John Lewis dead

I guess the media is going to faun over this lifelong do nothing swamper all if he was the best thing since sliced bread....if the media wants to do justice to this end of a swamper they should go over his inadequate record of achievements....50 years of living off of you and me....and doing nothing for anyone but himself.....ABC radio news this morning cracked me up....they said "Trump has ordered the flag to half staff.....but only for today".... :laughing0301:
Few have accomplished in a lifetime what John Lewis accomplished
Like what?.....wait let me get some popcorn.....this should be good....
He was a Civil Rights leader at 21. For most, that would be enough.
He represented his district for 33 years fighting for civil rights, against war, for gay rights, healthcare.
I said achievements not a line from his campaign speech....
I understand you would never acknowledge achievements from a Civil Rights icon

John Lewis at lunch counter sit in

View attachment 364645
And bringing up the past is doing what for you ??? The past is gone, and it has been corrected. The new generations are moving on from it, but people like you with a political agenda, and a greedyness for controlling government power, has to keep bringing the past foward as a blunt instrument to try and pursue a political outcome by using it as a weapon to beat future generations into submission. Quit thinking that people are so stupid to listen to your idiotic bullcrap. You are only fooling yourself, but are just to crazy to realize it.
It is horrible to see Americans mock those Americans who fight for the values we all supposedly hold dear. We live in a supposedly democratic republic. But women and those of African descent had to fight and die just for the liberty to vote. That's over half of Americans who had to fight for freedom. We say a pledge to our flag, that our nation delivers liberty and justice for all and we are here to make sure that it damned well does. In the 1970s, I marched behind a trolley carrying ALICE PAUL, freedom fighter and champion of the ballot, who was 100 years old. People like Alice and John took on those who don't want us to be free.

John Lewis enriched his country. May he be up there with Alice and the rest of our angels who stood for liberty.
John Lewis was a great American Patriot

Risked his life and freedom fighting for Liberty and Justice

Lunch counter sit in’s
Freedom Rider
Led the March in Selma
Spoke before Martin Luther Kings.......I have a dream

He will be missed
He was a good puppet for you guys

Yeah, how dare we praise a black man who put his own safety and life in danger to fight against Jim Crow laws and for blacks to be able to register to vote.
He backed him crow years later

He did? Please provide a link showing John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws.
Umm he was a democrat

Let me help educate you. Jim Crow laws were specifically laws that required racial segregation. You know, segregated schools, public transportation, segregated bathrooms, water fountains and lunch counters. Unless you have some instance in which he supported racial segregation, just admit you were wrong and be done with it. This idea that any democrat supports every single facet of the entire history of the democratic party is ridiculous.
Todays Jim Crow laws are a lot worse today.. he lives in a district with blacks were living in rat infestation.. he is a disgusting human being we have more segregation today than we did back then.. Like I said I hope he rots in hell

So you obviously don't understand the definition of Jim Crow laws. Not much else to discuss.
Yea they Adapted to the law.. are you unaware of LBJ? Welfare? Break down of the family, who controls education? Just because they don’t come out and say hey these new laws are meant to destroy the Black people. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist

You claimed that John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws. Either you didn't mean "Jim Crow laws" when you said he backed Jim Crow laws, or you don't understand what Jim Crow laws were.

Jim Crow laws were not about destroying black people. They were about segregation.

Unless you have some segregation law that he backed, you have failed.
I’ve already addressed this.. If you can’t understand have somebody read it for you
Yea so?
How many would put up with what John Lewis did to fight for basic human rights?

Without fighting he endured people screaming vile names, spitting on him, beatings that put him in the hospital, arrests, threats on his life.

Many Civil Rights icons of the era were assassinated or just disappeared.

John Lewis was a brave man and American Patriot

Up in Dearbornistan, a few years ago, a group of Christians preached the gospel to a mob of Islamic Heathen that were gathered in a public park. The liberal pagans were so enraged that they stoned those that came to them to share the love of Jesus H. Christ.
Happening in America..... Unbelievable.
I'd have a little respect for him if he wasn't such a partisan stooge.
But the democrats would have no use for him then. Nobody to block investigations into Madame Clinton or cheerlead for impeachment.
Well done, faithful servant. You have served the Master well.
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John Lewis was a great American Patriot

Risked his life and freedom fighting for Liberty and Justice

Lunch counter sit in’s
Freedom Rider
Led the March in Selma
Spoke before Martin Luther Kings.......I have a dream

He will be missed
He was a good puppet for you guys

Yeah, how dare we praise a black man who put his own safety and life in danger to fight against Jim Crow laws and for blacks to be able to register to vote.
He backed him crow years later

He did? Please provide a link showing John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws.
Umm he was a democrat

Let me help educate you. Jim Crow laws were specifically laws that required racial segregation. You know, segregated schools, public transportation, segregated bathrooms, water fountains and lunch counters. Unless you have some instance in which he supported racial segregation, just admit you were wrong and be done with it. This idea that any democrat supports every single facet of the entire history of the democratic party is ridiculous.
Todays Jim Crow laws are a lot worse today.. he lives in a district with blacks were living in rat infestation.. he is a disgusting human being we have more segregation today than we did back then.. Like I said I hope he rots in hell

So you obviously don't understand the definition of Jim Crow laws. Not much else to discuss.
Yea they Adapted to the law.. are you unaware of LBJ? Welfare? Break down of the family, who controls education? Just because they don’t come out and say hey these new laws are meant to destroy the Black people. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist

You claimed that John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws. Either you didn't mean "Jim Crow laws" when you said he backed Jim Crow laws, or you don't understand what Jim Crow laws were.

Jim Crow laws were not about destroying black people. They were about segregation.

Unless you have some segregation law that he backed, you have failed.
I’ve already addressed this.. If you can’t understand have somebody read it for you

No, you have not. First you said he supported Jim Crow laws. Then, when you were corrected, you tried to backtrack and talk about things that are not Jim Crow laws.

At least you learned the definition of Jim Crow laws today. That is a plus. Glad I could help out.
How many would put up with what John Lewis did to fight for basic human rights?

Without fighting he endured people screaming vile names, spitting on him, beatings that put him in the hospital, arrests, threats on his life.

Many Civil Rights icons of the era were assassinated or just disappeared.

John Lewis was a brave man and American Patriot

Up in Dearbornistan, a few years ago, a group of Christians preached the gospel to a mob of Islamic Heathen that were gathered in a public park. The liberal pagans were so enraged that they stoned those that came to them to share the love of Jesus H. Christ.
Happening in America..... Unbelievable.
LOL if they came to Christ it was to steal from the poorbox
‪“You must be bold, brave, and courageous and find a way... to get in the way.” John Lewis
“When I was elected President of the United States, I hugged him on the inauguration stand before I was sworn in and told him I was only there because of the sacrifices he made.” President Obama
It is horrible to see Americans mock those Americans who fight for the values we all supposedly hold dear. We live in a supposedly democratic republic. But women and those of African descent had to fight and die just for the liberty to vote. That's over half of Americans who had to fight for freedom. We say a pledge to our flag, that our nation delivers liberty and justice for all and we are here to make sure that it damned well does. In the 1970s, I marched behind a trolley carrying ALICE PAUL, freedom fighter and champion of the ballot, who was 100 years old. People like Alice and John took on those who don't want us to be free.

John Lewis enriched his country. May he be up there with Alice and the rest of our angels who stood for liberty.

If this thread had produced any positive comments about Lewis from the lunatic fringe brigade that posts here, that would have been even more shocking.

For those expressing such jubilation over his passing, there is no expiration date on Karma.
John Lewis at lunch counter sit in

View attachment 364645
And bringing up the past is doing what for you ??? The past is gone, and it has been corrected. The new generations are moving on from it, but people like you with a political agenda, and a greedyness for controlling government power, has to keep bringing the past foward as a blunt instrument to try and pursue a political outcome by using it as a weapon to beat future generations into submission. Quit thinking that people are so stupid to listen to your idiotic bullcrap. You are only fooling yourself, but are just to crazy to realize it.
Honoring an American Patriot

How many today could sit quietly at that lunch counter day after day as an irate crowd calls you every racist insult they knew, spat on you, put cigarettes out on your back, roughed you up?
John Lewis at lunch counter sit in

View attachment 364645
And bringing up the past is doing what for you ??? The past is gone, and it has been corrected. The new generations are moving on from it, but people like you with a political agenda, and a greedyness for controlling government power, has to keep bringing the past foward as a blunt instrument to try and pursue a political outcome by using it as a weapon to beat future generations into submission. Quit thinking that people are so stupid to listen to your idiotic bullcrap. You are only fooling yourself, but are just to crazy to realize it.
Honoring an American Patriot

How many today could sit quietly at that lunch counter day after day as an irate crowd calls you every racist insult they knew, spat on you, put cigarettes out on your back, roughed you up?
What branch of the service did Lewis serve in?
John Lewis was a great American Patriot

Risked his life and freedom fighting for Liberty and Justice

Lunch counter sit in’s
Freedom Rider
Led the March in Selma
Spoke before Martin Luther Kings.......I have a dream

He will be missed
He was a good puppet for you guys

Yeah, how dare we praise a black man who put his own safety and life in danger to fight against Jim Crow laws and for blacks to be able to register to vote.
He backed him crow years later

He did? Please provide a link showing John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws.
Umm he was a democrat

Let me help educate you. Jim Crow laws were specifically laws that required racial segregation. You know, segregated schools, public transportation, segregated bathrooms, water fountains and lunch counters. Unless you have some instance in which he supported racial segregation, just admit you were wrong and be done with it. This idea that any democrat supports every single facet of the entire history of the democratic party is ridiculous.
Todays Jim Crow laws are a lot worse today.. he lives in a district with blacks were living in rat infestation.. he is a disgusting human being we have more segregation today than we did back then.. Like I said I hope he rots in hell

So you obviously don't understand the definition of Jim Crow laws. Not much else to discuss.
Yea they Adapted to the law.. are you unaware of LBJ? Welfare? Break down of the family, who controls education? Just because they don’t come out and say hey these new laws are meant to destroy the Black people. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist

You claimed that John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws. Either you didn't mean "Jim Crow laws" when you said he backed Jim Crow laws, or you don't understand what Jim Crow laws were.

Jim Crow laws were not about destroying black people. They were about segregation.

Unless you have some segregation law that he backed, you have failed.
I’ve already addressed this.. If you can’t understand have somebody read it for you

No, you have not. First you said he supported Jim Crow laws. Then, when you were corrected, you tried to backtrack and talk about things that are not Jim Crow laws.

At least you learned the definition of Jim Crow laws today. That is a plus. Glad I could help out.
I already went over this.. please re read.. or have a 2 year old read it for you Capeesh?
“When I was elected President of the United States, I hugged him on the inauguration stand before I was sworn in and told him I was only there because of the sacrifices he made.” President Obama
What sacrifices did Lewis make?

Getting beaten numerous times, including getting a skull fracture. Being arrested. Having his life and that of his family threatened. I would call those sacrifices.
John Lewis was a great American Patriot

Risked his life and freedom fighting for Liberty and Justice

Lunch counter sit in’s
Freedom Rider
Led the March in Selma
Spoke before Martin Luther Kings.......I have a dream

He will be missed
He was a good puppet for you guys

Yeah, how dare we praise a black man who put his own safety and life in danger to fight against Jim Crow laws and for blacks to be able to register to vote.
He backed him crow years later

He did? Please provide a link showing John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws.
Umm he was a democrat

Let me help educate you. Jim Crow laws were specifically laws that required racial segregation. You know, segregated schools, public transportation, segregated bathrooms, water fountains and lunch counters. Unless you have some instance in which he supported racial segregation, just admit you were wrong and be done with it. This idea that any democrat supports every single facet of the entire history of the democratic party is ridiculous.
Todays Jim Crow laws are a lot worse today.. he lives in a district with blacks were living in rat infestation.. he is a disgusting human being we have more segregation today than we did back then.. Like I said I hope he rots in hell

So you obviously don't understand the definition of Jim Crow laws. Not much else to discuss.
Yea they Adapted to the law.. are you unaware of LBJ? Welfare? Break down of the family, who controls education? Just because they don’t come out and say hey these new laws are meant to destroy the Black people. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist

You claimed that John Lewis backed Jim Crow laws. Either you didn't mean "Jim Crow laws" when you said he backed Jim Crow laws, or you don't understand what Jim Crow laws were.

Jim Crow laws were not about destroying black people. They were about segregation.

Unless you have some segregation law that he backed, you have failed.
I’ve already addressed this.. If you can’t understand have somebody read it for you

No, you have not. First you said he supported Jim Crow laws. Then, when you were corrected, you tried to backtrack and talk about things that are not Jim Crow laws.

At least you learned the definition of Jim Crow laws today. That is a plus. Glad I could help out.
I already went over this.. please re read.. or have a 2 year old read it for you Capeesh?
Then copy and past it again kid, a white 8 year old could do this in 3 seconds

All you can do is claim that you answered all the worlds questions already
“When I was elected President of the United States, I hugged him on the inauguration stand before I was sworn in and told him I was only there because of the sacrifices he made.” President Obama
What sacrifices did Lewis make?

Getting beaten numerous times, including getting a skull fracture. Being arrested. Having his life and that of his family threatened. I would call those sacrifices.
Nope when you go to a riot intending to riot and you get pegged that is called stupid

You forgot to mention what branch of the service he served in
“When I was elected President of the United States, I hugged him on the inauguration stand before I was sworn in and told him I was only there because of the sacrifices he made.” President Obama
What sacrifices did Lewis make?

Getting beaten numerous times, including getting a skull fracture. Being arrested. Having his life and that of his family threatened. I would call those sacrifices.
Nope when you go to a riot intending to riot and you get pegged that is called stupid

You forgot to mention what branch of the service he served in
They did not riot
They protested and marched peacefully while being attacked by angry mobs and police

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