to earth and dare I say it, more like myself in some ways. Out of all the aspects of the coverage, it was how it became a black and white case of good vs evil and if you didnt hate JA you were a horrible person. That said, I dont think she deserves to ever see freedom again.

i think they both had issues

and fed off each other
Hey I am so out of the loop. Been at work all day and haven't been home really long enough to catch up. You guys have been busy today. Plus I had to watch the new Nashville episode real quick. So they still have no word yet from jury huh?. Thought they would be done by this afternoon honestly. So is it true that if she doesn't get the dp that she could be up for parole after 25 yrs?

Hey stranger I thought you were spending all your time over there. Was Nashville good? I need to catch up. I believe the judge can choose between lwp and lwop I doubt this judge will give her lwp but you never know I guess.
J&J was supposedly a newbie so she/he/it should not have known about Troy unless it was trading PM's with somebody.

I called it on that when I fired off the last post. Said it was a cluster f*ck and pretty soon it would be just a couple peeps and it is. They roll the sidewalks up when it gets dark! Funny!!!

Oh, I got banned!!! he he
I will watch this because you have me curious but when I go throw up after hearing Hannity speak I will be cursing you!

Omg I haven't seen anything about that till now. What craziness.
He did look like he was wearing red gloves..Dang

And one question...25 are you really Troy? Lmao :D

LOL...thanks alot tink for blowing my cover! Yes I am Troy...but I am not and never was "rick" for cryin out

Sorry I don't even do it on purpose. My fingers just naturally type Troy easier than 25.:eusa_silenced:
OMG...that was hilarious when JandJ called me Troy...I fell out of my chair and spit up water at the same time...Im like wait a minute...Im 25caliber damnit!!!:wine:

When I saw that it made me suspect that J&J is someone that was active on the forum or J&J was looking at your personal information and just spewed your name out and could not take it back lol.

Well I didnt have my name in personal info....someone complained or sent a pm to her with suspicion...I dont care...such childish games.

Didn't it maybe say it in your reps? Idk. I didn't mean to blow your cover I just always knew it was you and you didn't deny it so I didn't think it was a secret.
I would think they would see the holiday weekend and come up with something. Not that they would miss out on the holiday since they are not sequestered but geez, this is closing in on 6 months really fast.

Enough is enough, considering it was supposed to be over by April, I believe.

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