Joe Biden's Porous Brain and the Macabre Biden Presidency

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

I think that everybody, left and right, knows that Joe Biden is way past his freshness date. At this point in his long, horrible life his brain has shriveled up to the size of a raisin. If not for his handlers he would regularly be photographed shitting himself and chasing people with a hammer. But the Dems are masters in all things fake. Like the esteemed Ayatollah Obama, Joe Biden has a carefully crafted media image that is 100% total bullshit. One weak-minded herd animals and closed-minded partisans object to this self-evident assessment.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the office of the presidency - the Article II Executive - carries many heavy responsibilities. The president carries the nuclear codes around, He is the single person with the most authority in the area of foreign affairs. He can launch military strikes. That is some heavy shit. Without a doubt, Joe Biden cannot handle these things. How many times do you think he can ordered deadly drone strikes of the nearby McDonalds because he does not like their ice cream? One time, two times...more? How many times do you think he has presented the national security team with the option of drafting Iron Man into the USAF to bolster America's defense against the League of Doom? Once? Twice? More?

There there is all the weird shit, like how many living space aliens America is holding in the underground containment facility at Wright-Patterson AFB; or how we are manipulating the ionosphere to fuck with weather and communications; or how we are experimenting with time travel. Joe cannot handle all that. It would destroy whatever is left of his brain. Plus, he would be blurting it out all the time. We all know this.

Therefore, based upon the assumption (or, fact) that Biden cannot handle the sensitive information that goes along with being president, then who is in charge of that stuff? Who is giving the "GO" order to fire on UFOS? What individual provides approval every time our scientists want to bend the space-time continuum? I don't know, and you do not know. But what I DO KNOW is that whoever is doing it, he or she is not and elected official. We do not even know if they have America's best interests in mind when they usurp Art. II powers.

Was Trump able to handle all that? Yeah, I think he was. In fact, I think that he alone is uniquely able to effectively handle all of the weird shit. Remember the South Park episode where Chef was about to unknowingly marry a succubus? "Oh, bout tree-fiddy" - that one? Chef's grandparents were constantly talking about weird shit. But, once the succubus finally reared its ugly head, those grandparents were fucking spot-on! That's Donald Trump to a T. He is just like Chef's grandparents. Say and think what you will about him, but he always has our back against every enemy out there.

How about Obama? He could handle it ok. But I strongly suspect that he liked to play with it. Barry is fundamentally like a toddler on an emotional level. I can see him order something stupid like "I got $100 on the Bulls in NYC this weekend. Shoot some of those mind missiles down onto the Garden during the game and let's see what happens! hah hah hah hah!!".

George W. Bush? Yeah, he could handle it. He fucking reveled in it. How many times do you think he got coked up and raped those fucking gray aliens at SA5? Once? Twice?

How about old rootin' tootin' Wild Bill Clinton? Billy knew how to keep the weird shit under his boot. After all, he married a cold blooded alien. He bred the fucker with Hubbell because he did not want to get any of that glowing green shit on his dick, then got that stupid fucking monstrosity they call "Chelsea". But like Barry-O, Wild Bill was a little too immature to handle the woo responsibly.

Then there was HW Bush and Reagan. There is not reason to go any farther, as these are guys from the greatest generation, not the faggots that came after them. So let's go back to the present day.

Joe Biden cannot even make a single speech without a major fuck-up. Yet we allow him to control our nukes and space aliens? Preposterous! He does not control shit. But someone is controlling everything, and they were not elected by the people. This means that the one in the WH with his foot on the pedal is acting constitutionally ultra vires.

The 2020 election win was procured by the Democrats through FRAUD. That is, they convinced America that Joe was a normal, functioning man. He isn't. He hasn't been for years. Had voters known that he was a vegetable they would not have voted for him. Given that he is a vegetable, we have a right and a duty to remove him from office. This administration is ipso facto illegal, contra the U.S. Constitution.

Even prior to the dementia setting in, Joe had brain damage. He had brain surgery for a very serious aneurism years ago. It is well noted that Joe was never the same after that, most likely the result of oxygen deprivation during the surgery. So you have, (1) a stupid man; (2) with no morals or character; (3) suffering brain damage; and then (4) experiencing and onset of debilitating dementia. Let's face it, Joe is essentially a corpse operating on the cognitive level of slug. He won't set foot in Canada because he would be euthanized.

So while this macabre tragedy plays out in DC, who is looking after all of us? Nobody! Our federal government has been wrestled away from The People through force and fraud. If this is not a coup, then I do not know what is. It has absolutely nothing to do with voter fraud. It has everything to do with the leftists and corporate media racketeers and conspiring for power, all the while undermining our constitutional republic.

Joe Biden's Porous Brain​

Video gif. A dumpster floats down a flooded street, containing a superimposed fire.

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