Zone1 Jon Stewart questions the transgender protections in Arkansas

Its a topic that has the law and science on one side and religious beliefs on the other. The law should always be superior to religion as it protects all of us.
Nobody wants sharia law.

Science has spoken and now the courts are in agreement.

Genuine science is absolutely on the side of those of us who are opposed to this madness.

Apart from your personal view you have no standing in this.

Now that's ironic. Inasmuch as the discussion is mainly focused on what is happening here in America, it is you, being British who has no standing. We Americans fought and won two wars to establish, once an d for all, that nothing about our country is any of your business.

Yet here you are, from a position of deep ignorance, madness, and outright evil, trying once again to tell us Americans how we should run our country. And the most significant thing that you are accomplishing thereby is to remind us why it is that we kicked you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and to show us that our reasons for having done so remain at least as valid to this very day.
I would have tried to dissuade my kids in a similar situation.
Which goes to the issue.

This is a private matter the sole purview of parents and their children – not the state.

As with the reproductive rights of women, the neo-fascist authoritarian right seeks to use the power of the state to compel conformity at the expense of individual liberty.
Genuine science is absolutely on the side of those of us who are opposed to this madness.

Now that's ironic. Inasmuch as the discussion is mainly focused on what is happening here in America, it is you, being British who has no standing. We Americans fought and won two wars to establish, once an d for all, that nothing about our country is any of your business.

Yet here you are, from a position of deep ignorance, madness, and outright evil, trying once again to tell us Americans how we should run our country. And the most significant thing that you are accomplishing thereby is to remind us why it is that we kicked you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and to show us that our reasons for having done so remain at least as valid to this very day.
Apparently his argument isn't gaining any traction in the UK either. The U.K. Rightly Pushes Back on Gender Transitioning for Minors
BUt the professionals who have studied this disagree with you. This clash seems to be between science and a form of religion.
We should back science.
As with everything else, conservatives have contempt for facts and the truth.

Blinded by fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate, conservatives ignore the science in an effort to disadvantage transgender Americans to the harm and detriment of trans-children.
Or they could be so unhappy that they may kill themselves. Science has spoken.

Empirical evidence show that the suicide rates of “transgenders” do not go down after they undergo hormone treatments, medical mutilations, and other quasi-medical Frankensteinery to attempt in vain to force reality to conform to their delusions.

Their minds are just as fucked up after any such procedures as before, but now their bodies are also fucked up as well. That is no improvement, and produces no benefit; and ultimately,. they are every bit as likely to off themselves.
Which goes to the issue.

This is a private matter the sole purview of parents and their children – not the state.

As with the reproductive rights of women, the neo-fascist authoritarian right seeks to use the power of the state to compel conformity at the expense of individual liberty.
Governer Asa calls it govt overreach. He is right for once.
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Empirical evidence show that the suicide rates of “transgenders” do not go down after they undergo hormone treatments, medical mutilations, and other quasi-medical Frankensteinery to attempt in vain to force reality to conform to their delusions.

Their minds are just as fucked up after any such procedures as before, but now their bodies are also fucked up as well. That is no improvement, and produces no benefit; and ultimately,. they are every bit as likely to off themselves.
In a society where trannies are so vilified it is no shock that many of them check out. Maybe the right could be a bit kinder to Gods children.

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