Jones wins!

I am disappointed by Judge Moore's defeat.

A victory, I had hoped, would start a reaction against the "Me Too" movement, which has destroyed the lives of so many men.

Western justice is based on a person being presumed innocent until proven guilty.

In this current witch hunt, one anonymous and unproven accusation can immediately deprive a man of his livelihood.

In my opinion, what has been happening is truly un-American in the truest sense.
I am disappointed by Judge Moore's defeat.

A victory, I had hoped, would start a reaction against the "Me Too" movement, which has destroyed the lives of so many men.

Western justice is based on a person being presumed innocent until proven guilty.

In this current witch hunt, one anonymous and unproven accusation can immediately deprive a man of his livelihood.

In my opinion, what has been happening is truly un-American in the truest sense.
The "Me Too" movement is something that just rips off the bandage covering people's misbehavior toward other people. The vast majority of male people have not been accused of anything. The only thing that the "Me Too" movement has done has been to reveal those who mistreated others.
My own dear late father would never have done these things because he was a gentleman with impeccable manners and a sense of dignity. I have been the recipient of indecent behavior, which I did not report because there was no place to report it, so I applaud the "Me, Too" movement for uncovering the lies and deceit and showing it to the public.
Remember that the "Me, Too" movement is active not only in the U.S. People across the world, from Britain to France, to India and beyond, are responding. People from all across the world are speaking up are speaking up about the problem and telling their long-suppressed stories of the abuse they suffered silently.
See what happens when Russia isn't invited to and doesn't meddle in an election...LOL

Russia? You mean the country that the Hildebeast signed off on a uranium deal that put 145 MILLION dollars in the pockets of the Clinton slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation??? THAT Russia???

Because we all know that leftards NEVER lose elections....they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power, eh, comrade???

Retard, the vast majority of that money came before Hillary was even Secretary of State and didn’t have a say in the uranium one deal which didn’t yet exist. You realize you’re the craziest poster in this forum, right?
Retard, the vast majority of that money came before Hillary was even Secretary of State and didn’t have a say in the uranium one deal which didn’t yet exist. You realize you’re the craziest poster in this forum, right?

You're the retard!

I've said it before and I'll say it again....
The CDC should classify stupidity as a contagious virus!
There is a stupidity pandemic that needs to be contained!
Dayam, there is just no end in sight to the line of you crazy fucks, is there?

Moron... of the $145 million delusional dale was bitching about...

“Most of those donations were from one man, Frank Giustra, the founder of the company in Canada,” said Smith. “He gave $131 million to the Clinton Foundation. But Giustra says he sold his stake in the company back in 2007. That is three years before the uranium/Russia deal and a year and a half before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state.”

This Fox News anchor clearly didn't get the memo about the Hillary Clinton Uranium One conspiracy theory


Delusional dale is sooo fucked in the head, he actually claimed Russia, who didn’t yet have a stake in the company, paid the the Clintons $145 million for her vote when she wasn’t even Secretary of State.

He’s crazy and you’re a flaming retard too for falling for that fake news.

Your head is shoved so far up your ass,
you have to open your mouth to see where you're going!

Sigh...can't fix stupid

Apparently not...
Russia? You mean the country that the Hildebeast signed off on a uranium deal that put 145 MILLION dollars in the pockets of the Clinton slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation??? THAT Russia???

Because we all know that leftards NEVER lose elections....they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power, eh, comrade???

Retard, the vast majority of that money came before Hillary was even Secretary of State and didn’t have a say in the uranium one deal which didn’t yet exist. You realize you’re the craziest poster in this forum, right?
Retard, the vast majority of that money came before Hillary was even Secretary of State and didn’t have a say in the uranium one deal which didn’t yet exist. You realize you’re the craziest poster in this forum, right?

You're the retard!

I've said it before and I'll say it again....
The CDC should classify stupidity as a contagious virus!
There is a stupidity pandemic that needs to be contained!
Dayam, there is just no end in sight to the line of you crazy fucks, is there?

Moron... of the $145 million delusional dale was bitching about...

“Most of those donations were from one man, Frank Giustra, the founder of the company in Canada,” said Smith. “He gave $131 million to the Clinton Foundation. But Giustra says he sold his stake in the company back in 2007. That is three years before the uranium/Russia deal and a year and a half before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state.”

This Fox News anchor clearly didn't get the memo about the Hillary Clinton Uranium One conspiracy theory


Delusional dale is sooo fucked in the head, he actually claimed Russia, who didn’t yet have a stake in the company, paid the the Clintons $145 million for her vote when she wasn’t even Secretary of State.

He’s crazy and you’re a flaming retard too for falling for that fake news.

Your head is shoved so far up your ass,
you have to open your mouth to see where you're going!

Sigh...can't fix stupid

Apparently not...
Apparently not...
Obviously ^
I am disappointed by Judge Moore's defeat.

A victory, I had hoped, would start a reaction against the "Me Too" movement, which has destroyed the lives of so many men.

Western justice is based on a person being presumed innocent until proven guilty.

In this current witch hunt, one anonymous and unproven accusation can immediately deprive a man of his livelihood.

In my opinion, what has been happening is truly un-American in the truest sense.

Pedophilia is un-American. Don't pull your dick out at work, work with women as co workers, stick to the job title and you won't face charges.
How will Trump spin this?

He doesn't have much to spin, he wanted him for his seat.

Less than a percent close match.

Yeah, but Trump lost. Period.

How did trump lose?
Donald Trump lost. Again.

“Trump went all in for Moore in the late stages of this race. His appearance last Friday in Pensacola was a wink, wink, nudge, nudge way to rally Republican support for the flagging Republican nominee. Trump recorded a robocall for Moore, sent out a series of tweets about the race and generally worked in the final week of the campaign to make this a referendum on himself.

It didn't work. Turnout in rural counties in Alabama didn't match the booming numbers in the Democratic enclaves of the state. (More on that later.) In a state where Trump won massively just more than a year ago, his approval rating was a so-so 48% approve and 48% disapprove, according to exit polls.

There's no doubt that Trump's involvement on Moore's behalf -- against the wishes of a large chunk of the Senate Republicans -- was largely driven by a belief that the two men were kindred spirits. Both, in Trump's mind, faced unfair sexual allegations. Both made a career out of fighting the GOP establishment. Both were warriors against political correctness.

But, Roy Moore, the Donald Trump of Alabama, lost on Tuesday night. And that means Donald Trump lost too.”

5 takeaways from Doug Jones' massive victory in Alabama - CNNPolitics

Trump lost because he has no political influence to help a Republican win in a deep red state.
USA Today bashes Trump as 'not fit to clean the toilets' in Obama's presidential library

"With his latest tweet, clearly implying that a United States senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash, President Trump has shown he is not fit for office," reads the editorial. "Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new low."
The reference here is Trump's tweet Tuesday morning in which he said that Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York was "begging" him for campaign contributions not long ago "and would do anything for them."

USA Today editorial board bashes Trump - CNNPolitics

Face it..... We have a Big Fat Piece of Dung in the White House!
I am disappointed by Judge Moore's defeat.

A victory, I had hoped, would start a reaction against the "Me Too" movement, which has destroyed the lives of so many men.

Western justice is based on a person being presumed innocent until proven guilty.

In this current witch hunt, one anonymous and unproven accusation can immediately deprive a man of his livelihood.

In my opinion, what has been happening is truly un-American in the truest sense.

So, I assume you voted for Hillary when they shouted "lock her up" before she was tried in a court of law.....
I am disappointed by Judge Moore's defeat.

A victory, I had hoped, would start a reaction against the "Me Too" movement, which has destroyed the lives of so many men.

Western justice is based on a person being presumed innocent until proven guilty.

In this current witch hunt, one anonymous and unproven accusation can immediately deprive a man of his livelihood.

In my opinion, what has been happening is truly un-American in the truest sense.

Conservatism is based on ignorance and stupidity, as illustrated by this post.

Presumption of innocence concerns solely criminal prosecution in the context of criminal law and the judicial process.

Accusations of sexual misconduct on the part of Moore had nothing to do with criminal law or the judicial process, where ‘presumption of innocence’ does not imply.

The issue of sexual misconduct outside of the purview of the law, as in Moore’s case, is decided by the voters via the political process.
I am disappointed by Judge Moore's defeat.
Fuck you Red neck I am glad you are disappointed
10:58 PM EST Meghan McCain, the daughter of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), blasted former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon Tuesday night following the results of the Alabama Senate special election. https://t ... (The Hill)
Damning statement from Senate Leadership Fund CEO Steven Law: “This is a brutal reminder that candidate quality matters regardless of where you are running. Not only did Steve Bannon cost us a critical Senate seat in one of the most Republican states in the country, but he also dragged the President of the United States into his fiasco.”​

What Went Down In The Alabama Senate Election
Hey, where's USMB's resident 'regressives' guy who's always trying to tell us that the Democrats have doomed their party with regressive policies and beliefs?

This election was a fluke that the good people of Alabama will correct in the next election.

It is not like the people of Alabama woke up yesterday and decided to be stupid Moon Bats.

Moore had his baggage and because of that not enough people turned out to vote for him. It is really as simple as that. Sometimes things like that happens in politics.

The people that should be ashamed of themselves are the so called Republicans that didn't have the courage to to do the right thing so instead of a flawed Republican they now have an idiot lying liberal Democrat, which is 100 times worse.
This election was a fluke that the good people of Alabama will correct in the next election.

It is not like the people of Alabama woke up yesterday and decided to be stupid Moon Bats.

Moore had his baggage and because of that not enough people turned out to vote for him. It is really as simple as that. Sometimes things like that happens in politics.

The people that should be ashamed of themselves are the so called Republicans that didn't have the courage to to do the right thing so instead of a flawed Republican they now have an idiot lying liberal Democrat, which is 100 times worse.

Nothing is worse than a pedophile.

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