John Podesta 2015 Email Reveals Plot to “Slaughter Trump” by Linking Him to Putin and Russia

At the very least, it will make the election of Democrats totally futile.

Right now the optics are working in the right's favor so I think they should just take the win. If they try to turn this thing around it might not work out in their favor. Maybe I'm wrong.
Allowing a Dim to escape with his skin intact is pure idiocy. There is nothing to gain by showing mercy to these vermin.
It's about time the layers are peeled back.....

Wasn't that hard to see this happening when everything Trump said about them, somehow mysteriously got turned on him.

You got that exactly backwards.. The RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA thing was a ploy to blame Trump for the same things that the DNC/Clinton campaign did by paying FOREIGNERS to assist in winning a campaign. Which IS a crime... That phony as shit "russian dossier" was 100,000 times more effective in election and political meddling than a teenage Moldavian Troll Farm or a $50,000 ad buy from some other Russian trolls to depict Hillary dressed as a witch...

The RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA story got more airtime and social media rage going than ANYTHING that Putin would be capable of.. The Dems did Putin's work for him and blamed Trump people to distract from their guilt...

Maybe so...…..I just remember (and I'll admit could be faulty)…….that Trump was saying Hillary was colluding with Russia before the storm of him doing so. Same with if Hillary wins it's because of election interference....that soon became the Russia Russia Russia helping Trump. etc, etc,

Trump would say something against Clinton...….and very soon afterward it was all over the media how Trump was guilty of (fill in the blank)
All of you sky-screaming deniers really need to watch the video at the bottom of the OP linked article. ALL THESE PEOPLE in video are Dem Progressives, not Trump ass polishers, not Fox News.. They understand the outrage. Not fans of Clinton tactics and ethics in the least...

If you don't -- it's gonna be another traumatic bus collision for you when you get run over by the NEW investigations into the origins of the Russia Russia Russia attempt to smear Trump with (as the guy says in the vid) is the Machiavellian tactic of accusing your opposition of the same wrongs that YOU have already done...
It's about time the layers are peeled back.....

Wasn't that hard to see this happening when everything Trump said about them, somehow mysteriously got turned on him.

You got that exactly backwards.. The RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA thing was a ploy to blame Trump for the same things that the DNC/Clinton campaign did by paying FOREIGNERS to assist in winning a campaign. Which IS a crime... That phony as shit "russian dossier" was 100,000 times more effective in election and political meddling than a teenage Moldavian Troll Farm or a $50,000 ad buy from some other Russian trolls to depict Hillary dressed as a witch...

The RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA story got more airtime and social media rage going than ANYTHING that Putin would be capable of.. The Dems did Putin's work for him and blamed Trump people to distract from their guilt...

Maybe so...…..I just remember (and I'll admit could be faulty)…….that Trump was saying Hillary was colluding with Russia before the storm of him doing so. Same with if Hillary wins it's because of election interference....that soon became the Russia Russia Russia helping Trump. etc, etc,

Trump would say something against Clinton...….and very soon afterward it was all over the media how Trump was guilty of (fill in the blank)

That's because if you watched the video, you'd know that Hillary's largest negatives were about her dealings in Uranium One and all that mystery money she and Bill were raising in Moscow.. PODESTA said in his email that this was her largest negative.. That's the point of this thread. Trump was accusing her of colluding with Russians BECAUSE there was open evidence in the NYTimes and elsewhere that this might have happened.

So -- Machiavelli tactic is to smear your opponent with YOUR OWN negatives and weaknesses..
Those progressives in the meeting presentation don't want this to happen again.. And any American not totally brain-sucked by CNN MSNBC and the WashPo -- want the same thing.. The guilty have to fall here.. Or Putin wins...
Trying to go after the people that went after Trump will be an equally large waste of time and effort. Move on.

The hell it will. These people abused their positions to attempt to influence an election.. Not Putin or the Russians. They passed off an opposition research project POS that even the AUTHOR has backed off from and MISREPRESENTED IT to gain the keys to the world's most powerful Domestic Spying machine that YOU bought for NSA to track Jihadis in the interior of the USA..

They CONTINUED to ruin the lives of many Trump campaign incidental people with an actual Intel Operation to "dirty them up" on the chance that Trump should win the election. And then used extreme prosecutorial abuse for 18 months or more to badger them into plea deals when their personal ability to finance their defenses ran out..

America cannot last without punishing these guilty people. And THEY (and you and the CNN/MSNBC holy rollers in shit society) did MORE DAMAGE to American confidence in our political system than Putin ever DREAMED or was capable of.. And Putin's GRU/FSB expert disinformation folks got wined and dined to make up fantastic stories that Clapper and Brennan made CERTAIN would occupy the top news for TWO YEARS of dysfunctional and conflict amongst Americans. THESE are the traitors. And they NEED to be punished so that this NEVER happens again....

I will be amazed if people are actually held accountable. I would love to see that happen, but I really don't think it will.

It'll never be a full accounting. Because EVERYONE (except maybe 4 or 6 Congress critters) are PROTECTING that massive Domestic Spy machine that sprung from the Patriot Act and has been abused as a political weapon.. So whenever the investigations or crime go too close to the FISA system or NSA being allowed to spy on Americans, there'll be boundaries to what gets fixed....

Congress showed how their duplicity when they RE-APPROVED the 702 Dom. Spying provisions last year without any safeguards added to protect American citizens from abuse. Right at the same time when the public was informed that this AWESOME system had been hijacked for political hijinks against the Trump Campaign..

Aint a person on this board that wants to see the "other side" perpetrate the same abuses on THEIR candidates...
It's about time the layers are peeled back.....

Wasn't that hard to see this happening when everything Trump said about them, somehow mysteriously got turned on him.

You got that exactly backwards.. The RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA thing was a ploy to blame Trump for the same things that the DNC/Clinton campaign did by paying FOREIGNERS to assist in winning a campaign. Which IS a crime... That phony as shit "russian dossier" was 100,000 times more effective in election and political meddling than a teenage Moldavian Troll Farm or a $50,000 ad buy from some other Russian trolls to depict Hillary dressed as a witch...

The RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA story got more airtime and social media rage going than ANYTHING that Putin would be capable of.. The Dems did Putin's work for him and blamed Trump people to distract from their guilt...

Maybe so...…..I just remember (and I'll admit could be faulty)…….that Trump was saying Hillary was colluding with Russia before the storm of him doing so. Same with if Hillary wins it's because of election interference....that soon became the Russia Russia Russia helping Trump. etc, etc,

Trump would say something against Clinton...….and very soon afterward it was all over the media how Trump was guilty of (fill in the blank)

That's because if you watched the video, you'd know that Hillary's largest negatives were about her dealings in Uranium One and all that mystery money she and Bill were raising in Moscow.. PODESTA said in his email that this was her largest negative.. That's the point of this thread. Trump was accusing her of colluding with Russians BECAUSE there was open evidence in the NYTimes and elsewhere that this might have happened.

So -- Machiavelli tactic is to smear your opponent with YOUR OWN negatives and weaknesses..

Yeah well......I already knew about the Uranium One dirty deal and had posted it way back when. Didn't really see the point of reading all about it....again.

SHE'S not me or mine......I sure as hell didn't vote for her.
The GOP needs to start running commercial ads showing this shit because nobody is gonna know about it any other way. The average voter doesn't go to the trouble to verify what they hear (or don't hear). We can talk about it all we want here but there aren't enough of us to get the word out to those who vote but don't do their homework.
Well this confirms that this plot was devised by Hillary and Obama's inner circle. Podesta should be the first one to be put in Gitmo.

John Podesta 2015 Email Reveals Plot to "Slaughter Trump" by Linking Him to Putin and Russia

I'm still waiting for the special investigations to begin. And when they do and he has as many republican donors working for him as Mueller had democrats, you can be sure the leftist screams and howling of "unfair, rigged and fascist dictator Trump Nazi" will never end.

The Left are nothing but punk children who steal candy from other kid's bags but you do not dare take any of theirs.
Well this confirms that this plot was devised by Hillary and Obama's inner circle. Podesta should be the first one to be put in Gitmo.

John Podesta 2015 Email Reveals Plot to "Slaughter Trump" by Linking Him to Putin and Russia

The gateway pundit. The OP still doesn't know that everyone with at least some residual functioning brain cells laughs at him.

This whole thread has nothing to do with politics, and should be removed to the conspiracy-crackpot folder. I'd also opt to make it "sticky", since it could and should serve as a warning that, while wallowing in the rightarded propaganda swamp, you're contracting prions that are eating whatever is left of your brains.

Now that Mueller confirmed what prior reporting had already established - the Trump campaign was happy, eager even, to accept Russia's criminal help in order to win a federal election - the conspiracy nutters turn around and accuse the other side of what their camp has been doing. It's what mindless people do, those who have fallen victim to that prion disease of the brain.
Well this confirms that this plot was devised by Hillary and Obama's inner circle. Podesta should be the first one to be put in Gitmo.

John Podesta 2015 Email Reveals Plot to "Slaughter Trump" by Linking Him to Putin and Russia

The gateway pundit. The OP still doesn't know that everyone with at least some residual functioning brain cells laughs at him.

This whole thread has nothing to do with politics, and should be removed to the conspiracy-crackpot folder. I'd also opt to make it "sticky", since it could and should serve as a warning that, while wallowing in the rightarded propaganda swamp, you're contracting prions that are eating whatever is left of your brains.

Now that Mueller confirmed what prior reporting had already established - the Trump campaign was happy, eager even, to accept Russia's criminal help in order to win a federal election - the conspiracy nutters turn around and accuse the other side of what their camp has been doing. It's what mindless people do, those who have fallen victim to that prion disease of the brain.
I only post the honest truth.
If this is true, it's fair game for the GOP to go after it.

For honest people, wrong is wrong, even if your tribe does it.
Well this confirms that this plot was devised by Hillary and Obama's inner circle. Podesta should be the first one to be put in Gitmo.

John Podesta 2015 Email Reveals Plot to "Slaughter Trump" by Linking Him to Putin and Russia

The gateway pundit. The OP still doesn't know that everyone with at least some residual functioning brain cells laughs at him.

This whole thread has nothing to do with politics, and should be removed to the conspiracy-crackpot folder. I'd also opt to make it "sticky", since it could and should serve as a warning that, while wallowing in the rightarded propaganda swamp, you're contracting prions that are eating whatever is left of your brains.

Now that Mueller confirmed what prior reporting had already established - the Trump campaign was happy, eager even, to accept Russia's criminal help in order to win a federal election - the conspiracy nutters turn around and accuse the other side of what their camp has been doing. It's what mindless people do, those who have fallen victim to that prion disease of the brain.
I only post the honest truth.

If that's genuine - and I have no reason to doubt it - you are even dumber than I thought.

Let's begin at the most basic, elementary level.

Here's the statement: "Best approach is to slaughter Donald for his bromance with Putin..."

The caption reads like here's "when Podesta started the Russia conspiracy". The only problem is, the statement, as provided above, is by Brent. No indication Podesta agreed with it, much less followed up on it. That's not to mention, there's ample reason politically to go after Trump for his bromance. And that's when your whole splendid bonfire of nothing at all instantly turns into a very small heap of cold ash.

But, by that time you've already been flying off the handle in spluttering apoplexy, like the unthinking dunce you are, and so there wasn't any way for you to check what you've been served to swallow whole, and regurgitate far and wide.

You've been lied to. It's what gatewaypundit does for a living. You like it, and you'll get back for more, like the useful idiot you are. There was a time when folks were ashamed for falling for such demented crap. But hey, "I only post the honest truth."

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Anyone who thinks Trump is a Russian spy asset, but believes HIllary Clinton is clean is really dumb.
Well this confirms that this plot was devised by Hillary and Obama's inner circle. Podesta should be the first one to be put in Gitmo.

John Podesta 2015 Email Reveals Plot to "Slaughter Trump" by Linking Him to Putin and Russia

The gateway pundit. The OP still doesn't know that everyone with at least some residual functioning brain cells laughs at him.

This whole thread has nothing to do with politics, and should be removed to the conspiracy-crackpot folder. I'd also opt to make it "sticky", since it could and should serve as a warning that, while wallowing in the rightarded propaganda swamp, you're contracting prions that are eating whatever is left of your brains.

Now that Mueller confirmed what prior reporting had already established - the Trump campaign was happy, eager even, to accept Russia's criminal help in order to win a federal election - the conspiracy nutters turn around and accuse the other side of what their camp has been doing. It's what mindless people do, those who have fallen victim to that prion disease of the brain.
I only post the honest truth.

If that's genuine - and I have no reason to doubt it - you are even dumber than I thought.

Let's begin at the most basic, elementary level.

Here's the statement: "Best approach is to slaughter Donald for his bromance with Putin..."

The caption reads like here's "when Podesta started the Russia conspiracy". The only problem is, the statement, as provided above, is by Brent. No indication Podesta agreed with it, much less followed up on it. That's not to mention, there's ample reason politically to go after Trump for his bromance. And that's when your whole splendid bonfire of nothing at all instantly turns into a very small heap of cold ash.

But, by that time you've already been flying off the handle in spluttering apoplexy, like the unthinking dunce you are, and so there wasn't any way for you to check what you've been served to swallow whole, and regurgitate far and wide.

You've been lied to. It's what gatewaypundit does for a living. You like it, and you'll get back for more, like the useful idiot you are. There was a time when folks were ashamed for falling for such demented crap. But hey, "I only post the honest truth."

The whole actual collusion was between Hillary and Russians. Podesta helped get the ball rolling. Trump and his campaign team are all innocent. Not one American on his campaign team colluded with Russians to influence the election as the Mueller Report stated.. Also, Gateway Pundit is a prestigious member of the White House press pool. Their credentials are impeccable.
The whole actual collusion was between Hillary and Russians. Podesta helped get the ball rolling. Trump and his campaign team are all innocent. Not one American on his campaign team colluded with Russians to influence the election as the Mueller Report stated.. Also, Gateway Pundit is a prestigious member of the White House press pool. Their credentials are impeccable.

No one ever told you about the perils and downside of removing all doubt, eh?

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