John McCain's sons

Well, I'd like to know how a Dictator that won't allow us to pursue our attackers, the ones that we've been told are regrouping and more dangerous than before 9/11, is an ally.

Could it be that they are a SUPERFICIAL ally, because they have nukes and we have no other choice but to suck their dicks?

Pretty much!
Oh so what you're saying is that military service really doesn't matter that much when it comes to Presidential candidates. Very well then I agree.
Kerry is no veteran, he is a disgrace. :eusa_snooty:

Why do you support him?
Kerry is no veteran, he is a disgrace. :eusa_snooty:

Why do you support him?

Many of the people serving in our military do so despite having differing ideologies- it's called selfless service. There are many in our military who are serving in Iraq that oppose the war in principle. Pat Tillman went to Iraq despite calling the war "fucking illegal". John Kerry is an idiot but whether you agree or disagree with personal ideologies, John Kerry served in the military and did his time in a war zone. It's undisputable. So despite your hatred for Soldiers that you disagree with, you still can't deny them their service to our country. They serve so that you can freely post clips from al-Jazeera on messageboards.
Kerry is no veteran, he is a disgrace. :eusa_snooty:

Why do you support him?

While I do not like him, and I think some of what he said about our troops after Vietnam were deplorable. I think you saying he is no veteran is just as deplorable. Do you read a post and then sit pondering what would be the most sensational thing to say and they say it? Just asking :)
Many of the people serving in our military do so despite having differing ideologies- it's called selfless service. There are many in our military who are serving in Iraq that oppose the war in principle. Pat Tillman went to Iraq despite calling the war "fucking illegal". John Kerry is an idiot but whether you agree or disagree with personal ideologies, John Kerry served in the military and did his time in a war zone. It's undisputable. So despite your hatred for Soldiers that you disagree with, you still can't deny them their service to our country. They serve so that you can freely post clips from al-Jazeera on messageboards.
Tillman turned down Million$$$$ to fight for his country and you post this Pat Tillman went to Iraq despite calling the war "fucking illegal".
Please provide some credible evidence.

Thank you!

Why does Kerry refuse to release his war hero veteran Military records?
Tillman turned down Million$$$$ to fight for his country and you post this Pat Tillman went to Iraq despite calling the war "fucking illegal".
Please provide some credible evidence.

Thank you!
I thought this was general information. But apparently you're the least informed person in America. Here's the link, kid. Let me know what happens after your neo-con bubble bursts and your Pat Tillman fantasies come crashing down.

"Mary Tillman said a friend of Pat’s even arranged a private meeting with Chomsky, the antiwar author, to take place after his return from Afghanistan — a meeting prevented by his death. She said that although he supported the Afghan war, believing it justified by the Sept. 11 attacks, “Pat was very critical of the whole Iraq war.”

Baer, who served with Tillman for more than a year in Iraq and Afghanistan, told one anecdote that took place during the March 2003 invasion as the Rangers moved up through southern Iraq.

“I can see it like a movie screen,” Baer said. “We were outside of (a city in southern Iraq) watching as bombs were dropping on the town. We were at an old air base, me, Kevin and Pat, we weren’t in the fight right then. We were talking. And Pat said, ‘You know, this war is so f— illegal.’ And we all said, ‘Yeah.’ That’s who he was. He totally was against Bush.”

Another soldier in the platoon, who asked not to be identified, said Pat urged him to vote for Bush’s Democratic opponent in the 2004 election, Sen. John Kerry.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Stephen White — a Navy SEAL who served with Pat and Kevin for four months in Iraq and was the only military member to speak at Tillman’s memorial — said Pat “wasn’t very fired up about being in Iraq” and instead wanted to go fight al Qaeda in Afghanistan. He said both Pat and Kevin (who has a degree in philosophy) “were amazingly well-read individuals … very firm in some of their beliefs, their political and religious or not so religious beliefs.”"
FAMILY DEMANDS THE TRUTH / New inquiry may expose events that led to Pat Tillman’s death
I thought this was general information. But apparently you're the least informed person in America. Here's the link, kid. Let me know what happens after your neo-con bubble bursts and your Pat Tillman fantasies come crashing down.
I knew you had no evidence.
I have seen Tillman's interviews before he went to Afghanistan.

He was fanatical about defending his country against terrorism.
911 pissed him off, like it did millions of young guys!

Pat Tillman is a great American and will never be forgotten! :clap2:
I knew you had no evidence.
I have seen Tillman's interviews before he went to Afghanistan.

He was fanatical about defending his country against terrorism.
911 pissed him off, like it did millions of young guys!

Pat Tillman is a great American and will never be forgotten! :clap2:
So you're calling his mother Mary, his brother Kevin, and the numerous service members that all served with him liars?

Why do you harbor so much hate towards our military?
Wuh? Afghanistan isn't Iraq. You probably don't know that because you don't want to know it, but there it is.
I knew you had no evidence.
I have seen Tillman's interviews before he went to Afghanistan.

He was fanatical about defending his country against terrorism.
911 pissed him off, like it did millions of young guys!

Pat Tillman is a great American and will never be forgotten! :clap2:

Dude, when you attempt to engage in a game of semantics, try loading your weapon. Tillman served in Afghanistan. He opposed the Iraq War.

It's just not THAT hard to figure out.

Oh, and evidence IS provided so you are incorrect in your statement that he had none.
Dude, when you attempt to engage in a game of semantics, try loading your weapon. Tillman served in Afghanistan. He opposed the Iraq War.

It's just not THAT hard to figure out.

Oh, and evidence IS provided so you are incorrect in your statement that he had none.
When the Terrorists fled to Iraq after Afghanistan was invaded, I hardly think a person would view that is not being the part of the objective.
Not a sane person!
When the Terrorists fled to Iraq after Afghanistan was invaded, I hardly think a person would view that is not being the part of the objective.
Not a sane person!

Now you're calling Pat Tillman insane. Why don't we just change the name of this thread to "Wow Hates All Servicemembers".
Many of the people serving in our military do so despite having differing ideologies- it's called selfless service. There are many in our military who are serving in Iraq that oppose the war in principle. Pat Tillman went to Iraq despite calling the war "fucking illegal". John Kerry is an idiot but whether you agree or disagree with personal ideologies, John Kerry served in the military and did his time in a war zone. It's undisputable. So despite your hatred for Soldiers that you disagree with, you still can't deny them their service to our country. They serve so that you can freely post clips from al-Jazeera on messageboards.

Hear hear!:clap2:
While I do not like him, and I think some of what he said about our troops after Vietnam were deplorable. I think you saying he is no veteran is just as deplorable. Do you read a post and then sit pondering what would be the most sensational thing to say and they say it? Just asking :)

Let me tell you something...I talked to hundreds, probably thousands of returning Viet Nam still active duty military personal from all services.

I heard the same damned kinds of stories from guys laying in beds who'd gotten blown to hell for their nation.

In many cases, they were confessing their own war crimes, too.

Men put into impossible situations are apt to do terrible things, folks.

Don't blame the troops, blame the generals and leaders.
Wasn't Obama like 15 when Vietnam ended? And how did bush serve his country? 0_o
Obama did not serve his country.

Obama wants to be a Cowboy and illegally invade Pakistan, as long as his daughters are not in harm's way!

McCain has walked in our soldier's boots, Obama doesn't care about our troops.
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