Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

Hunter is family. We know he committed minor crimes.

Joe was not involved in any of them.
With all due respect, Lesh? You can "claim" that Joe Biden wasn't involved in Hunter's influence peddling but in order for that to pass the smell test you have to believe that Joe Biden had no clue about the 20 million that the Biden family was raking in and that's laughable! Come on...you know as well as I do that Joe knew what Hunter was doing!
You don’t remember “lock her up”? Really?

So you remember them locking her up and that's why you're trying to do it to Trump? Didn't happen, fucking racist liar. Those were words, you're actually doing it. That you don't know the difference is how stupid and racist you are
So you remember them locking her up and that's why you're trying to do it to Trump? Didn't happen, fucking racist liar. Those were words, you're actually doing it. That you don't know the difference is how stupid and racist you are
Trump hasn’t been locked up
With all due respect, Lesh? You can "claim" that Joe Biden wasn't involved in Hunter's influence peddling but in order for that to pass the smell test you have to believe that Joe Biden had no clue about the 20 million that the Biden family was raking in and that's laughable! Come on...you know as well as I do that Joe knew what Hunter was doing!
I’m order for you to claim Joe Biden did anything YOU have to prove it.

And you can’t
12.5 million docs….Just think of the enormity of it…Now, this is the kind of tactic used when some corporation is trying to cover up exculpatory evidence.

And, this judge, Chutkin, is aiding them in these acts of judicial misconduct.

SCOTUS will never let this stand.
One of the cases my company handled, part of the evidence was 6 years of emails form a major power utility email server. Took both sides about a month to narrow it down to what was relevant.
The discovery tools are very efficient.
No it wont. That will not have any bearing on the trial whatsoever. The prosecution has to do a number of things, starting with proving that Trump didnt believe that he won. It seems pretty obvious that he has always beleived that. He was saying it even after it was unpopular to say so. He still says the same thing today. He has a long track record of proclaiming that the eleciton was stolen.

How is the prosecution supposed to prove that he was lying?
Willful ignorance is not acceptable as an excuse in courts....

Trump spoke of the election being stolen 6 months before the election took place, which they have evidence.

50 people in Trumps circle say they showed and told trump it was not stolen, which they have sworn testimony.

And they have trump admitting he lost, to a couple of his closest aides....
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You’re conditioned to view the summer riots as part of the Democratic Party but think for yourself and you’ll see that the Democratic Party didn’t cause any of them.

They were spontaneous grass roots protests that often became violent.

The Democratic Party didn’t cause it.

Think for yourself.
You’re delusional if you really believe that.

From the jump democrats were running cover for that whole shitshow, up to and including bailing the worst of them out.

Watters, AOC, and the squad, even the now VP were involved in making statements downplaying the severity, and damage they were causing, and using it for fundraising to bash Trump…

You need to wake the hell up, boy.
One of the cases my company handled, part of the evidence was 6 years of emails form a major power utility email server. Took both sides about a month to narrow it down to what was relevant.
The discovery tools are very efficient.
How is that even comparable?
You’re delusional if you really believe that.
I do because it’s the truth. None of the politicians you listed caused it. None of their statements recognizing the fundamental grievance of police brutality was a cause of any of the riots.

The riots were grassroots and spontaneous.

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