John Lewis at Edmund Pettis Bridge...He Got Pushed Down

Civil Rights icon and professional big mouth Congressmen John Lewis likes to tout how his "saw death" coming toward him and that he was "beaten" at the Edmund Pettis bridge. Watch the footage. He got pushed down. Oh my! The horror of it all! Also, contrary to what the narrator said, the nation did not watch in shocked horror. The vast majority were in favor of law and order and the marchers were doing this without a permit in violation of the law. They were asked nicely to disperse. They did not.

yeah. The actions of the Alabama authorities that day provided a sterling example of the free exercise of the 1st amendment and how the rights of all American citizens are protected and upheld in our free society.

Really now, do all you racists have, not only the free time, but the warped view of history to try such ham handed stabs at rewriting it? It must be exhausting being filled with such hatred for not only your fellow Americans, but for America itself. How in God's green earth do you find the stamina while being so incredibly stupid?

They did not have a permit to march. They were in violation of the law.

They wanted the right to vote. They had every right to march. Do you think your forefathers in racist Alabama were just going to give them voting rights after fighting them on it for generations?

Using your, I guess we'll call it 'logic', you would have sided with the British at Lexington and Concord.

They had no permit and no right to disrupt businesses in downtown Montgomery.

Surely you jest.....Blacks didn't have any rights anywhere in the country much less Birmingham. All that shit about beating and hanging Blacks for no good reason.............TRUE!!!!!

Civil Rights icon and professional big mouth Congressmen John Lewis likes to tout how his "saw death" coming toward him and that he was "beaten" at the Edmund Pettis bridge. Watch the footage. He got pushed down. Oh my! The horror of it all! Also, contrary to what the narrator said, the nation did not watch in shocked horror. The vast majority were in favor of law and order and the marchers were doing this without a permit in violation of the law. They were asked nicely to disperse. They did not.

yeah. The actions of the Alabama authorities that day provided a sterling example of the free exercise of the 1st amendment and how the rights of all American citizens are protected and upheld in our free society.

Really now, do all you racists have, not only the free time, but the warped view of history to try such ham handed stabs at rewriting it? It must be exhausting being filled with such hatred for not only your fellow Americans, but for America itself. How in God's green earth do you find the stamina while being so incredibly stupid?

They did not have a permit to march. They were in violation of the law.

They wanted the right to vote. They had every right to march. Do you think your forefathers in racist Alabama were just going to give them voting rights after fighting them on it for generations?

Using your, I guess we'll call it 'logic', you would have sided with the British at Lexington and Concord.

They had no permit and no right to disrupt businesses in downtown Montgomery.

Surely you jest.....Blacks didn't have any rights anywhere in the country much less Birmingham. All that shit about beating and hanging Blacks for no good reason.............TRUE!!!!!


You post a photo from 1930's from some obscure region of the country. Lynchings were rare and blacks had full constitutional rights in almost all areas of the country. Blacks were not lynched or beaten "for no good reason." The Montgomery Bus Boycott was successful because of the large numbers of whites that joined in to help drive and car pool. The lunch counter protest gained steam when white students joined in. The Freedom Riders were 50% white. But the NAACP said in the 1990's when advocating their take on Civil Rights Movement as it related to public school text books..."It must be shown that blacks improved their condition themselves." No reason for black America to live in the poverty they do in inner cities except for a Democratic Party created generational welfare state and crybabies like Al Sharpton.
Let us remember that all slave owners were scum...utter scum. And I'm a WHITE american born male. I have zero respect for lazy, Ill begotten, wimpy cowards who owned slaves. They were not Americans in the true sense of the word. I am calling those utter cowardly scumbuckets out.
Let us remember that all slave owners were scum...utter scum. And I'm a WHITE american born male. I have zero respect for lazy, Ill begotten, wimpy cowards who owned slaves. They were not Americans in the true sense of the word. I am calling those utter cowardly scumbuckets out.
It was their culture in the South. If you were born into the landed gentry class you have slaves bequeathed to you as an infant in order to perpetuate the institution. so if that is all you ever knew...that's your world. They modeled themselves after English nobility. I would not call them lazy either. They were serious businessmen who put in long hours, traveled many days a year, and balanced a budget.
Let us remember that all slave owners were scum...utter scum. And I'm a WHITE american born male. I have zero respect for lazy, Ill begotten, wimpy cowards who owned slaves. They were not Americans in the true sense of the word. I am calling those utter cowardly scumbuckets out.
They had a long military tradition in the South amongst the planter elite. Almost 60% of confederate officers died in battle during the war. They came from this class. Chivalrous in battle? Yes.
There is nothing chivalrous about imprisoning another because you are too inept to do it yourself. So you use torture and fear so they make the profit for you. They were not Christians....but they were cowards.
Let us remember that all slave owners were scum...utter scum. And I'm a WHITE american born male. I have zero respect for lazy, Ill begotten, wimpy cowards who owned slaves. They were not Americans in the true sense of the word. I am calling those utter cowardly scumbuckets out.
Good luck calling them out, they are all dead...
Let us remember that all slave owners were scum...utter scum. And I'm a WHITE american born male. I have zero respect for lazy, Ill begotten, wimpy cowards who owned slaves. They were not Americans in the true sense of the word. I am calling those utter cowardly scumbuckets out.
Good luck calling them out, they are all dead...

Meh, we could teach kids the truth.
where was Joe Biden that day. i would think that for sure he would of joined the crowd.
Joe Biden would have "kicked somebody's ass" in his own mind.
and look for 13 yr old girls

He and Don could double hooker date.
i still cant get over that photo of Biden feeling up some guys knee

Well who knows, when ya go looking for hookers it can get dicey, he could again.

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