John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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Stop your hysterics people

Here's why the Navy didn't shoot down the Russian fighter jets that buzzed by a US destroyer

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," retired frigate and cruiser commanding officer Capt. Rick Hoffman told the Navy Timesabout the incident.

"We’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said.

"It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

As a former commander of a cruiser that protected aircraft carriers and amphibious-assault vehicles from airborne attacks, Hoffman knows how to deal with threatening aircraft.

The Russian planes, Su-24s, had no visible weapons during the passes, and at no point did the USS Cook detect that the Russians were trying to lock onto them with a missile.

They weren't being "annoying," they were threatening. Riddle me this, Batman. Why didn't we just turn around and do the same thing to a Russian ship?

Because .. Putin would have shot it down ...
Probably because we don't station Aircraft Carriers in the Baltic, and it would be stupid in any case. Putin wouldn't have shot it down either. He isn't a complete idiot.

Then why don't we do it back?
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
We see you are not in command of your senses, much less a naval vessel...

Thank you, Queen Elizabeth. Sorry you don't have the stones to have your own opinion, Opie. Maybe you could lift weights or learn to box or something so you can grow enough of a pair to not need the weight of others to make your opinion not worthless
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
Apparently, the jet did not carry out hostilities.

F'ing what? It flew within 30 feet of our ship, what would be hostile?

Turkey drew a line and backed it up. Have the Russians invaded Turkey? This is why they are doing this, they are pushing further and further to find out where the line is. You really think that with today's technology Russia couldn't say out of Turkish airspace?

There's only one way to draw a line. I'm not saying to shoot down every Russian plane that flies too close to an American ship. Not saying that at all. But there is a point where it's not feasible we let them that close to our military, that plane went well past that line
did you read what the officer in charge of that ship had to say? and you and your repub friends blaming obama for not shooting the plane down is just more repub pissing in the wind
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

You're either

1) deliberately saying stupid shit just to gin up another excuse to bash the current occupant of the Oval Office


2) a truly stupid wingnut.

Yes, it's not like EriktheRed would distrust commies ...
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

I believe from what I read the U.S. knew this jet was unarmed, so, I'd have to vote no.

Correct! :thup:

At what point are they going too far? Ever?

They did that because they don't respect us. All we confirmed is they have no reason to respect us
Jesus fucking Christ you people are ridiculous.
Shooting down some Russian planes or dropping a low yield nuke in an uninhabited area in Russia is one way to avoid an all out war. Don't think the Pentagon doesn't have a contingency plan for such an action.

Don't think the Pentagon doesn't have a contingency plan for such an action.

it used to be like that

as of late word has it

is call our enemies small and other assorted names
Obama could always just exchange insults with them over the internet.
Aggressive action puts pacifist Democrat's in a weak position during an election year, so our enemies can do just about anything they want and the Dems won't respond with anything but tough words in public and groveling in private to meet our enemies demands.

The only people that Democrats want to punish is Americans.....not foreign aggressors.
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

Yo, they know they can do it, and nothing will happen, they learned this from N. Korea and Iran!!!

It Comes Down To The Balless President!
Turkey Didn`t Mess Around! Blew That Bitch Out Of The Sky!
View attachment 71512
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

Yo, it`s called AGGRESSION, don`t matter if it`s International Waters, or a Countries Air Space? Now, take them Two Thumbs, stick them up your ass, and rotate!!!

Shoot The Bitch Down!!!
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
No...But we should have found a naval vessel of their and buzzed it.
Obama should have been on the phone with Putin within minutes and said "Mr Premier, what are you doing? Trying to start a confrontation we both know we do not want?
Then Obama should have told Putin he was willing to consider the event an "error".
Then told him, "look, bad things happen all the time. The world is an imperfect place." and hung up the phone.
of course Putin did this purposely. he knows Obama isn't going to do anything. Putin knows all about Obama's Neville Chamberlain tea and cookies diplomacy.
Putin is ex KGB....The only thing guys like Putin recognize is force met with force.

You start with no, then make the case why we should have shot it down perfectly.

Though when you say we should have buzzed one of theirs, why didn't we? I think they'd have shot it down. And unlike Putin, we don't want to waste a pilot's life
Stop your hysterics people

Here's why the Navy didn't shoot down the Russian fighter jets that buzzed by a US destroyer

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," retired frigate and cruiser commanding officer Capt. Rick Hoffman told the Navy Timesabout the incident.

"We’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said.

"It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

As a former commander of a cruiser that protected aircraft carriers and amphibious-assault vehicles from airborne attacks, Hoffman knows how to deal with threatening aircraft.

The Russian planes, Su-24s, had no visible weapons during the passes, and at no point did the USS Cook detect that the Russians were trying to lock onto them with a missile.

They weren't being "annoying," they were threatening. Riddle me this, Batman. Why didn't we just turn around and do the same thing to a Russian ship?

Because .. Putin would have shot it down ...
That ship spends all of its time just off the coast of Russia in the black sea. It's basically constantly buzzing Russia. And all Putin does is send an unarmed jet flying by every once in a while.
Genius....The incident took place in the Baltic Sea.....The Black Sea is somewhere very far south and east. And here's another issue. Russia has a relatively limited coastline on the Baltic....Most of the shoreline is against the coasts of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. There is a small part of Russian territory which has a coast line on the Baltic...
Ship do not have the capability of "buzzing" anything....
Are you that anti-American that you excuse the Russian government of this deliberate act of aggression?
Just carry on stamping your feet and pouting...and don't forget to blame Obama.

LOL, you don't see Obama's weakness being a huge factor in this? Seriously?
Absolutely not
The real question is how was that jet able to get so close to the ship to begin with.
Seems that it is a failure on the part f the Navy. There is no way that jet should have been able to get that close without our fighters warning them off.
Shooting it down would have been dumber than them doing flyovers.
This wasn't an unplanned event. Russian fighter pilots do nothing without specific orders to do so.
This is obvious since the planes were unarmed. Had they been armed, that would have been a very different thing, and something they would not have dreamed of doing. Unless they wanted to commit suicide.
Jesus fucking Christ you people are ridiculous.
Shooting down some Russian planes or dropping a low yield nuke in an uninhabited area in Russia is one way to avoid an all out war. Don't think the Pentagon doesn't have a contingency plan for such an action.

Don't think the Pentagon doesn't have a contingency plan for such an action.

it used to be like that

as of late word has it

is call our enemies small and other assorted names
Obama could always just exchange insults with them over the internet.
Aggressive action puts pacifist Democrat's in a weak position during an election year, so our enemies can do just about anything they want and the Dems won't respond with anything but tough words in public and groveling in private to meet our enemies demands.

The only people that Democrats want to punish is Americans.....not foreign aggressors.

You and Kaz are armchair Admirals/Generals, lacking any of the essential tools and information necessary to support your calls for violence. If the vote on this poll is a reflection of how most American's feel, it seems the Neo Conservative movement is dead. That does not make us a nation of peaceniks, it means we are a nation that now thinks before it acts - as exemplified by the Skipper of Cook.
The Captain of this ship should be arrested immediately.

So we should start a war with Russia over a jet flying by?
That was not "a jet" it was Russians foremost weapon of war a mig fighter. And if a war is started, which it would not be, we did not start it, the Russians did. Would you not have blockaded Cuba because it would start a war. Go smoke your doobie kid.

You going to get out there and go fight the war chicken hawk? Are you going to send your kids to go out there and die? No, of course not, you'll just sit behind your computer being a keyboard warrior while everyone else's children get slaughtered for your war over a jet
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
No...But we should have found a naval vessel of their and buzzed it.
Obama should have been on the phone with Putin within minutes and said "Mr Premier, what are you doing? Trying to start a confrontation we both know we do not want?
Then Obama should have told Putin he was willing to consider the event an "error".
Then told him, "look, bad things happen all the time. The world is an imperfect place." and hung up the phone.
of course Putin did this purposely. he knows Obama isn't going to do anything. Putin knows all about Obama's Neville Chamberlain tea and cookies diplomacy.
Putin is ex KGB....The only thing guys like Putin recognize is force met with force.

What? You want to teach Putin that the best way to get the President on the phone is to buzz our military?

Man, that is just one of many dumb things you guys have said in this thread.

Seems the other way around, Obama can't get Putin to return his calls
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
No, clearly not.

We do shit like that to each other all the time.

The list of fly overs, fly bys, near misses, races, competitions, its friggin endless.

To anyone that thinks we should have killed them, I say; There's a recruiting station near you.

Russians have gotten more and more aggressive, we don't do anything remotely like that jet. At what point do we draw the line? Ever?
Jesus fucking Christ you people are ridiculous.
Shooting down some Russian planes or dropping a low yield nuke in an uninhabited area in Russia is one way to avoid an all out war. Don't think the Pentagon doesn't have a contingency plan for such an action.

Don't think the Pentagon doesn't have a contingency plan for such an action.

it used to be like that

as of late word has it

is call our enemies small and other assorted names
Obama could always just exchange insults with them over the internet.
Aggressive action puts pacifist Democrat's in a weak position during an election year, so our enemies can do just about anything they want and the Dems won't respond with anything but tough words in public and groveling in private to meet our enemies demands.

The only people that Democrats want to punish is Americans.....not foreign aggressors.

You and Kaz are armchair Admirals/Generals, lacking any of the essential tools and information necessary to support your calls for violence. If the vote on this poll is a reflection of how most American's feel, it seems the Neo Conservative movement is dead. That does not make us a nation of peaceniks, it means we are a nation that now thinks before it acts - as exemplified by the Skipper of Cook.

No shit, you stupid fucking moron. If I were making the actual decision I'd obviously go through it with the military. My actual reaction would probably be to call Putin and create a line since Obama doesn't have one. Then like Turkey enforce it. Right now, Putin has every reason to believe nothing would happen.

What do you think a message board is, moron? We post our opinions on what we know. You repeatedly and continually don't grasp the concept of a message board. You are not a bright guy.

Hey guys, you can't post that! What if it was the actual decision! You have to treat it as if you're actually Obama and it's going to be the real decision!

No we don't, moron. My point is I'm sick of Putin embarrassing us because our President is a pussy. I want a line
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

Yo, they know they can do it, and nothing will happen, they learned this from N. Korea and Iran!!!

It Comes Down To The Balless President!
Turkey Didn`t Mess Around! Blew That Bitch Out Of The Sky!
View attachment 71512
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

Please, air space over a country and around ships in international waters are clearly reasonably analogous even if they aren't exactly the same
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

No and here's why. The Russians were trying to provoke a response to make up for Putin's faggotry and small dick.

The US military especially the US Navy is the best navy in the world. The British navy is a distant second. In a conventional war of navies the US would destroy the Rooskies in a matter of days if not hours.

Putin has short man and small penis syndrome, plus he's a fag. As pathetic as Putin is he's still better than the average Republican.

If some pip squeak tin horn loser ordering a fly by of a US warship embarrasses the US then we have a very fragile ego because in reality our outdated planes like our F-14 Tom Cats our F-15 Strike Eagles and our F-16 could beat the piss out of anything in the Russian inventory. Our plane can shoot down a Russian plane before the Russian pilot even knows we are there. The Russians know this but they have small penis syndrome.

If Putin's doing this because he has a small dick, he sure found the right US President to use to compensate successfully for it ...
Jesus fucking Christ you people are ridiculous.
Shooting down some Russian planes or dropping a low yield nuke in an uninhabited area in Russia is one way to avoid an all out war. Don't think the Pentagon doesn't have a contingency plan for such an action.

Don't think the Pentagon doesn't have a contingency plan for such an action.

it used to be like that

as of late word has it

is call our enemies small and other assorted names
Obama could always just exchange insults with them over the internet.
Aggressive action puts pacifist Democrat's in a weak position during an election year, so our enemies can do just about anything they want and the Dems won't respond with anything but tough words in public and groveling in private to meet our enemies demands.

The only people that Democrats want to punish is Americans.....not foreign aggressors.


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