Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

You actually seem proud of Trump's proven Russian collusion. It's kind of sad. I know you weren't always a traitor. The Trump cult transformed you into one.

A distraction brought up by the Republicans, so they could excuse not counting the overvotes with clear voter intent. Those were legal votes under every version of Florida law, and counting them would have resulted in an easy win for Gore.

I don't know why you're still whining about that. You cheated, you won, get over it already.
you just ate the word "semi-fascist" up didnt you Franco?......fucking Aaron Judge....dam....and with no help....
telling people the election was stolen with no evidence is anti-American, incredibly destructive garbage. Gave asholes the idea around the world too, great job! Unlike dupes and ignoramuses, I know what fascism is...
telling people the election was stolen with no evidence is anti-American, incredibly destructive garbage. Gave asholes the idea around the world too, great job! Unlike dupes and ignoramuses, I know what fascism is...
if i say biden is a that anti-American?....
Everyone in the modern world outside your bubble of BS knows you're nuts...

Really? Have you spoken to them all individually by phone all around the planet or tallied everyone by internet, Speed?

And which parts of the world are not "modern, "Ace?" If I travel there, does the calendar change dates back to the 19th century?

And do you ever tire of your own spoon-fed brainwashed bullshit horsecrap or is that just what you eat for breakfast everyday anyway?
LOL. So, you're trying to say there is no fraud in any election?

The entire history of American elections are STEEPED in fraud. Back in the late 19th/early 20th century, they used to have guys who went around every neighborhood to tell people how they were going to vote!

Who wouldn't thought that here now in the 21st century, the democrats would STILL be running elections that way?
Biden is no Hitler, he isn't intelligent, he is terrible at speaking but he is no Hitler and as bad as Trump was/is, he is certainly no Hitler. They are both lousy Presidents but they do not compare to Hitler.
Hitler was a evil piece of Trash!

With that written Hitler was smarter than Laurel and Hardy!

Even Mussolini was smarter and he was a complete moron!
Hitler was a evil piece of Trash!

With that written Hitler was smarter than Laurel and Hardy!

Even Mussolini was smarter and he was a complete moron!
Moose is about Trump level...great con men...

Hitler had radio, Trump has TV and internet for the hate brainwash. Snap out of it lol...not you
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The entire history of American elections are STEEPED in fraud. Back in the late 19th/early 20th century, they used to have guys who went around every neighborhood to tell people how they were going to vote!

Who wouldn't thought that here now in the 21st century, the democrats would STILL be running elections that way?
Your bs was laughed out of every court in the country. They never get to lie there, just on fox
The entire history of American elections are STEEPED in fraud. Back in the late 19th/early 20th century, they used to have guys who went around every neighborhood to tell people how they were going to vote!

Who wouldn't thought that here now in the 21st century, the democrats would STILL be running elections that way?
Not since
Anyone notice that the more power Joe acquires through constant subversion
of our government, the crazier a look he gets in his eyes? Like a madman
drunk with power. A crazy, glazed stare kinda like Adam Schiff.
Exactly how Hitler's Nazi Movement begun.


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