Jones wins!

USA Today bashes Trump as 'not fit to clean the toilets' in Obama's presidential library

"With his latest tweet, clearly implying that a United States senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash, President Trump has shown he is not fit for office," reads the editorial. "Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new low."
The reference here is Trump's tweet Tuesday morning in which he said that Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York was "begging" him for campaign contributions not long ago "and would do anything for them."

USA Today editorial board bashes Trump - CNNPolitic

No, USA Today. :ahole-1:

USA.Today is an offshoot of the same ones that own CNN and 90 percent of all media that shoves their dick down your throat and you swallow it willingly. I know more than infinitely more and it pisses you off and makes you mad. I would be mad as well if you embarrassed me as much as I do you whenever our paths cross.....

Hope this helps!!
Poor, poor, widdle Donnie-Boy. Here's an early christmas gift from your BFF, Vladimir...

trump brand Vasey.jpg
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If Trump had been running for the senate or for governer, he would not have won. He is as sleazy as Moore: they are brothers under the skin. The only reason he won the presidency is because of the outdated electoral college which gives more than one vote per person to rural, rightwing, bigoted, racist, undeduated white people. It isn't a coincidence that the two times the popular vote for president has lost to the electoral college has been when a Republican took (stole) the presidency.

If Trump had been running for the senate or for governer, he would not have won. He is as sleazy as Moore: they are brothers under the skin. The only reason he won the presidency is because of the outdated electoral college which gives more than one vote per person to rural, rightwing, bigoted, racist, undeduated white people. It isn't a coincidence that the two times the popular vote for president has lost to the electoral college has been when a Republican took (stole) the presidency.

Trump is at least as sleazy as Moore - maybe even sleazier.
Jones wins!

See what happens when Russia isn't invited to and doesn't meddle in an election...LOL

Russia? You mean the country that the Hildebeast signed off on a uranium deal that put 145 MILLION dollars in the pockets of the Clinton slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation??? THAT Russia???

Because we all know that leftards NEVER lose elections....they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power, eh, comrade???

Retard, the vast majority of that money came before Hillary was even Secretary of State and didn’t have a say in the uranium one deal which didn’t yet exist. You realize you’re the craziest poster in this forum, right?
Retard, the vast majority of that money came before Hillary was even Secretary of State and didn’t have a say in the uranium one deal which didn’t yet exist. You realize you’re the craziest poster in this forum, right?

You're the retard!

I've said it before and I'll say it again....
The CDC should classify stupidity as a contagious virus!
There is a stupidity pandemic that needs to be contained!
I sense that Trump is building up to a major Tweet tirade. His earlier congratulations to Doug Jones was obviously insincere bullshit.
Did you see the footage of Bannon slinking away into his car as a few reporters ask him "What's next Steve Bannon?" He just sunk his head down and told his driver to drive his black car off into the night.

I did a Google, but couldn't find the footage. At least not yet.


Yes, I saw it on MSNBC when he got into the backseat of a big black limo. He ignored the press. He was just trying to slither out of Alabama.
Jones wins!

See what happens when Russia isn't invited to and doesn't meddle in an election...LOL

Russia? You mean the country that the Hildebeast signed off on a uranium deal that put 145 MILLION dollars in the pockets of the Clinton slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation??? THAT Russia???

Because we all know that leftards NEVER lose elections....they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power, eh, comrade???

Retard, the vast majority of that money came before Hillary was even Secretary of State and didn’t have a say in the uranium one deal which didn’t yet exist. You realize you’re the craziest poster in this forum, right?
Retard, the vast majority of that money came before Hillary was even Secretary of State and didn’t have a say in the uranium one deal which didn’t yet exist. You realize you’re the craziest poster in this forum, right?

You're the retard!

I've said it before and I'll say it again....
The CDC should classify stupidity as a contagious virus!
There is a stupidity pandemic that needs to be contained!
Dayam, there is just no end in sight to the line of you crazy fucks, is there?

Moron... of the $145 million delusional dale was bitching about...

“Most of those donations were from one man, Frank Giustra, the founder of the company in Canada,” said Smith. “He gave $131 million to the Clinton Foundation. But Giustra says he sold his stake in the company back in 2007. That is three years before the uranium/Russia deal and a year and a half before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state.”

This Fox News anchor clearly didn't get the memo about the Hillary Clinton Uranium One conspiracy theory


Delusional dale is sooo fucked in the head, he actually claimed Russia, who didn’t yet have a stake in the company, paid the the Clintons $145 million for her vote when she wasn’t even Secretary of State.

He’s crazy and you’re a flaming retard too for falling for that fake news.

Apparently God doesn't want Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate. It's God's will. Praise God.
So the Republican idiots always say. I think that it is wrong to link religion and politics, but the Republicans outright chose to do this. So back at them.
Wow, what a turn of events. it took was 40 year old, unprovable allegations and the entire democrat media machine to do it...... you can't use him to attack Republicans...oooops..........can't wait to see which of your dip shit democrat sexual predators gets outed about bob know, the guy who was actually raping children in the Dominican Republic......the democrat party actually is the party of they give standing ovations to pedophile rapist roman polanski, and allow bob menendez to stay in office until they can replace him safely...and as your left wing psychiatric associations try to normalize pedophilia....

The democrat of actual pedophiles...


lesson: don't defend child molesters

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