John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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They weren't being "annoying," they were threatening. Riddle me this, Batman. Why didn't we just turn around and do the same thing to a Russian ship?

Because .. Putin would have shot it down ...
That ship spends all of its time just off the coast of Russia in the black sea. It's basically constantly buzzing Russia. And all Putin does is send an unarmed jet flying by every once in a while.
Genius....The incident took place in the Baltic Sea.....The Black Sea is somewhere very far south and east. And here's another issue. Russia has a relatively limited coastline on the Baltic....Most of the shoreline is against the coasts of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. There is a small part of Russian territory which has a coast line on the Baltic...
Ship do not have the capability of "buzzing" anything....
Are you that anti-American that you excuse the Russian government of this deliberate act of aggression?
Just carry on stamping your feet and pouting...and don't forget to blame Obama.
Just carry on not contributing to the thread.
BTW, the guy in the White House is...?
Your ridiculous hissy-fits are called 'contributing'?
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
No, clearly not.

We do shit like that to each other all the time.

The list of fly overs, fly bys, near misses, races, competitions, its friggin endless.

To anyone that thinks we should have killed them, I say; There's a recruiting station near you.
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

WE should have defended our air space around the ship, as military vessels have a right to do under international law.

First several warning shots should have been made, increasingly closer. Then finally a direct shot after the appropriate military authorities in Moscow were warned and Putin told as well.

This is no joke as such stunts could be used as cover for an actual attack at close range where our missile defense systems wont have time to shoot down missiles.
OK.., the Ruskies got away with one this time because we have a liberfuck muslime mulatto as a CIC.., but just wait till you see what a president Trump will do, maybe even Cruz. :up:
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

Yo, they know they can do it, and nothing will happen, they learned this from N. Korea and Iran!!!

It Comes Down To The Balless President!
Turkey Didn`t Mess Around! Blew That Bitch Out Of The Sky!
View attachment 71512
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.
No, clearly not.

We do shit like that to each other all the time.

The list of fly overs, fly bys, near misses, races, competitions, its friggin endless.

To anyone that thinks we should have killed them, I say; There's a recruiting station near you.

You dont have a clue about what you are talking about.

Any of our pilots that 'buzz' other nations forces when we are not at war get UCMJ action, as I understand it. Closing in for an attack is an act of aggression and war.

I dont get how you liberals grew into such morons when it comes to security.

Security zones exist for a reason; to get our servicemen home alive and in one piece - I realize you could not care less about that, but there it is.
The Captain of this ship should be arrested immediately.

So we should start a war with Russia over a jet flying by?
That was not "a jet" it was Russians foremost weapon of war a mig fighter. And if a war is started, which it would not be, we did not start it, the Russians did. Would you not have blockaded Cuba because it would start a war. Go smoke your doobie kid.
No, clearly not.

We do shit like that to each other all the time.

The list of fly overs, fly bys, near misses, races, competitions, its friggin endless.

To anyone that thinks we should have killed them, I say; There's a recruiting station near you.

You dont have a clue about what you are talking about.

Any of our pilots that 'buzz' other nations forces when we are not at war get UCMJ action, as I understand it. Closing in for an attack is an act of aggression and war.

I dont get how you liberals grew into such morons when it comes to security.

Security zones exist for a reason; to get our servicemen home alive and in one piece - I realize you could not care less about that, but there it is.
I was in, I was there, I saw and was part of things that would have morons like you getting millions slaughtered.

just understand this, you have no idea what you are talking about, you're guessing, making assumptions and looking like an idiot doing.

i'm a liberal, pfft
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

International law does not negate and does recognize the right of military forces to set up 'Military Exclusion Zones' or 'Warning zones' that they have the right to enforce with direct fire.
I was in, I was there, I saw and was part of things that would have morons like you getting millions slaughtered.

just understand this, you have no idea what you are talking about, you're guessing, making assumptions and looking like an idiot doing.

i'm a liberal, pfft
No, you are an idiot if you cant grasp the simple fact that a military unit cannot allow civilians or potential enemy vehicles/craft to come within a certain distance without permission, as that creates an opportunity for the potential threat to make a sneak attack.

This is how you prevent suicide bombers from blowing up your buddies; you establish a warning zone that said civilians cannot enter without permission. You start making exceptions and you get yourself and your buddies killed and maimed.

OF course that would delight you though, wouldnt it?
do you know the difference between international waters and 'air space'?

clearly not, b/c if you did, you wouldn't have posted that as a reason to kill.

International law does not negate and does recognize the right of military forces to set up 'Military Exclusion Zones' or 'Warning zones' that they have the right to enforce with direct fire.
I'll repeat, since you seem slow.

The actions you think we should have taken would have ended with millions dead.

Now get in the con side of your head and understand that you are nothing but an armchair quarterback with nothing on the line.

but, I have good news; There's a recruiting station near you.
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

No and here's why. The Russians were trying to provoke a response to make up for Putin's faggotry and small dick.

The US military especially the US Navy is the best navy in the world. The British navy is a distant second. In a conventional war of navies the US would destroy the Rooskies in a matter of days if not hours.

Putin has short man and small penis syndrome, plus he's a fag. As pathetic as Putin is he's still better than the average Republican.

If some pip squeak tin horn loser ordering a fly by of a US warship embarrasses the US then we have a very fragile ego because in reality our outdated planes like our F-14 Tom Cats our F-15 Strike Eagles and our F-16 could beat the piss out of anything in the Russian inventory. Our plane can shoot down a Russian plane before the Russian pilot even knows we are there. The Russians know this but they have small penis syndrome.
I was in, I was there, I saw and was part of things that would have morons like you getting millions slaughtered.

just understand this, you have no idea what you are talking about, you're guessing, making assumptions and looking like an idiot doing.

i'm a liberal, pfft
No, you are an idiot if you cant grasp the simple fact that a military unit cannot allow civilians or potential enemy vehicles/craft to come within a certain distance without permission, as that creates an opportunity for the potential threat to make a sneak attack.

This is how you prevent suicide bombers from blowing up your buddies; you establish a warning zone that said civilians cannot enter without permission. You start making exceptions and you get yourself and your buddies killed and maimed.

OF course that would delight you though, wouldnt it?
You have not idea what you are talking about, none, but you know your wrong, that why you had to deflect to other subjects.

There's a recruiting station near you rambo
Isn't it odd that a BULLSHIT country like Turkey can shoot down a Russian Jet that they say was threatening their airspace, and NOTHING HAPPENED from the great Putin, but he can sure SCARE THE SHIT out of the Obomanation! Shoot the Russian out of the sky for THREATENING us, and see what Putin will do.... If he backed off from a 2 bit dictator from Turkey, would he be afraid of the President of the only SuperPower?????......Excuse me while I :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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