Joe was bad, Trump was worse

You aren’t aware of a great number of things, honey. Watching you useful idiots squirm this morning is sublime for real Americans. Cry louder.

I'm not crying. I was watching some of the hand wringing this morning, but turned it off as being irrelevant. It's a long, long way to the election, and Trump is really not well and flailing and not just on the debate stage.

In an election where turnout is everything, Republicans have no ground game because Lara Trump closed all of the campaign offices and fired the "disloyal" workers who refuse to say the 2020 election was "stolen".

Except for incumbents in the safest of safe red seats, none of the Trump endorsed candidates are getting past the primaries.

For the first time in history, no CEO of a Fortune 100 Company, the vast majority of whom are registered Republicans, have donated to Trump's Campaign. 34 donated in 2020. Many of them walked out of Trump's meeting with them in Washington last week, saying they wouldn't hire a convicted felon to work in their companies, and they certainly wouldn't vote for one to be President.

Unlike the general public who really didn't understand the basis for the New York fraud trial, these CEO's knew EXACTLY why Trump was facing charges, because they know honest business practices, and why you don't LIE to your bankers or your insurance companies. These top business executives have no patience for a 7 times bankrupt billionaire who made his money through fraud and deception.

A convicted felon who abuses women, steals from everyone he does business with, and cheats on his taxes. Kudos to those with the guts to walk out on him.
I'm not crying. I was watching some of the hand wringing this morning, but turned it off as being irrelevant. It's a long, long way to the election, and Trump is really not well and flailing and not just on the debate stage.

In an election where turnout is everything, Republicans have no ground game because Lara Trump closed all of the campaign offices and fired the "disloyal" workers who refuse to say the 2020 election was "stolen".

Except for incumbents in the safest of safe red seats, none of the Trump endorsed candidates are getting past the primaries.

For the first time in history, no CEO of a Fortune 100 Company, the vast majority of whom are registered Republicans, have donated to Trump's Campaign. 34 donated in 2020. Many of them walked out of Trump's meeting with them in Washington last week, saying they wouldn't hire a convicted felon to work in their companies, and they certainly wouldn't vote for one to be President.

Unlike the general public who really didn't understand the basis for the New York fraud trial, these CEO's knew EXACTLY why Trump was facing charges, because they know honest business practices, and why you don't LIE to your bankers or your insurance companies. These top business executives have no patience for a 7 times bankrupt billionaire who made his money through fraud and deception.

A convicted felon who abuses women, steals from everyone he does business with, and cheats on his taxes. Kudos to those with the guts to walk out on him.
Wall of text = tears of frustration.
So choosing Mayorkas was a good decision? Your brain damage is worse than Biden's

Mayorkas is doing the job Trump was incapable of doing. Taking control of the Southern Border. Trump just tried and failed to put a cork in it. Illegal crossings went way UP after Trump took office. The only reason Trump was successful in stopping illegal immigration in 2020 was because of covid.

Nobody was trying to get into Covid Pandemic Central in 2020 with no health insurance and hundreds of thousands of people dying.
The country is fed the fuck up with open borders, and drug smuggling. That’s a fact.

Child care is not on the top of the list of things your puppet screwed up.

SS is an issue for congress to fix.

Are you planning on ending tourism and business travel? If not, your borders will remain "open" as they always have been. What is needed is a modern immigration law, one that was wasn't written before the internet was invented, free trade deals existed, and terrorism didn't happen in the USA.

Drug smuggling and the opiod epidemic has nothing to do with the border and drug smuggling. Opiod deaths just kept climbing the whole time Trump supposedly "closed" the border. America's addiction problem is due to Big Pharma pushing opiods as "pain killers".

Your problem isn't "open borders". It's employers willing to give illegals jobs. Prosecute the employers and they'll stop hiring illegals. If illegals can't get a job, they don't come.
Not a single one. I'm laughing at you and your idiocy for thinking what happened last night will matter by November.
It does matter because clips from last night will be repeated ad nauseum for played on advertising campaigns until November.

No matter how you slice it. Joe looked weak, incoherent, and incapable. Like he had no idea what he is doing or what is happening.

Then there's Kamala....the Wicked Witch of the VP.

Only you will support her because of the "D" behind her name....however 77% of the American people won't.

She has been nothing but a boat anchor for Biden. She is the right demographic but is a disaster on the campaign trail.
I dont think you read the post. Trump was a babbling moron he didnt win anything however Biden looked ready for the pasture.
Funny how you didn't mention that Biden was a babbling moron who presented many falsehoods himself.

Funny how you didn't mention that Biden was a babbling moron who presented many falsehoods himself.

Here's one that Biden said Trump was lying about....said it never happened....

There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.

Talk about pathetic desperate spin.

It does matter because clips from last night will be repeated ad nauseum for played on advertising campaigns until November.

No matter how you slice it. Joe looked weak, incoherent, and incapable. Like he had no idea what he is doing or what is happening.

Then there's Kamala....the Wicked Witch of the VP.

Only you will support her because of the "D" behind her name....however 77% of the American people won't.

She has been nothing but a boat anchor for Biden. She is the right demographic but is a disaster on the campaign trail.

While the economy gets better and better, and Trump gets crazier and crazier. People aren't watching the ads. They're not watching network television, or cable news stations. They're live streaming commerical free, PVR'ing and fast forwarding through the commercials.

When the commercials come on between innings, I go grab a snack, toss my laundry in the dryer, go to the bathroom. Or I mute them.

Your opinion of the VP is irrelevant. She had a slow start, but she's the Administration's lead surrogate on the abortion debate and she's doing an excellent job.

I will be voting Liberal, if there is an election this year, but I doubt Trudeau will drop a writ until he has to because his poll numbers are so bad.
While the economy gets better and better, and Trump gets crazier and crazier. People aren't watching the ads. They're not watching network television, or cable news stations. They're live streaming commerical free, PVR'ing and fast forwarding through the commercials.

When the commercials come on between innings, I go grab a snack, toss my laundry in the dryer, go to the bathroom. Or I mute them.

Your opinion of the VP is irrelevant. She had a slow start, but she's the Administration's lead surrogate on the abortion debate and she's doing an excellent job.

I will be voting Liberal, if there is an election this year, but I doubt Trudeau will drop a writ until he has to because his poll numbers are so bad.
Your hope that it's summer and no one pays attention to politics during the summer is a lost hope.

Joe blew easy layup after easy layup. Had the questions for over a week. For a debate that was the earliest in the history of American politics.
Because there is going to be a concerted effort to replace Joe Biden during the DNC.
That depends on the standards. Trump has eliminated all standards. He can lie, insult, and behave like an eight year old. Half the country just doesn't fucking care enough to vote against that. I think that's been proven.

This was a referendum on Biden. He is, unfair as it is, held to standards, and he just doesn't have it. He looked bad on teevee, and in America, that's a mortal sin. That's fatal.
Trump has not eliminated standards, the fascist government has done that. Typical hack post.
There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.

That is true! You are right! Biden needed to get in Trump's face like Roberto Duran when he fought as a lightweight.
There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.

Another Biden boot licker making a fool of himself. Biden gave the worst performance in Presidential debate history. The entire world saw it, no spin can change that.

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