Joe Biden Claims That He Has A Way To Lead Us Out Of This Pandemic

covid knows no politics, but neither party ran on that. Teh gop is still denying.

Biden actually ran on being best able to manage the effects. People are not happy. Personally I thought Trump should have leveled with voters. But obviously he didn't "handle it" any better.

Imo Americans deserve better, but will they accept a candidate who ... more or less ... tells them a hard truth. In both Biden and Trump's defenses, the scientific community was not exactly forthcoming. Who knew Trump supporters would choose to not get vaccinated even when their older relatives were dying. But we should have been told that covid would probably be like most pandemics and just keep circulating with mutations that become less and less lethal, and eventually a vaccine that has maybe 40% efficacy will make it more or less a non-factor if 75% of us get a yearly shot and all healthcare providers comply or can be fired and go to work at non-compliant hc facilties serving the unvacced.
Yeah. But in all fairness we were told a few thousands times during the previous Admin "this is what he meant"

Maybe one day we will quit putting senile old farts in the White House.

You had to say 'this is what he meant', not because Trump wasn't very clear when he spoke, but because the leftist owned media intentionally lied about what he actually said. Apparently you're one of the lemmings that believed everything they said. :dunno:
Your worship of the man clouds your judgement.

Or maybe you think that there were airports in the 1700s and that you think we have a national park named Yo So Mite.

Why do you people always insist on lying? You have to use derogatory terms when it comes to Trump, we get it, you hate the man, and that has clouded your judgment far more than anyone who supports him. No one 'worships' him, they supported what he said and what he stood for, but you can't seem to distinguish between the two, just willfully ignorant.
Why do you people always insist on lying? You have to use derogatory terms when it comes to Trump, we get it, you hate the man, and that has clouded your judgment far more than anyone who supports him. No one 'worships' him, they supported what he said and what he stood for, but you can't seem to distinguish between the two, just willfully ignorant.

Yep, no worship here....


It's called support you idiot, you just choose to see only what you want to see because your have TDS, my sincere condolences. You must be a fellow narcissist, most narcissists don't like other narcissists, so no surprise that he got under your skin so badly. ;)

Yes, an officially licensed worship song being sung in a church could not possibly be a sign of worship! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Nobody is under my skin, I am happy you all have someone to worship. It seems to suit you.
Yes, an officially licensed worship song being sung in a church could not possibly be a sign of worship! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Nobody is under my skin, I am happy you all have someone to worship. It seems to suit you.

So it's your supposition that all Trump supporters worship him because one church created and performed a song about him? :cuckoo:
So it's your supposition that all Trump supporters worship him because one church created and performed a song about him? :cuckoo:

I never said all Trump supporters worship him. Boy you are one confused individual.
I admit I can't recall how long ago I heard "crab walk" but I thought it meant can't walk a straight line or can't do it right.
It means moving sideways to avoid danger, like a crab does. In this situation, it means backing off of one's previous statements in an attempt to save face.

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