Joe Biden....5 deferments to stay out of Vietnam, same number as Trump...what now left wingers?

That scrawny little dick licker needs to get out of the race. What a joke. Small town mayor is not presidential material.
^ voting for a prostitute fucking reality TV star that is a criminal and compulsive fraudster
You poor little triggered bitch. If the thought of me voting for Trump pisses you off that badly you need to GET A LIFE
Just pointing out that you are absolutely fucking retarded when it comes to deciding “Presidential material”
Biden, Bill Clinton and many other prominent Dems dodged the draft, but that's OK to the media and Libs. Tsk, Tsk, double standard. lol!
5 asshat........the same number as Trump. Biden swims for exercise...when male agents are on duty he swims in swim trunks....when he has female agents on the detail, he swims naked.........he is a creepy, vile human being who has lied about his wifes death for decades, blaming that death on an innocent man for his own political gain....

So they're both draft dodgers. So fucking what? I guess you won't vote for Biden then. No one gives a shit. See how hard that was? Dumb fucking thread.

Don't you get the import here?

FIVE, man. Not four, not six ---- FIVE.

Six shalt thou not count, nor count thou four, excepting that thou then proceedeth to five.


Deflect, deflect, deflect...will you deflect 5 times or only 4 when it is brought out that biden actually did use his office to obstruct justice, and used his power to help the Chinese and enrich his own family.........

"Deflect" you just did, all the way to Ufuckingkraine.

Thing is ---- IT'S YOUR OWN THREAD you deflected.

He has no reason to be embarrassed. Unlike you moron. Biden played college football and got deferments for asthma. Biden used his office to get his son a lot of money and get investigators into his son fired. All posted several time here. You want to deflect, deny and lie because you have nothing. As usual.

Asthma that apparently didn't effect his playing sports or being a lifeguard.......

This touched a nerve with the left wing asshats......Creepy joe biden has the same number of deferments as the hated Trump....... and a history of using his political office to obstruct justice and enrich his family at the expense of the United States......aiding it's enemies, in particular, China....

And it has set you asshats off....
My friends son got turned down over asthma. He couldn't do anything about it.
Not sure why this is different than trump. Unless someone can prove one of the two had doctors lie for them..
So they're both draft dodgers. So fucking what? I guess you won't vote for Biden then. No one gives a shit. See how hard that was? Dumb fucking thread.

Don't you get the import here?

FIVE, man. Not four, not six ---- FIVE.

Six shalt thou not count, nor count thou four, excepting that thou then proceedeth to five.


Deflect, deflect, deflect...will you deflect 5 times or only 4 when it is brought out that biden actually did use his office to obstruct justice, and used his power to help the Chinese and enrich his own family.........

"Deflect" you just did, all the way to Ufuckingkraine.

Thing is ---- IT'S YOUR OWN THREAD you deflected.

He has no reason to be embarrassed. Unlike you moron. Biden played college football and got deferments for asthma. Biden used his office to get his son a lot of money and get investigators into his son fired. All posted several time here. You want to deflect, deny and lie because you have nothing. As usual.

Asthma that apparently didn't effect his playing sports or being a lifeguard.......

This touched a nerve with the left wing asshats......Creepy joe biden has the same number of deferments as the hated Trump....... and a history of using his political office to obstruct justice and enrich his family at the expense of the United States......aiding it's enemies, in particular, China....

And it has set you asshats off....

And you just seem to want to compare privileged white politicians like it's some superficial fucking pageant. Go sell your stupid elsewhere. Opinions from assholes like you are useless.
Hugh Hewitt, the national radio host, did the job of the democrat media....and found out that Joe Biden....Creepy Joe Biden, Handsy Joe Biden.....had the same number of deferments for getting out of the military as Trump did.......

Hewitt thinks that brining up Trump's deferments by the gay mayor is a back door way to also attack Biden....

Did Huey find out when Biden waged his own 'personal Vietnam' in Delaware sex clubs?

Or bribed a doctor to say he had "bone spurs"?

Do let us know. Oughta be a hoot.

Is that a serious question? You have to hide your daughters from both of them.

Hugh Hewitt, the national radio host, did the job of the democrat media....and found out that Joe Biden....Creepy Joe Biden, Handsy Joe Biden.....had the same number of deferments for getting out of the military as Trump did.......

Hewitt thinks that brining up Trump's deferments by the gay mayor is a back door way to also attack Biden....
“But but, bone spurs...”
Hugh Hewitt, the national radio host, did the job of the democrat media....and found out that Joe Biden....Creepy Joe Biden, Handsy Joe Biden.....had the same number of deferments for getting out of the military as Trump did.......

Hewitt thinks that brining up Trump's deferments by the gay mayor is a back door way to also attack Biden....

Pun intended??
Biden had a corvette. You don't go play that shit when you have a 'vette.
You get tennis elbow and stuff,
Not so long ago the markets took a dive and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU LEFTISTS was saying NOW its Trumps economy. Fast forward a few months and we're back to Obama's economy despite the fact that his business killing regulations were rescinded and tax cuts were implemented and the devil himself, TARIFFS were implemented.

Sorry bud but 2+2=/=3
WHAT ??? Trumps market would be in the shitter if not for his huge tax breaks to the 1% while the rest of us got squat and all those regs he cut ?? Who cares what air you breathe what water you drink ? etc etc
You should be dead then!
My friends son got turned down over asthma. He couldn't do anything about it.
Not sure why this is different than trump. Unless someone can prove one of the two had doctors lie for them..

Hmmm, if only one of the doctors had told his family that he was doing that as a favor... Where it would all of a sudden make sense how a college athlete was handicapped instantaneously.

Vs. Biden's parents who played the long game. Making the assumption in the 1950's that Vietnam would blow up and require a draft, having him treated for asthma for years to ensure his ineligibility lol.
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Not so long ago the markets took a dive and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU LEFTISTS was saying NOW its Trumps economy. Fast forward a few months and we're back to Obama's economy despite the fact that his business killing regulations were rescinded and tax cuts were implemented and the devil himself, TARIFFS were implemented.

Sorry bud but 2+2=/=3
WHAT ??? Trumps market would be in the shitter if not for his huge tax breaks to the 1% while the rest of us got squat and all those regs he cut ?? Who cares what air you breathe what water you drink ? etc etc
You should be dead then!
How do you like his new tariff threat to Mexico ? I'll be alive and maybe you'll be too when the AH gives our next recession Trump is an AH and he's yours
Hugh Hewitt, the national radio host, did the job of the democrat media....and found out that Joe Biden....Creepy Joe Biden, Handsy Joe Biden.....had the same number of deferments for getting out of the military as Trump did.......

Hewitt thinks that brining up Trump's deferments by the gay mayor is a back door way to also attack Biden....

Pun intended??

Sadly, or funnily, no, it was not just happened...

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