Jonathan Gruber is at it again

OBABBLE will be extending his trip to the Far East....until valerie comes up with another lie.
This is beyond stupid, the only reason I can understand that DEMS ARE NOT UP IN ARMS OVER THIS, IS BECAUSE IT MUST REALLY BE TRUE. THEY ARE STUPID.
Amazingly the libs running around defending this law don't realize they are the idiots he is talking about.
The TV networks are still censoring mention of gruber. If a repub had done what he did, the story would be headline news for weeks.
Will Supremes Uphold ObamaCare's "Typo" Fraud

Rob Cunningham USA ^

MIT Professor and chief ObamaCare architect, Jonathan Gruber, has been captured on video tape, twice, bragging that he purposely deceived “stupid Americans”, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and all Democrats, in order to enact Barack Obama’s “legacy” healthcare legislation. Professor Gruber has also been captured on tape, explaining how states that decide NOT to establish state-run healthcare exchanges would suffer financial harm by not being eligible to receive federal healthcare subsidies. This “smoking gun”, 2012 Gruber videotape is damning evidence that exposes the current administration/media lie that only a “typo” in the current ObamaCare law is preventing the federal government...

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