John Lewis dead

How many would put up with what John Lewis did to fight for basic human rights?

Without fighting he endured people screaming vile names, spitting on him, beatings that put him in the hospital, arrests, threats on his life.

Many Civil Rights icons of the era were assassinated or just disappeared.

John Lewis was a brave man and American Patriot
So dig him up and suck his dick if you like him so much.

Me, I'm a lot harder to impress.
Spoken like a real American Conservative

Why would I care what YOU think about my feelings?
Good riddance to the race pimp asshole. A dumbass Negro Democrat that was always on the wrong side of everything. A piece of low IQ shit that other low IQ Negroes looking for somebody to protect their welfare check kept in office.

Piss on him and all the Democrats.

Wrong side? He risked his life and safety to defy the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws as a Freedom Rider. Was he on the wrong side when he rode on a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person in his group?

Was he on the wrong side when he marched to allow blacks to register to vote?

You are confused.

The sonofabitch was a worthless piece of commie shit. He was part of this filthy Democrat Congressional Black Caucus that had a combined IQ of less than 200. Dumbasses like Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Fredricka Wilson, Danny Davis, Al Green, Alcee Hastings and other corrupt dipshits.

They are the scum of this country elected by other dumbass Blacks. These low IQ morally deficient American hating sonofatiches are elected by a constituency looking only to get somebody else to pay their bills.

The inner city Atlanta scum that have been rioting and attacking police and making assholes of themselves are the jerks that elected this idiot Lewis to Congress.

Lewis who always supported disastrous Democrat policies that kept the very low IQ constituency poor and depressed.

Just look at the traitorous activity the dickhead did to help with the Democrat Dirty Tricks impeachment of Trump to understand what a low life he was.

Good riddance to an asshole! However, he will be replaced by another asshole. Those dumbass ghetto Negroes in Atlanta can't help themselves but to elect shitheads to Congress.

I specifically addressed one thing in your post. "A dumbass Negro Democrat that was always on the wrong side of everything."

Nothing you said answered my questions. But ok.
It is hard to differentiate between all these dumbass Democrat Negroes. They all sound just as silly as one another

Is he the dumbass Negro that claimed that Guam was going to tip over or was it another dumbass Negro?
Will the Lewis requiems maintain social distancing? And will the Libs try to politicize his death, like they did when other liberal heroes like Wellstone and McCain kicked the bucket?

Or will they use this funeral to unite the people, invite the President down to eulogize this tremendous American?
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Good riddance to the race pimp asshole. A dumbass Negro Democrat that was always on the wrong side of everything. A piece of low IQ shit that other low IQ Negroes looking for somebody to protect their welfare check kept in office.

Piss on him and all the Democrats.

Wrong side? He risked his life and safety to defy the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws as a Freedom Rider. Was he on the wrong side when he rode on a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person in his group?

Was he on the wrong side when he marched to allow blacks to register to vote?

You are confused.

The sonofabitch was a worthless piece of commie shit. He was part of this filthy Democrat Congressional Black Caucus that had a combined IQ of less than 200. Dumbasses like Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Fredricka Wilson, Danny Davis, Al Green, Alcee Hastings and other corrupt dipshits.

They are the scum of this country elected by other dumbass Blacks. These low IQ morally deficient American hating sonofatiches are elected by a constituency looking only to get somebody else to pay their bills.

The inner city Atlanta scum that have been rioting and attacking police and making assholes of themselves are the jerks that elected this idiot Lewis to Congress.

Lewis who always supported disastrous Democrat policies that kept the very low IQ constituency poor and depressed.

Just look at the traitorous activity the dickhead did to help with the Democrat Dirty Tricks impeachment of Trump to understand what a low life he was.

Good riddance to an asshole! However, he will be replaced by another asshole. Those dumbass ghetto Negroes in Atlanta can't help themselves but to elect shitheads to Congress.

I specifically addressed one thing in your post. "A dumbass Negro Democrat that was always on the wrong side of everything."

Nothing you said answered my questions. But ok.

All Democrats are shitheads. The Blacks one have their on little hate group comprised of butthurt entitlement assholes that always are the wrong side of every issue.

They are the ones that vote lockstep to raise our taxes, take away our liberty, demean America and steal money to fund the filthy ass welfare state.

This piece of shit Lewis was the leader and he helped that dipshit Obama to use race to divide this country so don't talk to me about him being a Civil Rights weenie. He was full of racial hate.

I wonder if his job with King was to help procure White whores or be the bag money guy for the funds from the Soviet Union? What do you think?
He's an old democrat associated with MLK.

Dead as a stump.

How many black babies did Lewis vote to kill?


And this is why Rep. Lewis may well be in a huge orientation meeting this morning. His advocacy for the Abortion Industry as well as Gay Marriage was noted by Almighty God

Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.
He's an old democrat associated with MLK.

Dead as a stump.

How many black babies did Lewis vote to kill?


And this is why Rep. Lewis may well be in a huge orientation meeting this morning. His advocacy for the Abortion Industry as well as Gay Marriage was noted by Almighty God

Or Satan is welcoming John with barbequed fetus in lime juice
Our Founding Fathers had it right when they established a country where only land owning White men could vote.

They mostly voted for other land owning White men to Congress and the country did pretty damn good.

Nowadays when every dumbass and their Little Brown Dog can vote so we get representatives to Congress like this Lewis piece of shit. A low IQ hate mongering corrupt American hating entitlement Negro representing a constituency of ghetto monkeys just looking to get a bigger welfare check.

No wonder our country is so fucked up and Congress is a disaster.
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
I am bored, can you please erect a statue to Lewis
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
I am bored, can you please erect a statue to Lewis

Nah. Your boredom is not my problem.
John Lewis was a great American Patriot

Risked his life and freedom fighting for Liberty and Justice

Lunch counter sit in’s
Freedom Rider
Led the March in Selma
Spoke before Martin Luther Kings.......I have a dream

He will be missed
He was a good puppet for you guys

Yeah, how dare we praise a black man who put his own safety and life in danger to fight against Jim Crow laws and for blacks to be able to register to vote.
He backed him crow years later

He did? Please provide a link showing John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws.
Umm he was a democrat
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.

You claimed he was the voice of reason.

I pointed out that he used the cred he got from his early days to support modern day wace baiting and the lefty agenda.

You countered, pointing against to his long ago actions, ignoring the last 50 years.

That is where we are now. Me judging him on his whole life, and you insisting on ignoring the last 50 years, and pretending to not even notice what I am saying.
“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” Lewis said in an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” a week before Trump was sworn into office. “I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected and they have destroyed the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.”

Remember when not respecting elections was considered bad by lefties?
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
I am bored, can you please erect a statue to Lewis

Nah. Your boredom is not my problem.

Your problems include hardening of the arteries
John Lewis was a great American Patriot

Risked his life and freedom fighting for Liberty and Justice

Lunch counter sit in’s
Freedom Rider
Led the March in Selma
Spoke before Martin Luther Kings.......I have a dream

He will be missed
He was a good puppet for you guys

Yeah, how dare we praise a black man who put his own safety and life in danger to fight against Jim Crow laws and for blacks to be able to register to vote.
He backed him crow years later

He did? Please provide a link showing John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws.
Umm he was a democrat

Let me help educate you. Jim Crow laws were specifically laws that required racial segregation. You know, segregated schools, public transportation, segregated bathrooms, water fountains and lunch counters. Unless you have some instance in which he supported racial segregation, just admit you were wrong and be done with it. This idea that any democrat supports every single facet of the entire history of the democratic party is ridiculous.
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

In 1961, Lewis was one of the original Freedom Riders. They were seven whites and six blacks who rode a bus from Washington to New Orleans. Their crime? They had the audacity to sit next to each other. Mobs met the bus and there was violence against the riders. The SCOTUS had ruled that forced segregation on interstate buses was unconstitutional in 1960. A year later the Freedom Fighters were not only attacked and beaten, they were arrested for violating Jim Crow laws, which had been declared unconstitutional. And still he came back.

And he never returned the violence. He never looted, burned or destroyed property. He was a strong advocate for peaceful protest.

All he wanted was change for his people. And he stood up when so many refused to get beaten, hosed, attacked by dogs ect. John Lewis refused to quit.

He was ostracized by other members of the civil rights movement when he refused to give up his peaceful protest and respond with violence.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

Mr. Lewis and the other civil rights people of the 1960's were attacked by liberals. In the 60's, Alabama was hard core leftist. And the county that Selma is in, Dallas County, went better than 2 to 1 for the Far Left Former Arkansas First Lady in 2016.

Lewis took a beat down, no doubt about it. But he took a beat down from libs, a group he later joined during his 30+ years as a swamp creature in the District of Columbia (the future District of Indigenous Peoples)
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