John Lewis dead

Oh, yes! Remember the Congressional Black Caucasians on the left prior to the vote on Obamacare, decided to march in front of the Capitol Building because there were a bunch of Tea Party there protesting the vote.

So they marched and they did it on purpose. When the march was over Lewis said that he had been spat upon and called the N-word, and there was an investigation undertaken, and none of it happened. It didn’t happen. Didn’t matter. The left continued to report that it did in their effort to impugn and besmirch the Tea Party. It didn’t happen. That’s the kind of fraudulent stuff John Lewis has been engaging in. But you don’t say this. He’s a “civil rights icon,” untouchable. He’s permitted to do anything. He’s permitted to say anything and be granted senior statesman, elder statesman status. This is one of the many things that we’re up against that’s wrong, because any criticism of John Lewis or Barack Obama or anybody has been paralyzed by virtue of race, civil rights.
Oh, yes! Remember the Congressional Black Caucasians on the left prior to the vote on Obamacare, decided to march in front of the Capitol Building because there were a bunch of Tea Party there protesting the vote.

So they marched and they did it on purpose. When the march was over Lewis said that he had been spat upon and called the N-word, and there was an investigation undertaken, and none of it happened. It didn’t happen. Didn’t matter. The left continued to report that it did in their effort to impugn and besmirch the Tea Party. It didn’t happen. That’s the kind of fraudulent stuff John Lewis has been engaging in. But you don’t say this. He’s a “civil rights icon,” untouchable. He’s permitted to do anything. He’s permitted to say anything and be granted senior statesman, elder statesman status. This is one of the many things that we’re up against that’s wrong, because any criticism of John Lewis or Barack Obama or anybody has been paralyzed by virtue of race, civil rights.

Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
I am bored, can you please erect a statue to Lewis

Nah. Your boredom is not my problem.

Your problems include hardening of the arteries

My arteries are fine. No idea why you think differently.
What is your time in a mile and 5k

I have a bad knee, from an accident climbing utility poles. I don't run.

I do lift weights, ride a bike, and work out. My cholestrol levels are excellent. Now, shall we get back on topic?
Where the Marxist liberal Poli media onslaught began. He got pushed to the ground once and you would think he was brutally beaten by police. Another historical lie.

Pushed down? He had his skull fractured. When he was a Freedom Rider, he was beaten by a group of ignorant rednecks in a Greyhound buss station restroom. He was arrested several times on that trip. All because he had the audacity to sit next to a white person traveling in his group.

Those who marched in the 1960s were not violent rioters. Some, like John Lewis did not even fight back. They were beaten and murdered for marching for the right to register to vote. Not out of some misguided loyalty to criminals who were killed by police. They wanted to vote.
Those who march now are not violent rioters. But when some posters here have an anti black agenda, it's OK for them to talk about less than 2 percent of the people then broad brush while crying not all whites and don't broad brush us at the same time.
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
I am bored, can you please erect a statue to Lewis

Nah. Your boredom is not my problem.

Your problems include hardening of the arteries

My arteries are fine. No idea why you think differently.
What is your time in a mile and 5k

I have a bad knee, from an accident climbing utility poles. I don't run.

I do lift weights, ride a bike, and work out. My cholestrol levels are excellent. Now, shall we get back on topic?
My bike rides are in the 50 mile range.

John Lewis was a great American Patriot

Risked his life and freedom fighting for Liberty and Justice

Lunch counter sit in’s
Freedom Rider
Led the March in Selma
Spoke before Martin Luther Kings.......I have a dream

He will be missed
He was a good puppet for you guys

Yeah, how dare we praise a black man who put his own safety and life in danger to fight against Jim Crow laws and for blacks to be able to register to vote.
He backed him crow years later

He did? Please provide a link showing John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws.
Umm he was a democrat

Let me help educate you. Jim Crow laws were specifically laws that required racial segregation. You know, segregated schools, public transportation, segregated bathrooms, water fountains and lunch counters. Unless you have some instance in which he supported racial segregation, just admit you were wrong and be done with it. This idea that any democrat supports every single facet of the entire history of the democratic party is ridiculous.
Todays Jim Crow laws are a lot worse today.. he lives in a district with blacks were living in rat infestation.. he is a disgusting human being we have more segregation today than we did back then.. Like I said I hope he rots in hell

So you obviously don't understand the definition of Jim Crow laws. Not much else to discuss.
The mentally handicapped are the ones he is responding to.
Quit riding my coat tails. This poster you reflexively defend has made at least four posts all saying the exact same thing. I know to you that counts as MENSA material but it really is not, in reality.
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
I am bored, can you please erect a statue to Lewis

Nah. Your boredom is not my problem.

Your problems include hardening of the arteries

My arteries are fine. No idea why you think differently.
What is your time in a mile and 5k

I have a bad knee, from an accident climbing utility poles. I don't run.

I do lift weights, ride a bike, and work out. My cholestrol levels are excellent. Now, shall we get back on topic?
My bike rides are in the 50 mile range.


My bike rides are in the range of "Get the fuck back on topic".
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
I am bored, can you please erect a statue to Lewis

Nah. Your boredom is not my problem.

Your problems include hardening of the arteries

My arteries are fine. No idea why you think differently.
What is your time in a mile and 5k

I have a bad knee, from an accident climbing utility poles. I don't run.

I do lift weights, ride a bike, and work out. My cholestrol levels are excellent. Now, shall we get back on topic?
My bike rides are in the 50 mile range.


My bike rides are in the range of "Get the fuck back on topic".
Try nitric oxide boosters and exercise instead of ignoring your clogged arteries
Oh, yes! Remember the Congressional Black Caucasians on the left prior to the vote on Obamacare, decided to march in front of the Capitol Building because there were a bunch of Tea Party there protesting the vote.

So they marched and they did it on purpose. When the march was over Lewis said that he had been spat upon and called the N-word, and there was an investigation undertaken, and none of it happened. It didn’t happen. Didn’t matter. The left continued to report that it did in their effort to impugn and besmirch the Tea Party. It didn’t happen. That’s the kind of fraudulent stuff John Lewis has been engaging in. But you don’t say this. He’s a “civil rights icon,” untouchable. He’s permitted to do anything. He’s permitted to say anything and be granted senior statesman, elder statesman status. This is one of the many things that we’re up against that’s wrong, because any criticism of John Lewis or Barack Obama or anybody has been paralyzed by virtue of race, civil rights.
It was the opinion of Conservatives that Lewis lied

never proven
“There will be no turning back,” Lewis said about our antiracist movement in June, weeks before his passing.

John Lewis carried the baton of justice until the very end. It’s now on us to pick it up and march on.

We are all on the Edmund Pettis Bridge, staring down the army of racism, as Lewis did 55 years ago in Selma. To honor his immortal legacy, let us never turn back. Let us keep marching in life and death like John Lewis
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” - John Lewis
Its funny, so many conservatives are quick to point out that republicans were the ones who worked for civil rights first. And when one of those on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the early days, dies, the vitriol and hate comes spewing. John Lewis was beaten down during the first Selma March, known as Bloody Sunday. He bore the scars from that the rest of his life. But he kept going.

R.I.P. John Lewis. You earned your rest. But we will miss your voice of reason.

And he used that to support the wace baiting and lefty agenda of the modern liberals today.

Sorry, Lewis was not the voice of reason.

Race baiting? For riding a Greyhound Bus sitting next to a white person? For wanting blacks to be able to register to vote?

You idea of race baiting is a strange one.

Your pretense of being ignorant of the last 50 years, is not credible. Stop your lying.

I have made no pretense of being ignorant of anything. I have praised a man for what he did in risking his life for a worthy cause.

And if you would point out any lies, I will happily delete them.
I am bored, can you please erect a statue to Lewis

Nah. Your boredom is not my problem.

Your problems include hardening of the arteries

My arteries are fine. No idea why you think differently.
What is your time in a mile and 5k

I have a bad knee, from an accident climbing utility poles. I don't run.

I do lift weights, ride a bike, and work out. My cholestrol levels are excellent. Now, shall we get back on topic?
My bike rides are in the 50 mile range.


My bike rides are in the range of "Get the fuck back on topic".
Try nitric oxide boosters and exercise instead of ignoring your clogged arteries

My arteries are not clogged. Now....back to the topic?

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