Judge Approves Trump's 'Special Master' Request

No . . . more like if the Clintons, who shipped one hundred and ninety thousand dollars worth of china and furniture from the White House to their private use, and returned some of it (link), forgot a couple of bowls they had been using for ashtrays, and had the FBI execute a raid on their house to "get them back," when the real goal of the FBI was to take pictures of White House china with dog food in it to show how horrible Hillary Clinton was so she would not run in the next election.

Yeah. Much more like that.
Your ridiculous analogy leaves out that the Clintons gave a full manifest of items they had shipped to their residence, with the archivist claiming they were official gifts, and not personal gifts. And the clintons either returned or purchased at full retail the objects in question. Even the bowls and ashtrays.

They fully cooperated, purcased the items they kept, and as the secret service has run of the house (unlike Trumps locked storage room with the stolen documents) they could verify full compliance.
I was just thinking of that case when I posted. Yes, retroactive classification is possible, but the student was not prosecuted for possessing a design that he himself created. I don't know where you got that idea. Um, where did you get that idea?

The DOJ would never do something that absurd to anyone but Trump.
The student wasn't prosecuted because the FBI took the classified documents without a fight. Had he tried to keep it, or retained a copy of it, he would have been prosecuted.
That is ridiculous.
Who could possibly fault appointing a special master who can actually look at all the evidence that we are not allowed to see, and provide definitive evaluation that a judge would not be able to provide?

That is absolutely no way a highly secretive and complex legal issue like this could possibly be handled except by the appointment of a special master who will have clearance, impartiality, and technical knowledge.

To try to proceed without a special master would have been criminal.
And in fact, the search warrant already likely is criminal.
The special master is just a delaying tactic. The FBI is fully capable of separating attorney-client material, like they did with Rudy Giuliani without a special master.

The question is over executive privilege, which no longer belongs to Trump but to the chief executive President Biden, who has not invoked privilege, nor does he intend to.
Actually there is case law where documents that were later classified, were subject to criminal prosecution. The famous case of the college student who designed an a-bomb. His paper was confiscated by the FBI.

The student wasn't prosecuted because the FBI took the classified documents without a fight. Had he tried to keep it, or retained a copy of it, he would have been prosecuted.
So, what are some example of prosecution for a retroactively classified document? You said "there is case law." Cite the cases.

Not that it matters. Biden did NOT re-classify the document.
The special master is just a delaying tactic. The FBI is fully capable of separating attorney-client material, like they did with Rudy Giuliani without a special master.

The question is over executive privilege, which no longer belongs to Trump but to the chief executive President Biden, who has not invoked privilege, nor does he intend to.
So, all attorney-client material has been returned? When did that happen?
I don't understand the anger and hostility over this Special Master.

TDS'ers, you know that the FBI has had Trumps stuff for almost a month now, and that they will only give the Special Master what they choose to give.

If the Special Master says, "Hey, you did not return Melania's panties!" the FBi will say, "that PROVES we never took them. You think we took them? That's so funny that you think that."
So, what are some example of prosecution for a retroactively classified document? You said "there is case law." Cite the cases.

Not that it matters. Biden did NOT re-classify the document.
Actually Biden, as is the Trump argument, can classify documents without telling anyone.
Now that it's leaked that one of the documents Trump had at mar-a-lago, that evaded the first search, and wasn't turned over for the subpoena, described the nuclear capabilities of a foreign nation. These are the very highest of the SCI compartments. With access granted to only a handful of people in the entire government.

This throws a monkey wrench into the judges special master order. Where are they going to find somebody who either has, or can qualify for access to nuclear capability documents.

P.S. Documents of this nature are beyond the declassification authority of the president.
Now that it's leaked that one of the documents Trump had at mar-a-lago, that evaded the first search, and wasn't turned over for the subpoena, described the nuclear capabilities of a foreign nation. These are the very highest of the SCI compartments. With access granted to only a handful of people in the entire government.
Why is the DNC/DOJ/FBI leaking so much information? I thought it was wrong to talk about an ongoing investigation.

If there were "NUCLEAR SECRETS!" in the hands of the DNC, the military would be justified in immediately acting to confiscate them. They leak like a sieve and we're supposed to "trust them" while they decide how far to go in the leaking to get Trump?
This throws a monkey wrench into the judges special master order. Where are they going to find somebody who either has, or can qualify for access to nuclear capability documents.

P.S. Documents of this nature are beyond the declassification authority of the president.
Yeah . . . no. The USSC has consistently stated that all power of classification is vested in the President of the United States, along with all other executive power.
Why is the DNC/DOJ/FBI leaking so much information? I thought it was wrong to talk about an ongoing investigation.

If there were "NUCLEAR SECRETS!" in the hands of the DNC, the military would be justified in immediately acting to confiscate them. They leak like a sieve and we're supposed to "trust them" while they decide how far to go in the leaking to get Trump?

Yeah . . . no. The USSC has consistently stated that all power of classification is vested in the President of the United States, along with all other executive power.

Please tell us what the DNC/DOJ/FBI have leaked. Please be specific and cite credible sources.
Actually Biden, as is the Trump argument, can classify documents without telling anyone.
Yes, but then they government could not prove that Trump intended to keep classified documents, Biden having kept the classification secret. But he can right now declassify documents that the Chinese are offering millions to Hunter for. Hunter could make copies and sell them with no penalty.

Scary thought, but we should have thought of that before picking the head of the Biden Crime Family as president.

If Biden wants to, he can classify all of the material taken from MaL now held by the DNC at the DOJ/FBI headquarters, give it such a high classification that only those hand selected by himself can see it, and also classify the reason for the classification. Because that's what "sole power," means.

You might look into advocating a constitutional amendment taking some of that sole power away from the president. I might even jump on that bandwagon. But until it passes, the president has sole power of classification.

The end.

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