Joe was bad, Trump was worse

A perfect example of Cognitive Rigidity .

Whether you ever realise that you need help is something we shall watch with keen interest .

You are like a dog owner whose charge has shat in the middle of the pavement -- yet you deny it ..
Meh. I was clear. Biden looked terrible but Trump spouted nonsense. Substance over style wins and Trump had negative substance. Biden's substance was low due to his delivery but it wasnt nonstop lies.
Trump lost. Yes. I didnt say he looked lost, like Biden did.
Define "lost". In terms of the modern televised American presidential debate, he won decisively. I said before the debate that it was his to lose if all he did was not get too snarky and look strong and healthy next to the frail, elderly, confused Quid Pro Joe, and that's what he did.
I didn't either. But even the Dems admit Biden looked awful. Now the question is whether they can replace him. And with whom. It's not like there's a deep bench.
I was one for Michelle Biden... She would have eaten Trump for breakfast with a basic knowledge of the topics. Trump was truly terrible as well, he was lying to point of loose connection to reality.. Just Trump says a lot worse with confidence...

Biden should have been able to capitalise on this but he didn't... Anyone could articlulated how Trump actually caused, Afghan Mess, Global Inflation, COVID deaths (Red v Blue states),...
Trump was a crap President and it should have been easy to show that...

Even when he says he had a great economy, just say he inherited a great economy from Obama and he gave back a wreak... Then complains that people don't fix his mess fast enough, but that what you get from someone who hasn't done a manual days work in his left... 'Donal, time for some executive time, do you remember the executive time from his admin?'
There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.

It goes without saying that you not watching it does not prevent you from getting all puffed up thinking you are the expert on it
Old Man or Con Man, that will be the voters choice. Biden won the debate hands down. Trump deflected and lied on every issue. Biden failed to convince voters that he wasn’t 81.

Your choice old man or con man.
Define "lost". In terms of the modern televised American presidential debate, he won decisively. I said before the debate that it was his to lose if all he did was not get too snarky and look strong and healthy next to the frail, elderly, confused Quid Pro Joe, and that's what he did.
Its like they both showed up to a bowling alley. Biden hit like 4-5 pins down in 10 tries which is abysmal and Trump went over to the arcade and played DigDug instead of bowled. Yea, id say Biden won but looked like a terrible bowler.
Meh. I was clear. Biden looked terrible but Trump spouted nonsense. Substance over style wins and Trump had negative substance. Biden's substance was low due to his delivery but it wasnt nonstop lies.

Oh honey, you've been teaching us for decades that appearance/"style" is all that matters, right? I believe you call it "Identity Politics"

Your game.

Your rules.

You hate it now, right?
I was one for Michelle Biden... She would have eaten Trump for breakfast with a basic knowledge of the topics. Trump was truly terrible as well, he was lying to point of loose connection to reality.. Just Trump says a lot worse with confidence...

Biden should have been able to capitalise on this but he didn't... Anyone could articlulated how Trump actually caused, Afghan Mess, Global Inflation, COVID deaths (Red v Blue states),...
Trump was a crap President and it should have been easy to show that...

Even when he says he had a great economy, just say he inherited a great economy from Obama and he gave back a wreak... Then complains that people don't fix his mess fast enough, but that what you get from someone who hasn't done a manual days work in his left... 'Donal, time for some executive time, do you remember the executive time from his admin?'
I suspect she's had to change her cell phone number. No doubt the DNC is after her big time.

She hated life in the WH. Melania seems to too, for that matter. Can't blame them.
Oh honey, you've been teaching us for decades that appearance/"style" is all that matters, right? I believe you call it "Identity Politics"

Your game.

Your rules.

You hate it now, right?
That makes no sense. However... your little routine where you copy and paste that on all your responses is style over substance. It is paper thin logic that only makes sense if you dont need it to make sense.

Your nonsense

Your illogic

You hate BudLight now, right?
I was one for Michelle Biden... She would have eaten Trump for breakfast with a basic knowledge of the topics. Trump was truly terrible as well, he was lying to point of loose connection to reality.. Just Trump says a lot worse with confidence...

I suspect she's had to change her cell phone number. No doubt the DNC is after her big time.

She hated life in the WH. Melania seems to too, for that matter. Can't blame them.

My opinion is being married to Obama isnt really good government experience no matter how likeable she is. There are a lot of good democrats that were boxed out by Biden.
Its like they both showed up to a bowling alley. Biden hit like 4-5 pins down in 10 tries which is abysmal and Trump went over to the arcade and played DigDug instead of bowled. Yea, id say Biden won but looked like a terrible bowler.
Okay, so your definition of winning was Biden knocked down more pins. TRUMP!'s definition of winning is that all the girls went over to watch him play video games while ignoring Quid Pro Joe frantically bowling gutter balls.

In terms of the modern American televised presidential debate, substance ONLY matters when both opponents project approximately equal appearances. Minus that, appearance wins every time. In fact, I've heard but can't find the quote, that those who heard the very first televised debate on the radio thought Nixon had won while those who saw it on TV thought Kennedy had won, for the very same reasons TRUMP! destroyed Biden. Kennedy looked youthful and vigorous because he was wearing makeup that looked good under the lights while Nixon did not and looked old and sickly. So, I'm saying that you have to craft your own definition of victory to claim that Biden actually won.
Trump has always lied…

You don’t see that as a problem??

You should
Of course it’s a problem. A very common problem.

You mean to tell you don’t think ALL politicians lie? You aren’t this naive right? This in no way minimizes Dumb Don’s many lies. But compared to Genocide Joe who has lied his long infamous political career, Don is but a beginner. Yes?
That depends on the standards. Trump has eliminated all standards. He can lie, insult, and behave like an eight year old. Half the country just doesn't fucking care enough to vote against that. I think that's been proven.

This was a referendum on Biden. He is, unfair as it is, held to standards, and he just doesn't have it. He looked bad on teevee, and in America, that's a mortal sin. That's fatal.
You twat waffle
This is not about politics, it is about the good of the republic, this man should be allowed nowhere near the nuclear football. This is about our national security, he is very seriously mentally compromised, and should have no decision making ability when it comes to national defense. He only has 7 minutes to decide if a missile is launched at the United States what to do, who to strike, and where. I will say shame on those in the media, and in the white house and the Democrat party for allowing the narrative that he is anything but dementia riddled.
Trump has always lied…

You don’t see that as a problem??

You should

I'm hearing a lot of criticism that Biden didn't call out Trump's lies enough, but had he done so, he would have spent the entire 90 minutes refuting Trump's bullshit, and letting Trump control the conversation. CNN has fact checked Trump on 37 lies about everything from the stolen election, to funding the war in Ukraine, Biden being in the pay of XI.

But had Biden called out all of Trump's lies, that would have been the entire debate. No opportunity to discuss policy or the success of the Biden Economy, abortion, Social Security or child care, what little discussison of these key issues there was.
I'm hearing a lot of criticism that Biden didn't call out Trump's lies enough, but had he done so, he would have spent the entire 90 minutes refuting Trump's bullshit, and letting Trump control the conversation. CNN has fact checked Trump on 37 lies about everything from the stolen election, to funding the war in Ukraine, Biden being in the pay of XI.

But had Biden called out all of Trump's lies, that would have been the entire debate. No opportunity to discuss policy or the success of the Biden Economy, abortion, Social Security or child care, what little discussison of these key issues there was.
You should just say you want to blow Joe, because nothing you say is even remotely true!
There's a better chance that Uncle Bosey will walk out of the jungle singing Kumbaya with cannibals than Joe Biden pulling out of this tailspin. Liberal attempts to spin this are hilarious.
There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse.

Cope away, buddy.

He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

Yeah, Trump didn't give a knock out performance, I agree. He fell into the "Will you accept the election results?" trap. He rambled a bit; he exaggerated on some things like he always does. He dodged some questions altogether. Bottom line is none of that will matter. The contrast between him and Biden was night and day. Biden looked like he was barely alive and Trump, despite being only four years younger, looked 20 years more youthful. It was a disaster for Biden to the level that even his cheerleaders in the media, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc, were admitting it and visibly frustrated.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate.

Public perception is everything. Keep coping.
I'm hearing a lot of criticism that Biden didn't call out Trump's lies enough, but had he done so, he would have spent the entire 90 minutes refuting Trump's bullshit, and letting Trump control the conversation. CNN has fact checked Trump on 37 lies about everything from the stolen election, to funding the war in Ukraine, Biden being in the pay of XI.

But had Biden called out all of Trump's lies, that would have been the entire debate. No opportunity to discuss policy or the success of the Biden Economy, abortion, Social Security or child care, what little discussison of these key issues there was.
He wouldn't have to had he simply looked healthy and in command of himself. He did not, he looked elderly, frail, sickly and confused, everything a president should NOT look like.
The only process is available if Joe steps aside. Then i am guessing it goes to the convention where he would direct his voters to vote for someone else. Would make good TV. Not sure he will step aside on one bad debate though. He should.

Have to see what the poll numbers look like this weekend.
If there is a big drop it will be obvious that we can’t get there from here
The only process is available if Joe steps aside. Then i am guessing it goes to the convention where he would direct his voters to vote for someone else. Would make good TV. Not sure he will step aside on one bad debate though. He should.
He should, but not for the debate. The debate was just the capper on a long line of moments demonstrating his failing capacities. Without them, his appearance in the debate would have evoked shock and wonder. "What happened to Biden? He looks terrible!". That's not what happened. Instead, it evoked, "Oh, crap, we can't hide it anymore, He IS deteriorating rapidly".

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