John Boehner won't come back??

This is what liberal scum do....they run off to Hawaii then sneak back to DC and claim the GOP isn't coming back to negotiate.

The GOP wasn't going to sit around DC waiting for the black messiah to party in Hawaii then fly back to DC in the middle of the night on his taxpayer funded airplane.

Most GOP Congressmen don't have their own private airplanes....

Now they are just vacationing while we slip over the cliff....Nice:clap2:

Yep. The pubs turned off the lights and walked out because they want us to go over the "fiscal cliff".

Obama is back in DC.

Where are the pubs? They're still opening the gifts the rw's handed them.
Frank is toxic and a liar and somewhat mentally damaged.

The 47% pay taxes, not just federal income taxes, Frank.

Romrom paid 10% and 13% on his taxes. Which is lower than most middleclass.

And yet Franky defended them tooth and nail.

Sad thing is the rich don't give a shit about people like stepth and Frank. Yet they don't get it.

Romney already paid taxes on that income.

I think we should eliminate all tax on dividends and capital gains and start teaching investing in grade school
Send federal marshals to his home.

He's fucking with my portfolio and investments.

He's fucking with peoples jobs.

He's fucking with V.A. benefits.

This will end the GOP.

So what Obama does not want a deal Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats do not want a deal the fact the Senate under Reid has not passed a budget in almost four years now and Reid would not allow anything from the House up for debate much less a vote is proof of that.

Do you realize that without basic, grade-school level punctuation, syntax and the occasional upper case letter, your post make absolutely no sense whatsoever?
The GOP wasn't going to sit around DC waiting for the black messiah to party in Hawaii then fly back to DC in the middle of the night on his taxpayer funded airplane.

Your racism is showing

Most GOP Congressmen don't have their own private airplanes....

Most don't need a private airplane, but the POTUS, well, he's the POTUS. He needs secure transportation equipped to act as a flying Oval office should the need arise. Congressmen aren't that important. And neither are you; so stop whining, you sniveling toilet stain.
SniperFire knows nothing, other than he is willing to throw the middle class and poor under the bus to protect the rich. This position only hurts the GOP.
They won't go up because you don't make over $250,000 a year. Even for those who do make over that amount, you only pay taxes on the amount over $250,000.
Quit whining.

Really? Have you been paying attention to what happens if they don't get some kind of agreement? I suggest you go do your homework before you make outlandish statements that have no basis in fact.

We'll get an agreement. The Republicans didn't nibble on the plan b, Boehner wants to hold the Speaker vote on January 3 and they all went home for Christmas.

They're trying to scare everyone but let them do what they may, it's only going to get worse for the party who can't find a way to agree. Boehner.
Boehner is going to introduce the compromise bill when he comes back selling the rich down the road.

He has no choice unless he wishes to destroy the GOP.
So he won't come back because you can't take care of your own life? Why would he be expected to micromanage your life? And why would you want him to? And why would what happens to someone who never supported him affect what he plans to do? His job is to represent the people who voted for him, not the people who have no desire to ever vote for him and want him out of office.

If I didn't show up at my job when an important deadline was pending, I'd be fired.

If he wants to limit himself to the chuckleheads who elected him, he should step down as speaker.
Frank, stop being freaky, and answer the comments. The 47% pay taxes, and you will know it.

Yeah, you are toxic and can't talk logically.

Frank is toxic and a liar and somewhat mentally damaged.

The 47% pay taxes, not just federal income taxes, Frank.

What taxes are we talking about raising, Jake?

Jake what taxes do they pay and are those being discussed by the Republican House and your Lord and Savior Obama?
SniperFire knows nothing, other than he is willing to throw the middle class and poor under the bus to protect the rich. This position only hurts the GOP.

He's weak-minded and let's those Fox News blonds whisper in his ear.

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