Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

You have 1 TV station and 3 papers by Murdoch who defend themselves in court by saying no reasonable person would believe them lol, and win! We have every respected journalist in the world. You are an ignoramus.

Gee, I must really be getting under your skin, triggered buttwipe! This election coming up in 60 days must have all you idiot leftist goons sweating in your gender-modified droopy drawers!

Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Jeff Dunetz

President Joe Biden lashed out at Republicans who have embraced the MAGA philosophy saying they’re semi-fascists. I don’t think Biden understands what MAGA means. It’s all about putting America first and making the US the most powerful nation on Earth, both economically and militarily. Some examples include taking control of our southern border, making America energy independent, and building our military so we can take out ISIS or any other threat. It also means reducing business regulations, so companies are free to run their enterprises without government interference. The result is American companies that are more competitive internationally and at home, generating more income (more tax dollars) and more jobs.
According to Webster, the definition of Fascists “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” MAGA pushes personal freedom and keeps the government out of the lives of Americans. That’s the opposite of Fascism.
If a Republican or MAGA supporter had made the same inappropriate reference as Biden spewed, the media would be all over him with criticism. But since he is a Democrat, the MSM is treading lightly around it.

At least Hitler got the autobahn built and won a few of his wars. All Joe Biden has given us is High inflation, food shortages and more discontent.
Actually, history shows that Adolf Hitler could keep the crowds enthralled when he was speaking. Joe is much more likely to put folks to sleep and speak incoherently, so by that measure Joe fails miserably in comparison to Schicklgruber.
It looks like Biden is going to go full nuclear on MAGA Republicans and what a “threat to democracy” Americans all are on Thursday night.
Assuming he does, can anyone think of a time in all of American history where a “President” does a prime-time address to denigrate roughly half of the country?
This is truly staggering beyond words! It also shows just how terrified these guys are of losing - and in a “fair” election, they would get absolutely crushed by MAGA candidates across the board - and Democrats know it. Hence the “label them all crazies before they cream us in the polls” last ditch effort. But a prime-time address to do so? WOW.
Ironically, Stalin was the ultimate “National Socialist”, he rejected Lenin and Trotsky’s internationalism for “Socialism in One Country” and imposed Russian supremacy over the rest of the Soviet Union.
Biden's speech clearly models Hitler's speeches which demonized Jews.

Tyrants who are failing need a minority enemy which they can demonize to distract from the fact that their country is falling apart.

Full transcript of Biden's speech
here Full Transcript of President Biden’s Speech in Philadelphia

Selected bits:

I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pa.

But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.

MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans “a clear and present danger” to our democracy.

And folks, it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.

And MAGA Republicans are destroying American democracy.

Here is a transcript of a Hitler speech in 1922... Hitler on the Jews (1922) - document extract

Selected bits:

It is a battle which began nearly 120 years ago,

That is the lurking danger, and the Jew can meet it in one way only – by destroying the hostile national intelligentsia. That is the inevitable ultimate goal of the Jew in his revolution. And this aim he must pursue; he knows well enough his economics brings no blessing: his is no master people: he is an exploiter: the Jews are a people of robbers. He has never founded any civilisation, though he has destroyed civilisations by the hundred. He possesses nothing of his own creation to which he can point.

Everything that he has is stolen. Foreign peoples, foreign workmen build him his temples, it is foreigners who create and work for him: it is foreigners who shed their blood for him. He knows no ‘people’s army’: he has only hired mercenaries who are ready to go to death on his behalf. He has no art of his own: bit by bit he has stolen it all from the other peoples or has watched them at work and then made his copy. He does not even know how merely to preserve the precious things which others have created: as he turns the treasures over in his hand they are transformed into dirt and dung. He knows that he cannot maintain any State for long. That is one of the differences between him and the Aryan.
Gee, I must really be getting under your skin, triggered buttwipe! This election coming up in 60 days must have all you idiot leftist goons sweating in your gender-modified droopy drawers!
Your election fraud crap is poison. End of story. Not to mention the hate of every possible minority! Sorry about your luck!
Biden's speech clearly models Hitler's speeches which demonized Jews.

Tyrants who are failing need a minority enemy which they can demonize to distract from the fact that their country is falling apart.

Full transcript of Biden's speech
here Full Transcript of President Biden’s Speech in Philadelphia

Selected bits:

I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pa.

But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.

MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans “a clear and present danger” to our democracy.

And folks, it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.

And MAGA Republicans are destroying American democracy.

Here is a transcript of a Hitler speech in 1922... Hitler on the Jews (1922) - document extract

Selected bits:

It is a battle which began nearly 120 years ago,

That is the lurking danger, and the Jew can meet it in one way only – by destroying the hostile national intelligentsia. That is the inevitable ultimate goal of the Jew in his revolution. And this aim he must pursue; he knows well enough his economics brings no blessing: his is no master people: he is an exploiter: the Jews are a people of robbers. He has never founded any civilisation, though he has destroyed civilisations by the hundred. He possesses nothing of his own creation to which he can point.

Everything that he has is stolen. Foreign peoples, foreign workmen build him his temples, it is foreigners who create and work for him: it is foreigners who shed their blood for him. He knows no ‘people’s army’: he has only hired mercenaries who are ready to go to death on his behalf. He has no art of his own: bit by bit he has stolen it all from the other peoples or has watched them at work and then made his copy. He does not even know how merely to preserve the precious things which others have created: as he turns the treasures over in his hand they are transformed into dirt and dung. He knows that he cannot maintain any State for long. That is one of the differences between him and the Aryan.
Your election fraud crap is poison. End of story. Not to mention the hate of every possible minority! Sorry about your luck!
Biden's speech clearly models Hitler's speeches which demonized Jews.

Tyrants who are failing need a minority enemy which they can demonize to distract from the fact that their country is falling apart.

Full transcript of Biden's speech
here Full Transcript of President Biden’s Speech in Philadelphia

Selected bits:

I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pa.

But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.

MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans “a clear and present danger” to our democracy.

And folks, it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.

And MAGA Republicans are destroying American democracy.

Here is a transcript of a Hitler speech in 1922... Hitler on the Jews (1922) - document extract

Selected bits:

It is a battle which began nearly 120 years ago,

That is the lurking danger, and the Jew can meet it in one way only – by destroying the hostile national intelligentsia. That is the inevitable ultimate goal of the Jew in his revolution. And this aim he must pursue; he knows well enough his economics brings no blessing: his is no master people: he is an exploiter: the Jews are a people of robbers. He has never founded any civilisation, though he has destroyed civilisations by the hundred. He possesses nothing of his own creation to which he can point.

Everything that he has is stolen. Foreign peoples, foreign workmen build him his temples, it is foreigners who create and work for him: it is foreigners who shed their blood for him. He knows no ‘people’s army’: he has only hired mercenaries who are ready to go to death on his behalf. He has no art of his own: bit by bit he has stolen it all from the other peoples or has watched them at work and then made his copy. He does not even know how merely to preserve the precious things which others have created: as he turns the treasures over in his hand they are transformed into dirt and dung. He knows that he cannot maintain any State for long. That is one of the differences between him and the Aryan.

Basically, the same speech just change the names Jew(s) to MAGA and Joey Xi has once again plagiarized someone else's words.
This is his M.O. it will never change. A little man that thinks he much larger.
A typical wannabe tyrant.
A better comparison would be to Chairman Mao but physically it just doesn't have optics.

Still, Xiden and Mao are both Chinese Communists and both have killed millions. One openly; the other with his Wuhhan virus.

The Hitler comparison WAS enhanced by the blood-red backing and the veiled cry for a new Kristallnacht.
Probably because 3/4 of the people on this message board are brainwashed fanatic ignoramus GOP base zombies.

We are just smarter than you. Like many Democrats, you likely live in a large inner city in a hovel on the government dime.
Biden's speech clearly models Hitler's speeches which demonized Jews.

Tyrants who are failing need a minority enemy which they can demonize to distract from the fact that their country is falling apart.

Full transcript of Biden's speech
here Full Transcript of President Biden’s Speech in Philadelphia

Selected bits:

I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pa.

But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.

MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans “a clear and present danger” to our democracy.

And folks, it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.

And MAGA Republicans are destroying American democracy.

Here is a transcript of a Hitler speech in 1922... Hitler on the Jews (1922) - document extract

Selected bits:

It is a battle which began nearly 120 years ago,

That is the lurking danger, and the Jew can meet it in one way only – by destroying the hostile national intelligentsia. That is the inevitable ultimate goal of the Jew in his revolution. And this aim he must pursue; he knows well enough his economics brings no blessing: his is no master people: he is an exploiter: the Jews are a people of robbers. He has never founded any civilisation, though he has destroyed civilisations by the hundred. He possesses nothing of his own creation to which he can point.

Everything that he has is stolen. Foreign peoples, foreign workmen build him his temples, it is foreigners who create and work for him: it is foreigners who shed their blood for him. He knows no ‘people’s army’: he has only hired mercenaries who are ready to go to death on his behalf. He has no art of his own: bit by bit he has stolen it all from the other peoples or has watched them at work and then made his copy. He does not even know how merely to preserve the precious things which others have created: as he turns the treasures over in his hand they are transformed into dirt and dung. He knows that he cannot maintain any State for long. That is one of the differences between him and the Aryan.
Fuckwad Biden used MAGA Republicans because he is afraid to say what he really means. He means white people. Enemy democrats know exactly what he means.
Um, 70%+ of the lowest of the low in this country. Democrats have kids and the low income(least successful) vote wrapped up. Have you ever thought why that is?
BS, clueless dupe. They have the reality vote. Trump has the dupe or greedy idiot vote...The only diff is the black vote which gets badly disriminated against. The GOP has the rube/racist welfare vote duhh...
Fuckwad Biden used MAGA Republicans because he is afraid to say what he really means. He means white people. Enemy democrats know exactly what he means.
hE MEANS LIARS AND DUPES SAYING THE ELECTION WAS STOLE N BY oops stolen by the election officials DOJ FBI Pedo Dems the courts, everyone outside your propaganda bubble. You're pathetic ignoramus traitors to democracy and reality...DUHH
Basically, the same speech just change the names Jew(s) to MAGA and Joey Xi has once again plagiarized someone else's words.
This is his M.O. it will never change. A little man that thinks he much larger.
A typical wannabe tyrant.
It's all about screaming the election was stolen w/o evidence DUHHHH
hE MEANS LIARS AND DUPES SAYING THE ELECTION WAS STOLE N BY oops stolen by the election officials DOJ FBI Pedo Dems the courts, everyone outside your propaganda bubble. You're pathetic ignoramus traitors to democracy and reality...DUHH
He can't redefine MAGA Republicans.

MAGA Republicans are Republicans who voted for Trump. MAGA = Trump's Campaign slogan. Republicans who voted Trump are MAGA Republicans. I am one. Republicans who still support Trump (like me) are Ultra Macho Mega MAGA Republicans. :)

The election may or may not have been stolen through a combination of fraud and also unConstitutional (extra-legislative) changes to the voting process in swing states based upon emergency orders during the Pandemic.

We want voting photo ID requirements, and no universal mail-in ballots or extensions to voting deadlines without being passed by the respective legislature. Absentee ballots should require proof of identity as well (copy of ID at least), not just a signature. It's too easy to cheat with all of the changes that were made extra-legislatively.

We who think like this are not threats to Democracy as Biden stated. Conversely, we want free and fair elections.

He can't redefine MAGA Republicans.

MAGA Republicans are Republicans who voted for Trump. MAGA = Trump's Campaign slogan. Republicans who voted Trump are MAGA Republicans. I am one. Republicans who still support Trump (like me) are Ultra Macho Mega MAGA Republicans. :)

The election may or may not have been stolen through a combination of fraud and also unConstitutional (extra-legislative) changes to the voting process in swing states based upon emergency orders during the Pandemic.

We want voting photo ID requirements, and no universal mail-in ballots or extensions to voting deadlines without being passed by the respective legislature. Absentee ballots should require proof of identity as well (copy of ID at least), not just a signature. It's too easy to cheat with all of the changes that were made extra-legislatively.

We who think like this are not threats to Democracy as Biden stated. Conversely, we want free and fair elections.

There's another side to that coin.

There are blue collar union democrook voters who support Trump and the MAGA agenda. People who own AR's and Glocks with Standard Capacity Magazines and are patriotic but don't trust republicrats because let's face it, the GOP is almost as shitty as the the treasonous despotic criminal DNC syndicate.

They may be more likely to accept the results of the 2016 election because they consume media that will suppress any and every indication that dead people mailed in ballots to just a certain few pivotal counties in pivotal states.

Their unions and people they associate with at work will purge them for expressing doubt, dissent or even neutrality. "Silence is violence" was something chanted by BLM terrorists that accosted people trying to eat at restaurants just a couple years ago when mobs would enter and terrorize people just trying to eat in the few places that were open.

I remain optimistic that many more living voters are going to be motivated to purge the criminal democrook political whores from their seats than the traitors can overcome.
There's another side to that coin.

There are blue collar union democrook voters who support Trump and the MAGA agenda. People who own AR's and Glocks with Standard Capacity Magazines and are patriotic but don't trust republicrats because let's face it, the GOP is almost as shitty as the the treasonous despotic criminal DNC syndicate.

They may be more likely to accept the results of the 2016 election because they consume media that will suppress any and every indication that dead people mailed in ballots to just a certain few pivotal counties in pivotal states.

Their unions and people they associate with at work will purge them for expressing doubt, dissent or even neutrality. "Silence is violence" was something chanted by BLM terrorists that accosted people trying to eat at restaurants just a couple years ago when mobs would enter and terrorize people just trying to eat in the few places that were open.

I remain optimistic that many more living voters are going to be motivated to purge the criminal democrook political whores from their seats than the traitors can overcome.
Yeah, and there are Democrat union blue collar voters who were very concerned about what they saw yesterday...

(30 sec video of articulate Dem)
He can't redefine MAGA Republicans.

MAGA Republicans are Republicans who voted for Trump. MAGA = Trump's Campaign slogan. Republicans who voted Trump are MAGA Republicans. I am one. Republicans who still support Trump (like me) are Ultra Macho Mega MAGA Republicans. :)

The election may or may not have been stolen through a combination of fraud and also unConstitutional (extra-legislative) changes to the voting process in swing states based upon emergency orders during the Pandemic.

We want voting photo ID requirements, and no universal mail-in ballots or extensions to voting deadlines without being passed by the respective legislature. Absentee ballots should require proof of identity as well (copy of ID at least), not just a signature. It's too easy to cheat with all of the changes that were made extra-legislatively.

We who think like this are not threats to Democracy as Biden stated. Conversely, we want free and fair elections.

Today 53% of GOP don't want Trump. But he scares them. No cheating, dupe. Proven 63 times. Total garbage.
He can't redefine MAGA Republicans.

MAGA Republicans are Republicans who voted for Trump. MAGA = Trump's Campaign slogan. Republicans who voted Trump are MAGA Republicans. I am one. Republicans who still support Trump (like me) are Ultra Macho Mega MAGA Republicans. :)

The election may or may not have been stolen through a combination of fraud and also unConstitutional (extra-legislative) changes to the voting process in swing states based upon emergency orders during the Pandemic.

We want voting photo ID requirements, and no universal mail-in ballots or extensions to voting deadlines without being passed by the respective legislature. Absentee ballots should require proof of identity as well (copy of ID at least), not just a signature. It's too easy to cheat with all of the changes that were made extra-legislatively.

We who think like this are not threats to Democracy as Biden stated. Conversely, we want free and fair elections.

Lying that cheating went on is semi-fascist anti-American garbage, dupe.

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