Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

Dream on.

It has been determined Trump committed massive fraud like he always does.

The only determination left is how much of a penalty he is going to pay.

And he may be permanently out of business in New York. His imaginary 30,000 foot apartment will be sold at auction.

Maybe George Soros will buy it. :lol:

OH NO.......the dreaded SOROS.
How about that another Democrat judge who was paid off
To the MAGA cult members a judge is good if they find Donald Trump innocent of allegations and crimes. A judge is bad if they find Donald Trump guilty of accusations and crimes.

Once a judge finds Donald Trump guilty, MAGA must attack the judge. They must discredit the judge.

That is what cult members do.
since you seem to be the smartest mother fucker on the planet, what do you think a property that creates 25 million a yr in revenue sitting on 18 acres of premium ocean ft property where the adjacent ones are valued at 56 million and are a 1/6 of the size should be valued??

his defense was far from frivolous,,

I have no idea, I'm not a Palm Beach County Assessor.

But the actual professional, you know the Palm Beach County Assessor cited in the ruling valued the property at $27.6 Million in 2021 for tax purposes.

I'm not the smartest mother fucker on the planet, but I do know how to read. Actually reading the court documents helps when looking to discuss - you know - a court ruling.

I have no idea, I'm not a Palm Beach County Assessor.

But the actual professional, you know the Palm Beach County Assessor cited in the ruling valued the property at $27.6 Million in 2021 for tax purposes.

I'm not the smartest mother fucker on the planet, but I do know how to read. Actually reading the court documents helps when looking to discuss - you know - a court ruling.

figures you would run away from it,,

my guess based on other property in the area and the revenue it generates the value is in the hundreds of millions,,

if its 18 or 25 the line to purchase it would be around the block,,
And those harmed were ?
And those who brought forth action were?
One witch hunting judge person
Just one more thing these TDS suffering idiots here fail to grasp. If Trump overvalued his properties, he paid more in taxes then he should have and the state now owes HIM money. Not that it matters since this gets tossed in about 2 seconds on appeal.
figures you would run away from it,,

my guess based on other property in the area and the revenue it generates the value is in the hundreds of millions,,

if its 18 or 25 the line to purchase it would be around the block,,

Ran away from what. You ask for an opinion. I gave it based on (A) Court Records and (B) the knowledge that residential and commercial properties have different valuation rates. And no property values are not based on revenue, they are based on the value of the property because if the business moves the revenue goes with it.

So your "guess" is not consistent with current practice.

You are confusing "market value" with "property value", they two are not the same thing.


Do you hear that sucking sound? That's major sources of Trump's wealth vanishing.

Trump lied on his insurance and loan applications for at least a decade. Probably longer, but the statute of limitations prevents going back farther. His two boys are also on the hook, but Ivanka skated due to the statute of limitations.

Trump has just lost control of all his New York properties, including Trump Tower.

The judge just made the NY AG's job a lot easier. She is suing Trump for $250 million for his fraud and the trial is supposed to start on October 2.

The surprising decision by Justice Arthur F. Engoron is a major victory for Attorney General Letitia James in her lawsuit against Mr. Trump, effectively deciding that no trial was needed to determine that he had fraudulently secured favorable terms on loans and insurance deals.

Ms. James has argued that Mr. Trump inflated the value of his properties by as much as $2.2 billion and is seeking a penalty of about $250 million in a trial scheduled to begin as early as Monday.

Justice Engoron wrote that the annual financial statements that Mr. Trump submitted to banks and insurance companies “clearly contain fraudulent valuations that defendants used in business.”


While the trial will determine the size of the penalty, Justice Engoron’s ruling granted one of the biggest punishments Ms. James sought: the cancellation of business certificates that allow some of Mr. Trump’s New York properties to operate, a move that could have major repercussions for the Trump family business.

The decision could terminate his control over a flagship commercial property at 40 Wall Street in Lower Manhattan and a family estate in Westchester County. Mr. Trump might also lose control over his other New York properties, including Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan and his golf club in Westchester.

The order will not dissolve Mr. Trump’s company itself, which is a collection of hundreds of entities, but the decision could nonetheless have a sweeping impact on the company’s New York operations. If Justice Engoron’s decision is not reversed by an appeals court, it could shut down an entity that employs hundreds of people working for him in New York, effectively crushing the company.


Justice Engoron’s decision narrows the issues that will be heard at trial, deciding that the core of Ms. James’s case was valid. It represents a major blow to Mr. Trump, whose lawyers had sought to persuade the judge to throw out many claims against the former president.

In his order, Justice Engoron wrote scathingly about Mr. Trump’s defenses, saying that the former president and the other defendants, including his two adult sons and his company, ignored reality when it suited their business needs. “In defendants’ world,” he wrote, “rent-regulated apartments are worth the same as unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land; restrictions can evaporate into thin air.”

“That is a fantasy world, not the real world,” he added.
Hear that screeching? That’s you, Mac1958, and the rest of the know nothing TDS sufferers crying because appeal will get this tossed immediately. See retard, banks and insurance companies do their own assessments, not Trump. The judge never heard anything from the defense and there were NO plaintiffs. Not one bank or insurance company claiming ANY fraud. Just a loser like Tish James whining. By the way, since Trump paid taxes on the assessed value of his property, he is now owed a LOT of money by New York State since they claim the property isn’t worth what the assessors said it is.
Here is the judge's decision: Read the Judge’s Ruling in the Trump Fraud Case

Read it and then try to tell me he did not hear the defense attorney's arguments. They even deposed Trump himself.

Someone lied to you and you fell for yet another hoax and parroted it like an idiot.
No, YOU fell for more bullshit that will be immediately overturned on appeal since this “judge” acted improperly the entire time. You’re one of the most ignorant, idiotic people here retard. Yet you keep swallowing after 7+ years of utter failure by you Dims.
Ran away from what. You ask for an opinion. I gave it based on (A) Court Records and (B) the knowledge that residential and commercial properties have different valuation rates. And no property values are not based on revenue, they are based on the value of the property because if the business moves the revenue goes with it.

So your "guess" is not consistent with current practice.

You are confusing "market value" with "property value", they two are not the same thing.


I would like to offer a correction. It seems in Palm Beach, because of the restricted deed situation. That revenue is considered as part of setting the valueation.

That appears to be an offset - IMHO - because of the restricted deed that goes back in to Mar A Lago's history and donation to the government by a rich heiress and it's designation as a historical landmark. Meaning the property can't be parceled off to sell the green space associated with the 18 acres.

My apologies.

Ran away from what. You ask for an opinion. I gave it based on (A) Court Records and (B) the knowledge that residential and commercial properties have different valuation rates. And no property values are not based on revenue, they are based on the value of the property because if the business moves the revenue goes with it.

So your "guess" is not consistent with current practice.

You are confusing "market value" with "property value", they two are not the same thing.

to bad the courts didnt allow a fair trial so trump could explain why he valued it at the price he did,,,

what would you sell a company that creates 25 million a yr in revenue??

that question shouldnt be outside your wheel house,,
Hear that screeching? That’s you, Mac1958, and the rest of the know nothing TDS sufferers crying because appeal will get this tossed immediately. See retard, banks and insurance companies do their own assessments, not Trump. The judge never heard anything from the defense and there were NO plaintiffs. Not one bank or insurance company claiming ANY fraud. Just a loser like Tish James whining. By the way, since Trump paid taxes on the assessed value of his property, he is now owed a LOT of money by New York State since they claim the property isn’t worth what the assessors said it is.

Yes the Judge received motions from the defense team.

The State of New York is the plaintiff. Without a plaintiff filing the civil suit to begin with there would be no case before the court. Under New York Law the Attorney General is empowered to file civil suits for violation of business law. It spelled out in the Judged ruling.

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