Joe Biden Claims That He Has A Way To Lead Us Out Of This Pandemic

It is not hard, a Trump worshipers is incapable of every admitting anything bad about Trump or saying a single negative things about him. This board is full of such people....not sure I have ever seen you offer any criticism the man

And the opposite is also true.
I do not at all like Trump, his arrogance, lying, petty name calling, obvious populist ploys, etc., but the truth is Trump was average in terms of effect and policies, except for maybe trying to load the SCOTUS.
The 2 impeachments were wrong, to the point of treason.
Of course. I gave him very positive post on his picks for SCOTUS, on his plan to remove the US from Afghanistan, on his reworking of the Fed Employee Regs to make it easier to get rid of dead weight, just to name a few off the top of my head

Maybe you should post just one of those on here some day so people will not think you worship the man. I do not think anyone that runs for POTUS can do so without a large ego, but Trump took it to a whole new level to the point he thought he knew more than any one the planet in like 50 topics

And even so, you still can't get past your hate for the man, you feel he is better off out of office, correct?

It's your ASSumption that everyone worships him, that's not my problem. He knew a lot more about how to go about fixing our problems more than any asshole politician that's been in DC for 50 years, yet you seem to support those types every day on here, while getting your knocks in on an outsider like Trump every chance you get.
Yep, no worship here....

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God forbid we love our country and the person who was helping it to stay free. :rolleyes:

Nobody is under my skin, I am happy you all have someone to worship. It seems to suit you.

I worship Jesus Christ, that's what suits me.

It is not hard, a Trump worshipers is incapable of every admitting anything bad about Trump or saying a single negative things about him.

As a person, I have plenty to criticize, but as a president,.. well, point me out something that you think he did wrong and I'll tell you what I think because I can't really think of anything as he didn't leave us with much to bash.
Breaking: Biden's new plan to combat Covid revealed

And even so, you still can't get past your hate for the man, you feel he is better off out of office, correct?

I do not hate the man, just have no respect for him. I am glad he is out of office, I sad Biden is in office. I most saddened by the fact those were the two choices we were given that had a chance to win. And I voted for neither.

It's your ASSumption that everyone worships him, that's not my problem.

I already told you that is not true, yet you say it again.
I do not hate the man, just have no respect for him. I am glad he is out of office, I sad Biden is in office. I most saddened by the fact those were the two choices we were given that had a chance to win. And I voted for neither.

I already told you that is not true, yet you say it again.

So Trump was no better for the country than Biden is currently?

It is true, unless someone maligns him and you happen to see it, you automatically place them in the 'worship' column.
God forbid we love our country and the person who was helping it to stay free. :rolleyes:

I am pretty sure God is not going to approve of His people singing a worship song about anyone but Him. He is sort of funny that way.

As a person, I have plenty to criticize, but as a president,.. well, point me out something that you think he did wrong and I'll tell you what I think because I can't really think of anything as he didn't leave us with much to bash.

Wow, he was prefect as a president in your eyes....but yeah you do not worship him. :banana:

I think his trade war was a mistake, and then he made it worse by not focusing on China, but instead going to war (as in a trade war) with the whole world at the same time instead of getting them on board with us against China.

I did not agree with his out of control spending.

I did not agree with his tax cut that was not accompanied by a spending cut.

That is a start.
So Trump was no better for the country than Biden is currently?

Nope. He was not.

It is true, unless someone maligns him and you happen to see it, you automatically place them in the 'worship' column.

They do not need to malign him, just have some sort of criticism of him. Nobody in the world is perfect, thus nobody should be beyond criticism
I am pretty sure God is not going to approve of His people singing a worship song about anyone but Him. He is sort of funny that way.

Wow, he was prefect as a president in your eyes....but yeah you do not worship him. :banana:

I think his trade war was a mistake, and then he made it worse by not focusing on China, but instead going to war (as in a trade war) with the whole world at the same time instead of getting them on board with us against China.

I did not agree with his out of control spending.

I did not agree with his tax cut that was not accompanied by a spending cut.

That is a start.
No one worships President Trump.
You can laugh all you want, we're in a very bad place right now, if you can't see that then there's nothing that will open your eyes.
You can laugh all you want, we're in a very bad place right now, if you can't see that then there's nothing that will open your eyes.

Yes we are in a bad place right now. You have that much right.

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