John Lewis dead

Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.

You claimed he was the voice of reason.

I pointed out that he used the cred he got from his early days to support modern day wace baiting and the lefty agenda.

You countered, pointing against to his long ago actions, ignoring the last 50 years.

That is where we are now. Me judging him on his whole life, and you insisting on ignoring the last 50 years, and pretending to not even notice what I am saying.

I am recognizing his bravery and contributions to the civil rights movement. Nothing more and nothing less.
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
I am bored, can you please erect a statue to Lewis

Nah. Your boredom is not my problem.

Your problems include hardening of the arteries

My arteries are fine. No idea why you think differently.
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.

You claimed he was the voice of reason.

I pointed out that he used the cred he got from his early days to support modern day wace baiting and the lefty agenda.

You countered, pointing against to his long ago actions, ignoring the last 50 years.

That is where we are now. Me judging him on his whole life, and you insisting on ignoring the last 50 years, and pretending to not even notice what I am saying.

I am recognizing his bravery and contributions to the civil rights movement. Nothing more and nothing less.

I am recognizing that he used that fame to later support the modern democrat party, with it's massive wace baiting and lefty agenda,

and thus he is no hero.
Just another corrupt career hack. His own district was a total shithole, and he kept it that way on purpose. No honest pol would be caught dead as a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.
John Lewis was the most inspiring, heroic, and tenacious front-line Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) organizer in the fight against southern Jim Crow. His personal courage in those terrible days was simply legendary. He maintained his principles when he later entered politics.

Lewis became, apparently, part of the heart and soul of African-American and new Democrat Party politics in Atlanta and Georgia. I don’t claim to understand much about all that, though. I was certainly disappointed that in old age he accepted and pushed the “patriotic” campaign that saw Trump as a mere puppet of Russia, but it seems to me he remained loyal to his own beliefs and principles. His personal integrity stood out in the universe of corrupt D.C. politics. He mentored and nurtured many and lived modestly, and after 34 years he was still one of, if not the, poorest Congressmen to serve our country, leaving behind a very modest “estate” of between 150,000 and 300,000 dollars. A man of honor and integrity.
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I can't fault John Lewis when he took beatings to help repeal Jim Crow laws.

I can't support or admire Lewis when he spent all those years in Congress saying yas suh no suh to the DNC
no matter what while many fellow blacks willingly were enslaved by the Great White Fathers in Washington
DC. with the help of Lewis.

I hope that makes things clear.
I can't fault John Lewis when he took beatings to help repeal Jim Crow laws.

I can't support or admire Lewis when he spent all those years in Congress saying yas suh no suh to the DNC
no matter what while many fellow blacks willingly were enslaved by the Great White Fathers in Washington
DC. with the help of Lewis.

I hope that makes things clear.

Yes, it does. I can respect that.
John Lewis was a great American Patriot

Risked his life and freedom fighting for Liberty and Justice

Lunch counter sit in’s
Freedom Rider
Led the March in Selma
Spoke before Martin Luther Kings.......I have a dream

He will be missed
He was a good puppet for you guys

Yeah, how dare we praise a black man who put his own safety and life in danger to fight against Jim Crow laws and for blacks to be able to register to vote.
He backed him crow years later

He did? Please provide a link showing John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws.
Umm he was a democrat

Let me help educate you. Jim Crow laws were specifically laws that required racial segregation. You know, segregated schools, public transportation, segregated bathrooms, water fountains and lunch counters. Unless you have some instance in which he supported racial segregation, just admit you were wrong and be done with it. This idea that any democrat supports every single facet of the entire history of the democratic party is ridiculous.
What's amazing, is that once these long awaited milestone's were reached by those who supposedly wanted just equality, and opportunity that is equal to those they felt were controlling the higher grounds by race, have since been groomed by globalist to create the contentious issues all over again.... Instead of the gains being based upon character and merit, the blacks (who fall for it), have now been convinced to revert backwards by globalist that are using the past to transform the future in which has to be controlled by these globalist.

In summary, the globalist have figured out our long time weakness, and they have pounced on it in order to attempt to defeat us from within with it. The Democrats are globalist, and they are the ones pulling the levers for the globalist around the world now.

Wake up America, please. Good grief.
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

In 1961, Lewis was one of the original Freedom Riders. They were seven whites and six blacks who rode a bus from Washington to New Orleans. Their crime? They had the audacity to sit next to each other. Mobs met the bus and there was violence against the riders. The SCOTUS had ruled that forced segregation on interstate buses was unconstitutional in 1960. A year later the Freedom Fighters were not only attacked and beaten, they were arrested for violating Jim Crow laws, which had been declared unconstitutional. And still he came back.

And he never returned the violence. He never looted, burned or destroyed property. He was a strong advocate for peaceful protest.

All he wanted was change for his people. And he stood up when so many refused to get beaten, hosed, attacked by dogs ect. John Lewis refused to quit.

He was ostracized by other members of the civil rights movement when he refused to give up his peaceful protest and respond with violence.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.
We will?

Who is "we"? You got a mouse in your pocket or something?

"We", as in the people who want peaceful protests instead of violence.
I ain't gonna miss this guy.
World has enough assholes already.
'Rev Al' hopefully the next race-whore to croak.
Another Race bating, Far Left, Racist, anti American Democrat gone. RIP.
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
I am bored, can you please erect a statue to Lewis

Nah. Your boredom is not my problem.

Your problems include hardening of the arteries

My arteries are fine. No idea why you think differently.
What is your time in a mile and 5k
I can't fault John Lewis when he took beatings to help repeal Jim Crow laws.

I can't support or admire Lewis when he spent all those years in Congress saying yas suh no suh to the DNC
no matter what while many fellow blacks willingly were enslaved by the Great White Fathers in Washington
DC. with the help of Lewis.

I hope that makes things clear.
John Lewis fought on behalf of his constituents
Like all Congressmen should
Yea he voted to impeach Trump because he didn't like him.

Got what he deserved. Karma is a bitch.
I can't fault John Lewis when he took beatings to help repeal Jim Crow laws.

I can't support or admire Lewis when he spent all those years in Congress saying yas suh no suh to the DNC
no matter what while many fellow blacks willingly were enslaved by the Great White Fathers in Washington
DC. with the help of Lewis.

I hope that makes things clear.
Exactly... They are being used. Some understand this, but we have allowed a huge break away in the country that might dwarf the Confederate break away in the 1800's. This time it has no borders, and it is the worse kind of war because of that fact.

People like their enemies defined and located upon the battlefield, and uniforms and borders got this done real nice for the opposing sides. No one likes a situation where their enemy has entered the camp unknowingly, and therefore no one has peace or gets any sleep because of the situation. Time to define and identify the enemy within, and to draw up the borders quickly in order to keep the rear protected at all times. These borders can be created as standards, land based or virtual. Many ways to create borders that keep ones known enemies at Bay, but the understanding of such a thing has been lost.

Blacks are now creating borders by shoring up government power in their favor, dominating media when possible, keeping black Churches segregated, creating black only programs, films, caucuses, groups, and etc, while raising hell if whites attempt to do any such thing. The quest for equality has turned into reversed discrimination, and a quest for what ???

We need to get a grip before things get way to out of hand, and empowering the right people is paramount in doing so.

This means that true anti-racist White's, Black's, and any other race that considers themselves the same as being just colour blind American's in our society at large, and nothing more, should be empowered only.

After the weakness shown or the gullability shown in some blacks and some white's that had been hoisted into power, and in the case of the blacks for the good reason's of showing unity, equality, and of course all men being created as equal, ummm might be failing us now.... After hoisting blacks into powerful positions, it was to put an end to racial discrimination against the blacks, so the doors were flung wide open to except them as our brothers and sisters in the eyes of God, and as equal American's, but it is a wonder now if certain blacks (after what we've witnessed to date), can be trusted to hold powerful positions above white's any longer, otherwise once placed into powerful government positions if they are prone to becoming anti-white, and anti-American racist or radical activist who will use that power to hurt whites on a national scale?

This is due to being convinced to do such a thing by those filled with hate below them or by the globalist around them.... It's a thought, but a serious one by what we are seeing take hold in America today.

Otherwise we must be very careful in who we empower now or this American unified experiment is subject to fail, and fail badly.

This is not a post saying that we should ban blacks from holding powerful offices in government, but it is to say that electing a person based upon a skin colour if is ever the case anymore, and all due to white guilt if it is the case anymore, has possibly come back to bite this nation in it's ace now. You don't put radical anti-American activist in powerful government positions, and that goes for any skin colour or race of people.

Not sure what the vetting process should be or how to keep from making bad mistakes, but one needs to be created big time. Just as these shows that contestants win by audience popular vote, still yet a panel of judges gives the final vote before the contestant makes it through, so should we as American's adopt some sort of similar system that protects the union from it's enemies within, and from it's enemies without ??
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Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

In 1961, Lewis was one of the original Freedom Riders. They were seven whites and six blacks who rode a bus from Washington to New Orleans. Their crime? They had the audacity to sit next to each other. Mobs met the bus and there was violence against the riders. The SCOTUS had ruled that forced segregation on interstate buses was unconstitutional in 1960. A year later the Freedom Fighters were not only attacked and beaten, they were arrested for violating Jim Crow laws, which had been declared unconstitutional. And still he came back.

And he never returned the violence. He never looted, burned or destroyed property. He was a strong advocate for peaceful protest.

All he wanted was change for his people. And he stood up when so many refused to get beaten, hosed, attacked by dogs ect. John Lewis refused to quit.

He was ostracized by other members of the civil rights movement when he refused to give up his peaceful protest and respond with violence.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

Mr. Lewis and the other civil rights people of the 1960's were attacked by liberals. In the 60's, Alabama was hard core leftist. And the county that Selma is in, Dallas County, went better than 2 to 1 for the Far Left Former Arkansas First Lady in 2016.

Lewis took a beat down, no doubt about it. But he took a beat down from libs, a group he later joined during his 30+ years as a swamp creature in the District of Columbia (the future District of Indigenous Peoples)
Actually, it was white liberals marching along side them, doing Freedom Rides and getting murdered

Bull Conner and George Wallace were Conservatives
John Lewis voted against the Iraq War in 2002, along with only one other Georgia Congressman, also Democratic.

He was part of the heart and soul of African-American and new Democrat Party politics in Atlanta and Georgia. I was certainly disappointed that in old age he accepted and pushed the “patriotic” campaign that saw Trump as a mere puppet of Russia, but it seems to me he remained loyal to his own beliefs and principles. His personal integrity stood out in the universe of corrupt D.C. politics. He mentored and nurtured many and lived modestly, and after 34 years he was still one of, if not the, poorest Congressmen to serve our country, leaving behind a very modest “estate” of between 150,000 and 300,000 dollars. A man of honor and integrity.
That asshole Lewis was anti right to keep and bear arms . I doubt the sonofabitch ever read the Bill of Rights and if he did he didn't know what the hell it was all about..
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

In 1961, Lewis was one of the original Freedom Riders. They were seven whites and six blacks who rode a bus from Washington to New Orleans. Their crime? They had the audacity to sit next to each other. Mobs met the bus and there was violence against the riders. The SCOTUS had ruled that forced segregation on interstate buses was unconstitutional in 1960. A year later the Freedom Fighters were not only attacked and beaten, they were arrested for violating Jim Crow laws, which had been declared unconstitutional. And still he came back.

And he never returned the violence. He never looted, burned or destroyed property. He was a strong advocate for peaceful protest.

All he wanted was change for his people. And he stood up when so many refused to get beaten, hosed, attacked by dogs ect. John Lewis refused to quit.

He was ostracized by other members of the civil rights movement when he refused to give up his peaceful protest and respond with violence.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

Mr. Lewis and the other civil rights people of the 1960's were attacked by liberals. In the 60's, Alabama was hard core leftist. And the county that Selma is in, Dallas County, went better than 2 to 1 for the Far Left Former Arkansas First Lady in 2016.

Lewis took a beat down, no doubt about it. But he took a beat down from libs, a group he later joined during his 30+ years as a swamp creature in the District of Columbia (the future District of Indigenous Peoples)
Actually, it was white liberals marching along side them, doing Freedom Rides and getting murdered

Bull Conner and George Wallace were Conservatives

George C. Wallace was a huge supporter of his fellow libs, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. He pulled all the usual southern liberal tricks. Just like Clinton put his old lady up to run for President as an end-around the 22nd Amendment, Mr. Wallace put his old lady up for governor to get around the Alabama Constitution's term limitations.

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