Joe Biden, you know the President of the United States, just announced the Pandemic is over....Marxists are in a panic with no more mail in voting.

The Gold Standard of voting is, (a) Make Election Day a national holiday, (b). In-person and legitimate Absentee Ballots only (no mail-in), (c) Government-provided picture ID, and (d) paper ballots that are retained at least until the next election.

ANYTHING ELSE is a "threat to Democracy," in spite of the current Leftist Narrative to the contrary.

Alternatively, just go back to 2016 rules, under which Donald Trump would have won in a landslide.

No rational country allows mail-in voting, for the obvious reason that it invites fraud. With the end of the Pandemic, there is NO POSSIBLE JUSTIFICATION for the continuation of mail-in voting.

Convenient? Gimmeafukkinbreak. We are talking about who runs the country here. Fuck your convenience.

The Gold Standard is to make voting as convenient as possible to the public. Actually encourage people to vote.
There is nothing noble about standing in line for hours just to vote.
With the end of mail-in ballots and the call for voter ID, the Democrats will have to scramble to find new ways to commit election fraud.
Dem's plan is early voting. 2 months early BEFORE any debates or campaigning can take place and prevent people from changing their vote.
How is this not secure.

I requested a mail-in ballot using personal information that only me or a ID thief would have. That ballot was mailed to my address on file with my voter registration. Once it came I filled it out and signed the envelope and sent it back. The ballot had an ID number known only to me and I could track it from post office to election office to processing to being counted. If the signature did not match they contacted you via Email you supplied when you requested your ballot and you had till election day to prove it was you.

Many states sent out mail-in ballots without a request.
'The pandemic is over,' Biden says on '60 Minutes' So if the Pandemic is over, there should not be a need for mail in voting. The whole reason why the Covid-19 release was to allow the Marxists of the country to instill fear upon the masses and get them to stay at home thus allowing the Marxists to control what ballots would be used and what wouldnt be used. Now people can get out and in person vote again. Joe Biden is the enemy of the Marxists.
The Democrat Dirty Tricks Department knows how to steal an election with the scam of mail in and harvested ballots and the Pandemic coming to an end will not prevent them from doing it again and again.
The Democrat Dirty Tricks Department knows how to steal an election with the scam of mail in and harvested ballots and the Pandemic coming to an end will not prevent them from doing it again and again.

Let's not forget in many cases democrat cheating is assisted by republicans.
The reason that we are seeing endless discussions of democrat election fraud is because the world of longer sees democrats at the same. 2020 changed everything. We will be having these discussions of democrat election fraud in every election from 2020 on. These discussions of democrat election fraud are permanent.
'The pandemic is over,' Biden says on '60 Minutes' So if the Pandemic is over, there should not be a need for mail in voting. The whole reason why the Covid-19 release was to allow the Marxists of the country to instill fear upon the masses and get them to stay at home thus allowing the Marxists to control what ballots would be used and what wouldnt be used. Now people can get out and in person vote again. Joe Biden is the enemy of the Marxists.

You do know that mail in voting happens in multiple states, and some have mail in voting as not right?
Only in nutjob fantasied
The reason that we are seeing endless discussions of democrat election fraud is because the world of longer sees democrats the same after the 2020 election. 2020 changed everything. We will be having these discussions of democrat election fraud in every election from 2020 on. These discussions of democrat election fraud are permanent.
The mail-in ballots themselves are not being ended, but states are putting stipulations on them. Like Texas, for example, with stricter ID requirements for voting by mail. And you liberals are already crying about it...

Voting Laws Roundup: February 2022
Voter IDs are a waste. It's to late for that.

Trump has damaged our elections, perhaps past the point of no return.

The Republicans let the Democrat filth get away with stealing the election.

Just look at that traitor Pense as an example. As President of the Senate he could have insisted on an audit of the disputed districts but he didn't.
Probably because the Marxists have dirt on him.
Voter IDs are a waste. It's to late for that.

Trump has damaged our elections, perhaps past the point of no return.


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