Judge Is Demanding That AOC Explain Why She Is Blocking People On Twitter

Twitter is a private business. She can block whoever the hell she wants.

But can Trump?

Did I stutter when I said private business?

Yes he can

Actually, Weatherman's post number 7 has a good article on this. And, since Trump became a public figure, his twitter account was ruled to be a public forum, because he uses it for policy.

AOC is using her twitter account as a public forum, and therefore, she cannot block anyone either, at least, not until after she leaves office.

What's good for one side, should be good for the other. If Trump can't block people because his account is a public forum since he uses it to post policy, AOC can't block people either, because she is also using her account to post policy, making it a public forum as long as she is in office.

(Yeah................I know...............you conservatives are flipping out that a loony liberal such as myself would go against AOC, but what is right is right, and the same standards need to be held for all public officials, regardless of party).
Seems like a rather asinine ruling to me. Twitter is not a public forum and anyone should be able to communicate however they want using it as long as Twitter allows it.

Under that same concept, twitter could not stop Trump from using its services. The whole idea goes against simple property rights.

When a politician uses Twitter to send out policy, it is at that point that it is no longer a private forum, but now is considered a public forum, as policy that the politician is promoting is being placed on that forum. If she wants to be able to block people, she has 2 choices, either (a) stop posting policy on her twitter feed and only use it for private purposes, or (b) continue posting policy on her feed, but then understand that it is now a public forum, and as such, she cannot block people who disagree with her, because it is a public forum.
I understand the reasoning. My statement was that it is bad reasoning. Twitter is not an official government outlet. Trump is not using twitter to run the government. He using it to communicate with his base, be that his changes in policy or just shooting his mouth off. Actual policy is transmitted through official channels.

It is a massive reach to declare that Trump, AOC or anyone in government that has a twitter account and uses it as some sort of official government system. The set of rulings on this are incorrect even if coherent.
Under that same concept, twitter could not stop Trump from using its services.
Of course they could. They can ban anyone who violates their TOS.
No, not according to what these judges have done.

What they have essentially done is declare that part of twitter - those parts where officials are transmitting their policies - are official government communications. There are a whole host of problems with that declaration and one of those is that it would no longer be kosher for Twitter to simply ban Trump outright.

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