Joe Biden: “Who in God’s Name Needs a Weapon with 100 Rounds in Their Chamber

That chick could lose a nipple if she is not careful.
That picture is fake. Look at where the arrow is in the bow string, the string is curved instead of pulled tight. Plus, is the shaft invisible?
Remember the first article of being a democrat is accuse others of what you are doing

This guy is arming every agency in the government with AR's

Also, on a lighter note. The dems are so particular now about correct based labeling. "a hundred round chamber." ?????? okaaaay. LOL

We all need at least one of these though.

Why did they shoot him?

Who cares? He got deleted regardless.

The point is that if government feels that it needs that much hardware to take out that one poor sap, it seems fair to say that someone's wife or mother should benefit from the same opportunity if someone breaks into their home while their old man's at work or whatever.

Who cares? He got deleted regardless.

The point is that if government feels that it needs that much hardware to take out that one poor sap, it seems fair to say that someone's wife or mother should benefit from the same opportunity if someone breaks into their home while their old man's at work or whatever.

Well, from the video I didn't see any reason to shoot him. Someone will want to know why.
I think he has a clue, and that's what scares the crap out of him. Tyrannical governments hate armed slaves. They're a major roadblock to total domination.

Who needs a weapon with 100 rounds?








Lots and lots of good reasons to be well armed and prepared.
Yes, did you know that only 21% of Americans have been to university.........

.......and shot someone.
First of all, the M-16 Colt Arms number is AR-15 Model 604. And at one time, it did use the 20 round but has long since, gone to the 30 round mags. The argument that the M-16 isn't an AR-15 sailed a long time ago.

Military Assassins don't use the M-16. It has too short of range and the bullet doesn't have the kill power. The two rounds for snipers is the 7.62 and the 50 cal. If you have to go up to 800 yds, the M-16 loses it at about 400 yds. And the 7.62 has the knockout power at 800yds and the 50 cal (Barrett) goes out beyond that and has done some really fantastic distance shots.

The M-60 doesn't use a box of ammo. It uses a belt fed magazine. It's a 7.62 at about 600 rounds a minute. There is a reason it's normally mounted on something. When I was in the Military, I wasn't big enough to fire that monster for a very long time. But, then again, the old M-60 used 30.06 ammo which has more power than the 3.08. Still, the M-60 isn't normally a single person rifle.
when I was in the army a 2 man team carried a M-60 machine gun. it had a tri-pod and an extra barrel plus the ammo boxes we had to carry. I was never in a combat zone. a buddy of mine ended up assigned to a m-60 machine and he named me his assistant. we both got extra training firing the m-60. in addition to carrying everything that came with the m-60 I as his assistant had to carry my m-16 too. imagine when you were in full combat gear and carrying all that extra weight. but it was just training.
when I was in the army a 2 man team carried a M-60 machine gun. it had a tri-pod and an extra barrel plus the ammo boxes we had to carry. I was never in a combat zone. a buddy of mine ended up assigned to a m-60 machine and he named me his assistant. we both got extra training firing the m-60. in addition to carrying everything that came with the m-60 I as his assistant had to carry my m-16 too. imagine when you were in full combat gear and carrying all that extra weight. but it was just training.

We trained that the M-16 was there to support the 2 and 3 man M-60 crew. While the overbrush deflected our 223 rounds, the 180 ought six of the M-60 just chewed everything and everyone up. Yah, I know, you were using the Nato 7.62 but that change had two reasons from happening. The 7.62 is a nato round and was easier to get ammo overseas. The other reason, the Ought6 was more powerful and pretty much beat up the M-60 crew pretty bad. The good news is, when the old M-60 Ought6 opened up, the battle ended pretty quick. And that "Training" you was doing was so that you automatically operated the same way in a firefight.
when I was in the army a 2 man team carried a M-60 machine gun. it had a tri-pod and an extra barrel plus the ammo boxes we had to carry. I was never in a combat zone. a buddy of mine ended up assigned to a m-60 machine and he named me his assistant. we both got extra training firing the m-60. in addition to carrying everything that came with the m-60 I as his assistant had to carry my m-16 too. imagine when you were in full combat gear and carrying all that extra weight. but it was just training.
It wasn’t the weight as much as the balance. I worked as an aggressor squad leader for a while, I carried an M-60, it was hard because it pulled me forward. One mission my RTO was hurt so I carried the PRC-77 radio as well. Well the gun and radio balanced and the two were easier to carry than either alone. After that I carried both when we went into the field. I split the ammo with the rest of my squad and carried the spare barrel myself. We never carried the tripod, it was wasted weight.

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