Zone1 Jon Stewart questions the transgender protections in Arkansas

Lets see the science.
It really is up to you to support your claim that little boys need to be castrated to keep them from killing themselves.

But, as my great uncle did in WWII, I'll be glad to to for you what you cannot do for yourself:



If you want to read more, here is an excellent and well-sourced article about it:

It really is up to you to support your claim that little boys need to be castrated to keep them from killing themselves.

But, as my great uncle did in WWII, I'll be glad to to for you what you cannot do for yourself:

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View attachment 710936

If you want to read more, here is an excellent and well-sourced article about it:

The Heritage foundation is not a credible witness on this issue. I will stick with the parents,the whole medical establishment,the courts, the Governer and the ACLU.
And no one is advocating that the should.

However, their parents certainly can make that decision; it’s a matter for families of transgender children alone to decide, absent interference from the state.

But the big government authoritarian right seeks to interfere in personal, private decisions – such as whether to have a child or not or how to raise one’s children.
Real quick, if there is a surgery and the parent choses to follow the child’s wishes not to have a blood transfusion should big authoritarian government interfere in personal, private decisions on how to raise their children?
I am a little surprised Stewart is taking the position he is.
He talks about ignoring data and facts,
Well he is ignoring the data and facts of eye popping numbers of suicides among teenagers who transition to another sex. No other demographic even comes remotely close to these kids.
Two - he is ignoring the data and facts that we do not know what the long term effects are of giving kids drugs that delay and even halt puberty.
Three - He is ignoring the testimony and statements made by 1000s of girls, who as confused young kids transitioned to a boy to later regret that early decision and now they cannot have children.
Four - He is ignoring the 1000s of cases where kids THINK they have gender dysphoria, but later go back to their biological sex. If those kids took those drugs - they would be stuck in a limbo state, not fitting into EITHER sex.
Five - He is ignoring the science and data where we know the frontal lobe of the human brain does not develop until a person turns between 20 - 25 years old. The cerebral cortex. It is the part of the brain totally responsible for critical thinking and future consequences. Which is exactly why teenagers take enormous risks and do very dangerous activities that when they get only a couple years older - they never do it again.
I think that is her standpoint and I have some sympathy with that.
But Stewart lists those who have worked on this and have given it more thought than us. .
If kids are killing themselves then perhaps time is not our friend.
But its a tough one.
Would you care to cite the long-term study of post-surgery trans folks who have better outcomes?

The people saying we should be doing these things have a huge financial stake in doing them. It's akin to the tobacco companies hiring doctors to tell everyone smoking was healthy back in the day. How did that work out?

Also what's the rush? Let them dress up in whatever clothes they want, get them therapy. Dont hack off their genitals or take drugs that have irreversible effects. Are you glad your teenage self wasnt allowed to make lifer altering decisions now that you arent a teenager anymore? I sure as shit am. Teenagers are by and large stupid. They lack perspective and the ability to see past today.

Thirdly. If gender is a social construct then why would one need to get their tits hacked off to be a man (gender) or their penis removed to be a woman (gender)?
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The Heritage foundation is not a credible witness on this issue. I will stick with the parents,the whole medical establishment,the courts, the Governer and the ACLU.
These are the things that should be between the child, the parents and their doctor, not determined by politicians.

Am I the only one who sees the irony of politicians making parental rights the cornerstone of their political platform limiting to only politically approved rights?

of course someone is going to scream about mutilating a child’s genitals despite the fact that that sort of surgery is not done on children.
These are the things that should be between the child, the parents and their doctor, not determined by politicians.

Am I the only one who sees the irony of politicians making parental rights the cornerstone of their political platform limiting to only politically approved rights?

of course someone is going to scream about mutilating a child’s genitals despite the fact that that sort of surgery is not done on children.
Would the same apply to genital mutilation NOT for gender reassignment but for religious reasons?

Or would you ban both?
Would the same apply to genital mutilation NOT for gender reassignment but for religious reasons?

Or would you ban both?
Gender reassignment surgery is done only on adults and there is usually a lengthy process of counseling, hormonal therapy etc before surgery is even considered. That said there will always be unethical doctors. Since we are talking about adults making their own decisions in consultation with their doctors and the current established protocols, I don’t see why that should be a problem.

Now jump to genital mutilation….are we talking kids or adults?

With kids, no, of course it should be banned. With the rare exception of certain medical conditions such as ambiguous genitalia or hermaphroditism. But what I think you mean is a disgusting surgery done on women in certain cultures … and should it be banned?

Yes. Of course on children and also for adults. There is zero medical benefit, in fact usually the opposite.

There is actually another genital surgery done however, usually on infants, and that is circumcision…I am not sure how I feel about that.
These are the things that should be between the child, the parents and their doctor, not determined by politicians.

Am I the only one who sees the irony of politicians making parental rights the cornerstone of their political platform limiting to only politically approved rights?

of course someone is going to scream about mutilating a child’s genitals despite the fact that that sort of surgery is not done on children.

Whats that you said? If they aren’t doing these surgeries on children why would anyone care if they are made illegal for children?

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