John Kerry: We could have shot the jet down.

Should the Russian jet been shot down prior to reaching our ship?

  • Hell yeah!

  • No

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Well this is the Obama administration so I have no idea what our response was....
Were the planes warned off while they were still some distance away....
If so then clearly that did not work....
Was the ship aware they were out there....

I would like someone in the news division at one of the networks if we still have news divisions
not entertainment news to find out and report what the deal was...

Why did we allow Russian fighter jets to get so close....
How come we didn't have a few planes in the air to get on their ass....

We look bad in this.

First off, these aircraft fly at high speeds, and probably came at the aircraft at around 500 to 600 knots, meaning that they were flying fast enough that little warning could be had due to their speed. If they were flying low to the water, their chances of being picked up on radar would be lower than if they were flying at normal altitude.

After the planes passed by on the first flyover, the skipper should have put the entire ship at GQ and lit off the fire control radars and painted the aircraft with them. Those airplanes have threat detectors onboard that let them know when an enemy radar is targeting them. With them having zero weapons onboard, they would have probably bugged out after the first lite up.

As far as why weren't there other aircraft to buzz them? Sorry, but frigates and cruisers don't have fixed wing aircraft onboard, the only ones that have that are carriers. And, if a carrier wasn't anywhere close around, there is no way that we could have launched any aircraft to tangle with the Russians.
peek a boo
Stop your hysterics people

Here's why the Navy didn't shoot down the Russian fighter jets that buzzed by a US destroyer

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," retired frigate and cruiser commanding officer Capt. Rick Hoffman told the Navy Timesabout the incident.

"We’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said.

"It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

As a former commander of a cruiser that protected aircraft carriers and amphibious-assault vehicles from airborne attacks, Hoffman knows how to deal with threatening aircraft.

The Russian planes, Su-24s, had no visible weapons during the passes, and at no point did the USS Cook detect that the Russians were trying to lock onto them with a missile.

They weren't being "annoying," they were threatening. Riddle me this, Batman. Why didn't we just turn around and do the same thing to a Russian ship?

Because .. Putin would have shot it down ...
Probably because we don't station Aircraft Carriers in the Baltic, and it would be stupid in any case. Putin wouldn't have shot it down either. He isn't a complete idiot.
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously
We see you are not in command of your senses, much less a naval vessel...
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

You're either

1) deliberately saying stupid shit just to gin up another excuse to bash the current occupant of the Oval Office


2) a truly stupid wingnut.
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Ever notice that the people on this board who advocate a shoot first policy are people who have never served or will ever serve in the military? seems they get their "tactics" from movies like Rambo, Sum of All Fears and other places like that.
Korean Air Lines Flight 007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A US Congressman was killed, Reagan did nothing.

Thankfully the people generally elected president have cooler heads than the 'damn it, this amuhrca, we shoot first and ask questions later' crowd.

Putin blamed the US for the Panama financial leaks that outed Putin and his cronies as hiding away billions of Russian money. So he couldn't actually DO anything more than this pissing in the wind show.
Korean Air Lines Flight 007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A US Congressman was killed, Reagan did nothing.

Thankfully the people generally elected president have cooler heads than the 'damn it, this amuhrca, we shoot first and ask questions later' crowd.

Putin blamed the US for the Panama financial leaks that outed Putin and his cronies as hiding away billions of Russian money. So he couldn't actually DO anything more than this pissing in the wind show.
Ever hear the part about the Air Force bomber that shadowed 007 part of the way leaving the Russians to wonder about the real identity of the plane?
I hate Obama the Wahhabi in Chief.....

And I am conservative to the bone

having said that

should the US have shot down the Russian Jet?

Hell no!

What a question! :rolleyes:
I say hell yeah, this was pure Russian aggression. Putin is just laughing at us and our spineless wuss of a President. This isn't the endless games our militaries play, he crossed the line. And he did it on purpose to embarrass us. And it worked, our spineless President again showed what he is. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously

I believe from what I read the U.S. knew this jet was unarmed, so, I'd have to vote no.

Correct! :thup:
A lot of people don't remember that during the cold war the soviets would do this garbage all the time. They would fly their jets up to our border and then turn around. They were like mock attack runs. I suspect that the purpose was to get us to shoot one of their planes down so they can say the United States started a war with them just like the NAZIs who had to tell their people that the polish were invading them. I actually wonder if not do anything at all is the best course of action.
You fly 30 feet over USA territory as the ship is, you get your brains scrambled. Flying up to the border is a completely different thing then what happened here. If not for the sailor who sent in the shots we would never have known how mismanaged our Navy is at the moment.
Ever notice that the people on this board who advocate a shoot first policy are people who have never served or will ever serve in the military? seems they get their "tactics" from movies like Rambo, Sum of All Fears and other places like that.
Also noticed that they’re mostly crazy conservatives.

Speaking of crazy conservatives, this moronic thread is yet another example of the reprehensible right trying to contrive a ‘controversy’ where none exists.

Fortunately, we have a president who is an adult, unlike most on the childish right who want to start WWIII.
Ever notice that the people on this board who advocate a shoot first policy are people who have never served or will ever serve in the military? seems they get their "tactics" from movies like Rambo, Sum of All Fears and other places like that.
Also noticed that they’re mostly crazy conservatives.

Speaking of crazy conservatives, this moronic thread is yet another example of the reprehensible right trying to contrive a ‘controversy’ where none exists.

Fortunately, we have a president who is an adult, unlike most on the childish right who want to start WWIII.
The jet should have been shot down, this does not start WW111 it just forces Russia to say that they had a renegade pilot who wanted just that.
Maybe when we have Donald J Trump as our next President it will be more like this.....

And not this.......

pajama boy #2.png
Damn right. Zero-Bama should have flown in on airforce 1, parachuted down to the ship, and personally shot down that Commie. Why didn't he? BECAUSE HE'S A FUCKING COMMIE
Cons need images like Bush in his flight suit on the carrier with the big Mission Accomplished banner behind him, even though nothing was accomplished and it was merely a Karl Rove shart.
Stop your hysterics people

Here's why the Navy didn't shoot down the Russian fighter jets that buzzed by a US destroyer

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," retired frigate and cruiser commanding officer Capt. Rick Hoffman told the Navy Timesabout the incident.

"We’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said.

"It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

As a former commander of a cruiser that protected aircraft carriers and amphibious-assault vehicles from airborne attacks, Hoffman knows how to deal with threatening aircraft.

The Russian planes, Su-24s, had no visible weapons during the passes, and at no point did the USS Cook detect that the Russians were trying to lock onto them with a missile.

Plus, even when you kill people because they are killing or harming your people, you liberals still blame America first.
Stop your hysterics people

Here's why the Navy didn't shoot down the Russian fighter jets that buzzed by a US destroyer

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," retired frigate and cruiser commanding officer Capt. Rick Hoffman told the Navy Timesabout the incident.

"We’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said.

"It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

As a former commander of a cruiser that protected aircraft carriers and amphibious-assault vehicles from airborne attacks, Hoffman knows how to deal with threatening aircraft.

The Russian planes, Su-24s, had no visible weapons during the passes, and at no point did the USS Cook detect that the Russians were trying to lock onto them with a missile.

Plus, even when you kill people because they are killing or harming your people, you liberals still blame America first.
Oh good grief go kill yourself

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