John Hopkins just sent out this hit list of people automatically guilty of "privilege" whether they know it or not.

The owned genocider wannabe has issued a retraction. Why does she still have that job.
We all know about everything else, the innovators were the Europeans. I could list all of the technology, but it would not only take a while, but it likely wouldn't make any difference to people like you anyway.

you are correct, even if you did that I still would not hate non-white people
I am all of those things. Would someone tell me where my privilege is please? Because I worked for everything I have.

The racist nword that made that comment I'm sure is much more well off than I am. I mean Oprah, my boss, the Nigerian prince, whoppi Goldberg and a whole shitload of others not like me are doing pretty damn good, way better than me.

But aside from the middle class comment I know there are millions of dumb, broke, poor white people in America that would argue they are privileged.

She just won't recognize that most blacks in America are just inferior and can't get ahead because they have a very low level of potential.
Actually you are ignorant and wrong but the minute facts are presented we all know that the usual racists of the board will scream "fake news!"

No I'm not wrong. Black people, and other non-white people HELPED build the country with their labor. But America was founded by white Europeans, and the rules, the government, the laws, the architects were the Euros. I know your black professors have shoved crap on you and others, but you cannot change history, although no doubt much of it will be denied and spun differently in the future as some TRY to do today.
The owned genocider wannabe has issued a retraction. Why does she still have that job.

It's not the business of healing institutions to poison their reputation by playing politics; this should have been vetted better by JH.
so, the truth offends you?...too bad.
The truth is that most people shit every day.

But there's a time and a place for it, as in discussing privilege.

This was a damaging mistake by some privileged wanker at JH, and JH has wisely clarified and backed away from it as approrpriate.

Trust me that when I agree with my conservative adversaries here at USMB about something, y'all fucked up.

And here we see more white male whining.
Everybody scared of the Bullies ! ?

Don't let the Jewish bully element scare you .
They are masters of bully boy tactics, but stand up to them and they run home to Mummy , bleating and whining about contrived anti semitism .
Where are you Raspberry , Sayiamanarse , Pasta Jelly and Annie?
Shitting yourself because the big deception is exposed .

" Hello Nazi Master Nutty Yahoo . There is this English woman being horrible to us . What should we do ?"
This is pure evil. This black **** has more privilege than 99% of white people.

This is systemic racism. This is institutionalized discrimination.

It is unAmerican, illegal and downright counterproductive. They have literally created an industry based on racial and religious discrimination.

Fire the racist, and eliminate the position entirely.


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