Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Jeff Dunetz

President Joe Biden lashed out at Republicans who have embraced the MAGA philosophy saying they’re semi-fascists. I don’t think Biden understands what MAGA means. It’s all about putting America first and making the US the most powerful nation on Earth, both economically and militarily. Some examples include taking control of our southern border, making America energy independent, and building our military so we can take out ISIS or any other threat. It also means reducing business regulations, so companies are free to run their enterprises without government interference. The result is American companies that are more competitive internationally and at home, generating more income (more tax dollars) and more jobs.
According to Webster, the definition of Fascists “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” MAGA pushes personal freedom and keeps the government out of the lives of Americans. That’s the opposite of Fascism.
If a Republican or MAGA supporter had made the same inappropriate reference as Biden spewed, the media would be all over him with criticism. But since he is a Democrat, the MSM is treading lightly around it.

At least Hitler got the autobahn built and won a few of his wars. All Joe Biden has given us is High inflation, food shortages and more discontent.
Actually, history shows that Adolf Hitler could keep the crowds enthralled when he was speaking. Joe is much more likely to put folks to sleep and speak incoherently, so by that measure Joe fails miserably in comparison to Schicklgruber.
It looks like Biden is going to go full nuclear on MAGA Republicans and what a “threat to democracy” Americans all are on Thursday night.
Assuming he does, can anyone think of a time in all of American history where a “President” does a prime-time address to denigrate roughly half of the country?
This is truly staggering beyond words! It also shows just how terrified these guys are of losing - and in a “fair” election, they would get absolutely crushed by MAGA candidates across the board - and Democrats know it. Hence the “label them all crazies before they cream us in the polls” last ditch effort. But a prime-time address to do so? WOW.
Ironically, Stalin was the ultimate “National Socialist”, he rejected Lenin and Trotsky’s internationalism for “Socialism in One Country” and imposed Russian supremacy over the rest of the Soviet Union.
Don't act like Hitler...easy peasy.
How quickly you forget. Does Russian collusion ring a bell? What about hanging chads?
How quickly you forget. Does Russian collusion ring a bell? What about hanging chads?

How quickly you forget. Does Russian collusion ring a bell? What about hanging chads?

What do hanging chads have to do with a president in this country trying to over throw an election. And actual people died because a president wanted to remain in office no matter what we the people think. We're getting real close to fascism with this present republican party who don't mind what trump says or does. Remember, this is a guy who lost the election by 8 million votes.
What do hanging chads have to do with a president in this country trying to over throw an election. And actual people died because a president wanted to remain in office no matter what we the people think. We're getting real close to fascism with this present republican party who don't mind what trump says or does. Remember, this is a guy who lost the election by 8 million votes.
You are of course referring to those shot and battered by police.
Leftist elites are authoritarian.

Corporate bureaucrats work with government bureaucrats to smother free speech.
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No, he should be held responsible for his stupidity each and every time.

And constantly reminded.
I get what you're saying, but if you had a parrot in a cage how much time would you spend convincing it that it is stupid?

MarcATL is no more cognizant than a parrot, he just has a slightly higher vocabulary.

I get what you're saying, but if you had a parrot in a cage how much time would you spend convincing it that it is stupid?

MarcATL is no more cognizant than a parrot, he just has a slightly higher vocabulary.


Here is why it is important to respond.

The stats show that 5 to 10 times more read a thread than post in one...and those are largely ignorant, indoctrinated government school grads.

When morons like the one you identified post, lots of others don't know how wrong he is.....until we resond and they see the truth.
What do hanging chads have to do with a president in this country trying to over throw an election. And actual people died because a president wanted to remain in office no matter what we the people think. We're getting real close to fascism with this present republican party who don't mind what trump says or does. Remember, this is a guy who lost the election by 8 million votes.
First off Trump did not try and overthrow the government and stay in office. However, that was not the question from you anyway (nice try to deflect when you lost the argument). Your statement was....
you lose an election, then cry like a little baby and insist that you won
I personally never made a statement that Trump won, but did point out that the democrats cry foul just as much if not more as shown with Russian collusion hoax and the hanging chad incident.
What do hanging chads have to do with a president in this country trying to over throw an election. And actual people died because a president wanted to remain in office no matter what we the people think. We're getting real close to fascism with this present republican party who don't mind what trump says or does. Remember, this is a guy who lost the election by 8 million votes.

No he didn't.

1. In order to steal the 2020 election, Democrats ignored the constitutional mandate that only the elected state legislatures can alter the “time, place, and manner” of elections.

2. That means that any state where

election officials,

attorneys general,

state courts,

state constitutions,

sec’ys of state, etc.
instituted any of these alterations in voting.....
Drop boxes

Ballot harvesting

Alter times methods of voting

How long after dates can votes be counted

Signing of absentee ballots..... was not a legal election.

3. And they'd love to do it again:

"Another Leftist Attempt to Rewrite Election Rules Goes Down in Flames​

...liberals attempted to put a measure on the November ballot to gut election safeguards and skew voting rules in the influential swing state.
...a coalition of groups committed to preserving election integrity came together to challenge that effort in court. On Friday, the Arizona Supreme Court agreed: Proponents did not turn in enough legal signatures to qualify for the ballot.

Cue the predictable liberal anger. Almost immediately the left began lashing out at Arizona’s courts for “suppressing democracy.”

The 26-page initiative was a left-wing wish list of loose voting laws. The proposal gutted voter ID and eliminated safeguards against noncitizen voting.

Key protections for mail ballots would have been eliminated, and vote trafficking by political operatives would have been given the green light."

Another Leftist Attempt to Rewrite Election Rules Goes Down in Flames

Another left-wing attempt to rewrite election rules has gone down in flames.

Irony of Biden's Insane Anti-MAGA Speech Last Night Was Captured With One Photo

3 Aug 2022 ~~ By Matt Vespa

Spencer already took a katana to the insane speech Joe Biden delivered last night in Philadelphia. As Joe Biden said, he was standing on hallowed ground, referencing Independence Hall. Still, his speech was a contradictory and incomprehensible mess that could only come from a man riddled with dementia and long COVID. It was a silly speech where he declared anyone who disagreed with him enemies of the state, specifically MAGA Republicans.

Yes, the people who want a smaller government, fewer taxes, better trade deals, more freedom, a secure border, and job creation are quasi-Nazis. The Americans against having their kids undergo hysterectomies, favor energy independence, and want some resemblances of public safety are “semi-fascist.” The name-calling is flying because Joe Biden has accomplished nothing in his public service career, let alone as our White House steward. The jobs report came out today, and the only thing notable about it is that unemployment ticked up, which flies in the face of the neo-renaissance narrative this White House has tried to sell as we’re in the throes of an economic recession and high inflation.
The actual irony, however, is the photo of Biden behind the seal of the presidency outside of Independence Hall. The image does carry some heavy Nuremberg 1938 vibes, which was not lost on anyone, amid Joe and his lackeys smearing Republicans as fascists for days. In 2017, during Trump's inauguration speech, then-MSNBC host Chris Matthews described it as "Hitlerian."
Seldom are any Nazi comparisons appropriate concerning American politics since it’s such a trite talking point when speaking about one’s opponents, but Biden just legitimized it with these images.
What’s his new title? Is it High Chancellor Joe Biden? Are we about to form the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction? For all the talk about “semi-fascism,” Joe—this image is marinated in it.

Under the regime of Joe Biden and his Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies they have implemented their totalitarian wish list.
First their nearly yearlong insurgency in the name of George Floyd, the implementation of the fraudulent mail in ballots, the false flag supposed insurgency actually a protest of January sixth, turned riot by D.C. Police.
What can be expected by Biden's political speech last evening is more persecution of what Joey claims are the MAGA citizens of his opposition.
Look to see more persecution and arrests before November.
And what? Read the drivel being put out by all of the fake leftwing news sites? I get my info much closer to the source bypassing all of your communist propaganda, stooge.
You have 1 TV station and 3 papers by Murdoch who defend themselves in court by saying no reasonable person would believe them lol, and win! We have every respected journalist in the world. You are an ignoramus.

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