John Bolton on the the greatest misconceptions that Democrats have about Republicans.

Posted by The Right Scoop on Dec 12, 2011 in Politics | 57 Comments
When John Bolton was asked the question of what he thought was the greatest misconception that Democrats have about Republicans, I honestly didn’t expect such a brilliantly deep answer. I guess I’ve gotten used to fluff. But Bolton hit it out of the park and I just had to start the day with it:

video and comments at site.

Bolton said..
“The core misimpression is that a fundamental belief in liberty and it’s implications is somehow cruel and uncaring. When in fact, liberty is absolutely central to the most massive economic change in the history of the world that has brought more concrete material advantages to people in the last few hundred years than in millennia before that. And that understanding liberty means you have to value the possibility of failure as well as the possibility of success. Because if you don’t have failure as an option, you’ll never have success as an option.

It’s not lack of compassion that drives many Republican policy preferences, it’s a belief in the inherent importance of individual self-worth and not being dependent on external factors like the government.”

from with comments..
John Bolton on the greatest misconception that Democrats have about Republicans | The Right Scoop

When John Bolton moves to an Island free of government services..we can talk.

Till then..he's a blooming hypocrite.
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For millions more Americans failure is a choice they make for themselves, then pretend they are too pathetic to take care of themselves.

This is absolutely correct and we as a society create that. Here's what I mean. When you tell children "it's ok that you lost, you tried your best", and we give them blue ribbons for coming in last place. The "everyone is a winner" approach. It teaches kids that they don't have to try their best to be considered just as much of a success as other kids who try harder or are simply naturally better at the activity. What that means is that in adulthood when they face a difficult situation they don't understand how (or even the need) to dig down inside themselves and become better in order to meet the challenge: to become even stronger than they thought they were capable of in order to succeed. Why should they? We have taught them that failure is acceptable. The only problem is that in real life failure is not acceptable.

I will even quote a Democrat on this point: "Show me a gracious loser and I will show you a loser." - Jimmy Carter (and he ought to know)
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Bolton comes across like a pompous, mean old white man which of course turns a lot of people off.

But he is smart as hell, and like a lot of us arrogant old white fellows, we are usually right.

"White" is "right". Who knew? Now I understand the feelings about Obama.
For millions more Americans failure is a choice they make for themselves, then pretend they are too pathetic to take care of themselves.

This is absolutely correct and we as a society create that. Here's what I mean. When you tell children "it's ok that you lost, you tried your best", and we give them blue ribbons for coming in last place. The "everyone is a winner" approach. It teaches kids that they don't have to try their best to be considered just as much of a success as other kids who try harder or are simply naturally better at the activity. What that means is that in adulthood when they face a difficult situation they don't understand how (or even the need) to dig down inside themselves and become better in order to meet the challenge: to become even stronger than they thought they were capable of in order to succeed. Why should they? We have taught them that failure is acceptable. The only problem is that in real life failure is not acceptable.

I will even quote a Democrat on this point: "Show me a gracious loser and I will show you a loser." - Jimmy Carter (and he ought to know)

If there is to be true equality of outcome, failure is not only acceptable, it is the equal of success.
For millions more Americans failure is a choice they make for themselves, then pretend they are too pathetic to take care of themselves.

This is absolutely correct and we as a society create that. Here's what I mean. When you tell children "it's ok that you lost, you tried your best", and we give them blue ribbons for coming in last place. The "everyone is a winner" approach. It teaches kids that they don't have to try their best to be considered just as much of a success as other kids who try harder or are simply naturally better at the activity. What that means is that in adulthood when they face a difficult situation they don't understand how (or even the need) to dig down inside themselves and become better in order to meet the challenge: to become even stronger than they thought they were capable of in order to succeed. Why should they? We have taught them that failure is acceptable. The only problem is that in real life failure is not acceptable.

I will even quote a Democrat on this point: "Show me a gracious loser and I will show you a loser." - Jimmy Carter (and he ought to know)

If there is to be true equality of outcome, failure is not only acceptable, it is the equal of success.

Yes, but there is no equality of outcome. Failure is the antithesis of success. You simply must have one to recognize the other.....just as we must have rDean here for example to establish a baseline by which we can recognize and appreciate the intelligence of other posters.
Posted by The Right Scoop on Dec 12, 2011 in Politics | 57 Comments
When John Bolton was asked the question of what he thought was the greatest misconception that Democrats have about Republicans, I honestly didn’t expect such a brilliantly deep answer. I guess I’ve gotten used to fluff. But Bolton hit it out of the park and I just had to start the day with it:

video and comments at site.

Bolton said..
“The core misimpression is that a fundamental belief in liberty and it’s implications is somehow cruel and uncaring. When in fact, liberty is absolutely central to the most massive economic change in the history of the world that has brought more concrete material advantages to people in the last few hundred years than in millennia before that. And that understanding liberty means you have to value the possibility of failure as well as the possibility of success. Because if you don’t have failure as an option, you’ll never have success as an option.

It’s not lack of compassion that drives many Republican policy preferences, it’s a belief in the inherent importance of individual self-worth and not being dependent on external factors like the government.”

from with comments..
John Bolton on the greatest misconception that Democrats have about Republicans | The Right Scoop

LOL! What a big strawman Bolton defeated.

It says a lot that he didn't address the factual pedophile tendencies of Republicans and instead went to war with a strawman.

Bolton comes across like a pompous, mean old white man which of course turns a lot of people off.

But he is smart as hell, and like a lot of us arrogant old white fellows, we are usually right.

Yeah. Way far right. Out there on the edge of lunacy.
Posted by The Right Scoop on Dec 12, 2011 in Politics | 57 Comments
When John Bolton was asked the question of what he thought was the greatest misconception that Democrats have about Republicans, I honestly didn’t expect such a brilliantly deep answer. I guess I’ve gotten used to fluff. But Bolton hit it out of the park and I just had to start the day with it:

video and comments at site.

Bolton said..
“The core misimpression is that a fundamental belief in liberty and it’s implications is somehow cruel and uncaring. When in fact, liberty is absolutely central to the most massive economic change in the history of the world that has brought more concrete material advantages to people in the last few hundred years than in millennia before that. And that understanding liberty means you have to value the possibility of failure as well as the possibility of success. Because if you don’t have failure as an option, you’ll never have success as an option.

It’s not lack of compassion that drives many Republican policy preferences, it’s a belief in the inherent importance of individual self-worth and not being dependent on external factors like the government.”

from with comments..
John Bolton on the greatest misconception that Democrats have about Republicans | The Right Scoop

LOL! What a big strawman Bolton defeated.

It says a lot that he didn't address the factual pedophile tendencies of Republicans and instead went to war with a strawman.

After there was bipartisan agreement on the NDAA neither party can pretend they give a shit about liberty anymore.
The biggest misconception Republicans have is that somehow liberty is a value that only applies to their party

That isn't a misconception. Left-wingers despise liberty. They demonstrate it every time they open their mouths.

Since 1954 progressives have been fighting to gain and protect the civil liberties of Americans and restrict government preemption of rights, mostly with regard to state and local governments’ efforts to violate citizens’ rights. And every step of the way those efforts were opposed by conservatives, in violation of the Constitution and rule of law.

Of course, they are launching an all out assault on all our other rights.

Take the right to keep what you earn: Liberals have professed their undying opposition to that proposition.

The list of rights that liberals oppose is endless. The only rights they support are the right to fornicate in any manner you choose and the right to have an abortion.
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When John Bolton moves to an Island free of government services..we can talk.

Till then..he's a blooming hypocrite.

So the only people who can dispute your conception of reality are the ones who don't live in this country?

How beautifully Stalinist of you!
LOL! What a big strawman Bolton defeated.

It says a lot that he didn't address the factual pedophile tendencies of Republicans and instead went to war with a strawman.


You're simply a hosebag who does nothing but hurl ad hominems, aren't you?
Posted by The Right Scoop on Dec 12, 2011 in Politics | 57 Comments
When John Bolton was asked the question of what he thought was the greatest misconception that Democrats have about Republicans, I honestly didn’t expect such a brilliantly deep answer. I guess I’ve gotten used to fluff. But Bolton hit it out of the park and I just had to start the day with it:

video and comments at site.

Bolton said..

from with comments..
John Bolton on the greatest misconception that Democrats have about Republicans | The Right Scoop

LOL! What a big strawman Bolton defeated.

It says a lot that he didn't address the factual pedophile tendencies of Republicans and instead went to war with a strawman.


you put that on the wrong post... it belonged on bripat's or steffie baby's.

thanks. :thup:

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