Joe was bad, Trump was worse

You don't understand, the debates are not about substance and haven't been for decades. What "substance" do you remember from Reagan/Mondale? None, but you probably have heard of, "I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience,". What substance from Reagan/Carter? None, but you do remember, "There you go again". Lamely insisting that Joe did a good job because he WANTED to talk about substance doesn't mean Joe won the debate or even did a good job. A good debater doesn't let handicaps stand in the way of making his points, he makes the debate about what he wants to say, not the questions the moderators toss at him. That's another fallacy, that the moderators are actually in control, because the debaters are the ones answering, and a skilled debater can make the actual questions disappear.
I never said Biden did a good job, he did a really bad job...

I am saying that Trump did a pretty bad job and won... He would be easy to beat... He constantly lied and wasn't called out for it properly...

Biden really struggled to communicate and that is why Trump won...
Same here - on a 90% liberal forum I am also on - they are trying to talk about "Trump lied! Trump lied!
I said - forget it. The headline, the jump and the rest of the story - is how bad Biden did.
That is all anyone is talking about in the media.
The cat finally is out of the bag. The Democrats are finally facing reality - Biden is a trainwreck, and trump is going to be in the White House if we don't do something.

This is the story. "Trump lied!!" - isn't even a side issue. No one cares. All anyone remembers is that first 5 seconds Biden walked on stage and looked 110 years old.
Yep Biden looked like an escapee from an assisted living facility. It was painfully delicious to watch.
Yea. His poll numbers were already horrid. Mostly because he is running a terrible candidacy while running an effective government. He thinks running an effective government is enough. He is wrong.
I think it will be hard to overcome last nights performance
People tuned in to be assured Biden can handle the job. He failed miserably.
You can’t claim he was just having a bad day because he may improve slightly but not turn in an energetic performance
There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.

LOL, the level of self-delusion your cult requires of you must be exhausting.
Laughed like a blithering idiot, no doubt. Trump said that in the context of the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster, that left Americans dead, abandoned, and billions of dollars of military equipment behind. Think better. Or try to just think at all.
I was surprised Biden let Trump get away with that
Afghanistan was Trumps exit strategy negotiated with the Taliban
There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.

More lesser of two evils BS, maybe the democratic and republican leadership should lead instead of trying to just grab power. I can’t understand why we, the American people allow these two party’s get away with bad decisions and dumb candidates.
I was surprised Biden let Trump get away with that
Afghanistan was Trumps exit strategy negotiated with the Taliban
Because Biden is senile. Trump can only lie. The solution is to dump these two and find better candidates but lefty and righty want to shove lesser candidates down our throats and you will swallow it whole.
Not the way it went down. Educate yourself or continue to look like a moron.

Trump left Afghanistan out of the agreement
Trump conceded everything to the Taliban
Trump made no plans to withdraw equipment
Trump left only 2500 troops to protect the withdrawal
Trump refused to coordinate with Biden on his withdrawal plans
Trump left Afghanistan out of the agreement
Trump conceded everything to the Taliban
Trump made no plans to withdraw equipment
Trump left only 2500 troops to protect the withdrawal
Trump refused to coordinate with Biden on his withdrawal plans
Stop embarrassing yourself, fool.
We need to watch for several things going forward will he get us into a war with any of three different countries all leading to ww3, a new pandemic to enable the absentee ballot cheat.
Sure, our culture is entirely image-driven, and that has fully seeped into our politics.
It is very much ingrained due to the voting system.

It is pretty nuts, the media is obsessed with who is the better campaigner rather than who is a better President...

Trump was a shit President, he took a country going well and in 4 years flushed it down the toilet... Even last night he wanted credit for not screwing up for the first three years... Someone should tell him there are 4 quarters in a game...

Trump got the game 30 points up, was leading 3rd quarter and you lost the game. And you want to take credit for being ahead for so long.
I know you could say COVID but Trump, got rid of the US Chinese pandemic response team, lied about how it and let Governors be under prepared and then gave out unscientific misinformation thus erodign confidence in the Government. US had twice the death rate that north Europe.
Because Biden is senile. Trump can only lie. The solution is to dump these two and find better candidates

Too late for that.

Biden is sane and has a team of qualified advisors that he actually listens to and trump doesn't listen to anybody and is surrounded by sycophants that will do any treasonous thing he orders.

Shit, everyone has seen this with their own eyes.

Seriously...Whats the problem? It boils down to a choice between good and evil. Its a no brainer.
biden wasn't on his game for sure. disappointed - but not panicking. donny lied when he answered Qs about everything & really never answered any Qs that was posed anyways.

CNN blew it - neither moderator called out trump's lies- never really even asked about J 6 & nothing re: him being convicted on all charges he was indicted on. hours later they finally got around to fact checking some 30 lies donny told.

& as i've heard someone say ~

i'll support a candidate who needs a cough drop over one who needs a parole officer.

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