Joe Biden Claims That He Has A Way To Lead Us Out Of This Pandemic

Everyone knows Trump is far from senile and Biden is stumbling back and forth over the line.
Your spin is as sad as it is pathetic, tbh.

I do agree that Biden is stumbling back and forth over the line and more senile than Trump, but that does not mean that Trump does not have his own problems in that area.
It's very simply a matter of everybody being very sick and tired of Covid, and then needing somebody to blame. And it's the same with the truckers who have no issue when asked directly.

If somebody or anybody wants Covid to go away then the simple solution, the only solutions, is to ignore it and all the precautions that pertain to it. For some that will make Covid go away and hence no more need to complain about it. And then perhaps for some it won't go away.

That's the reason why I suggest that those who complain should appeal to Mr. Covid to go away.

That's not a sick joke, it's the sad truth.
I'm perceptive enough to see that Trump is sharp, mentally, and Biden is quite dull. Whataboutism doesn't really work here.

Your worship of the man clouds your judgement.

Or maybe you think that there were airports in the 1700s and that you think we have a national park named Yo So Mite.
ALL have acted in the dumbest ways possible, Trying to put a new unknown virus in some convenient box. Then COMPOUNDING the problem by making it political when in fact it is a medical problem.

The same with the vaccine. All along it should just have remained a personal choice and the government should have never even tried to get involved with it.
Meh, other than when you hear of some oldster (with and bushel basket of other ills) dying of it (supposedly) nobody around here pays it any mind.

Tater the Putz should just follow our lead and get the fuck out of the way. ;)
Yeah. But in all fairness we were told a few thousands times during the previous Admin "this is what he meant"

Maybe one day we will quit putting senile old farts in the White House.
Sometimes these politicians speak a bit too extemporaneously. They are thus prone to contradicting some previously ironed-out policy position. So the staff has to “walk it back.” We do see that in all Administrations.

But about half the time, Brandon can’t even complete a coherent unscripted sentence. His level of dementia is unprecedented and it’s dangerous.
Your worship of the man clouds your judgement.
If you think I worship Trump, your perceptive abilities suck as much as your cognitive ones.

Or maybe you think that there were airports in the 1700s and that you think we have a national park named Yo So Mite.
Sorry, kid, a few gaffes are not comparable to Biden's constant stream of babbling idiocy.
But yet once again he fails to tell us what that is. Could it possibly be because he's lying through his teeth once again?

Obama ordered the CDC to recently say:
  1. 75% of all Fauxi Wuhan flu deaths have 4 or more comorbidities
  2. Natural immunity is 5 times more affected than the jab
  3. Hospitals are to stop counting Fauxi Wuhan flu deaths this week
Biden conquered Fauxi Wuhan Flu!!
The same with the vaccine. All along it should just have remained a personal choice and the government should have never even tried to get involved with it.
No, government has never ignored a need for vaccines and no respectable or responsible government ever will.

You're really just saying that the vaccines aren't effective or the pandemic is fake. And so that has to be your position if you think that Mr. Covid won't go away if you ask him?

You're not alone. Everybody is very sick and tired of Covid so some complain very loudly. The Truckers' horns are the loudest of all but Mr. Covid still isn't listening! What now? Louder horns and bigger mouths?
If you think I worship Trump, your perceptive abilities suck as much as your cognitive ones.

Sorry, kid, a few gaffes are not comparable to Biden's constant stream of babbling idiocy.

As I said old man, Trump is not as bad as Biden, but he has is own issues. Seems you do too! :cool:
But yet once again he fails to tell us what that is. Could it possibly be because he's lying through his teeth once again?

How did your brain turn "we have a way to go" into "I have a way to lead us out"?
But yet once again he fails to tell us what that is. Could it possibly be because he's lying through his teeth once again?

Lol, he told us last year, he was going to get rid of it. What a liar.

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