Judge Engeron under investigation...


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Jan 19, 2010
Talking about a case outside of the courtroom is a serious offense... every case against Trump is now failing... This is going to blow up that entire verdict and Trump could sue NY for every dime its cost him....

Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Allegedly Receiving Unsolicited Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million

9 May 2024 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Judge Arthur Engoron is now under investigation after claims surfaced that he received unsolicited advice from a prominent New York City real estate attorney, Adam Leitman Bailey, weeks before ordering former President Donald Trump to pay a hefty $454 million judgment.
This investigation by the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct seeks to determine whether Engoron violated judicial conduct rules, NBC New York reported.
In March, Engoron ordered Trump to pay more than a $355 million fine and barred Trump “from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in New York for a period of three years.” Trump was also required to pay interest on the penalties, bringing the total amount to $454 million.
In response, Judge Engoron’s spokesperson Al Baker vehemently denied any impropriety, stating that “No ex parte conversation concerning this matter occurred between Justice Engoron and Mr. Bailey or any other person. The decision Justice Engoron issued on February 16 was his alone, deeply considered, and wholly uninfluenced by this individual.”
More from NBC New York:
All of the lawsuits against Trump seem to be falling apart one by one. There's a pattern here.
There is certainly a two teired system of Justice.
What we are viewing is Democrat Neo-Marxism's corrupt justice system on full public display beginning to fail.. What would be more shocking, would be if Engoron had acted within the rule of law a single moment.
Whether its pressure to enforce the law, vigilante justice or these lawmakers experiencing the same FEAR themselves, Will anything change?
In a legal proceeding, all parties (Plaintiff and Defendant) must be privy to any conversation about an ongoing proceeding with the Judge who is in charge of that proceeding. Otherwise it is an “ex-parte” contact which is a violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct. If a non-party person engages in an ex-parte contact with a Judge where the Judge’s proceeding is discussed, that non-party person is subject to criminal charges - Tampering, Undue Influence, etc.
Talking about a case outside of the courtroom is a serious offense... every case against Trump is not failing... This is going to blow up that entire verdict and Trump could sue NY for every dime its cost him....
It shouldn’t have happened. But I predict that nothing will come of this.
Yep libs We told you... every case is dying right in front of us... Engeron could go to prison and never be allowed to sit on the bench again...

Well, not prison from what the accusations are. But if proven factual, possible removal from office and disbarment. Of course there may be more involved that will come out, or not.
A Witch Hunt does what it wants
Law does not prevail. Orange man bad does prevail
Look at that half ass smirk on the poser judge face
Abuse of authority. Failing to disclose a conflict of interest. Improper communication about a case. Improper political activities.
"I actually had the ability to speak to him three weeks ago," Bailey said, during an on-camera interview with NBC New York on Feb. 16, the day the judge's decision was due. "I saw him in the corner [at the courthouse] and I told my client, 'I need to go.' And I walked over and we started talking … I wanted him to know what I think and why…I really want him to get it right."
All this so-called judge had to do is disclose it if there no issues. In such a high profile case that would be common sense, to err on the side of caution. Looks pretty corrupt as it is.
it is imploding right before their eyes ....


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