Joe Biden ....plagarist

I can't wait to see Joe and Trump on stage together....Trump will make Joe cry....

Trump was banned from operating a charitable foundation because he defrauds charities
Trump was fined $20,000,000 for operating a get rich scheme called Trump University.
Trump has screwed countless contractors, waiters waitresses dishwashers, etc. out of their pay,
Trump was sued for raping a 13 year old.
Trump has numerous allegations of sexual harassment and assault charges and suits against him.
Trump's creditworthiness was so bad he had to go the Russians to get loans.
Trump is in league with Russian oligarchs and was most likely operating a money laundering operation for those oligarchs.

Biden: He copied a few words in 1987.

Save me your faux outrage about Biden. It only makes all of you look pathetic and sad.
I was done w/ Joe back when>>>


Plagiarism is the least of America's crazy uncle's problems.

Exactly...............Sean Hannity Announces He Will Launch Bombshell Book ‘Profiles in Corruption’
Yeah and it will be ghost written. Talk about irony. LOL

No let us talk about ildiot. hehheh No one said Hannity was the author. Try reading a link before you comment on it.
I don’t press links that contain the words “Sean Hannity”. It is a waste of my 5 milliseconds.
My guess is that Biden will be the democrat party's nominee. The campaign should be a circus.

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