Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

This is being done for the effect of Trump losing the primary. Peeps going shit...might as well vote for someone else.... Hes in court.

Enjoy the Show
I do because it’s the truth. None of the politicians you listed caused it. None of their statements recognizing the fundamental grievance of police brutality was a cause of any of the riots.

The riots were grassroots and spontaneous.
Nothing the left does is spontaneous, or grassroots.

Im sure there is dem pols, and subversive groups that helped cultivate blm, and bring AntiFa to these shores. Wittingly or not.

Prog dems language is corrosive, and over the top to the degree of, not just sounding ”dog whistles” to these criminal enterprises, but clarion calls to action…
Nothing the left does is spontaneous, or grassroots.

Im sure there is dem pols, and subversive groups that helped cultivate blm, and bring AntiFa to these shores. Wittingly or not.

Prog dems language is corrosive, and over the top to the degree of, not just sounding ”dog whistles” to these criminal enterprises, but clarion calls to action…
Everything you said is based entirely on your feelings.

There are no facts to back it up.
Everything you said is based entirely on your feelings.

There are no facts to back it up.
Look, I don't have the willingness to waste any more time educating you on events that went down three years ago. If you don't get it by now, nor willing to be honest about it, then our conversation is useless.

You want to support the dismantling of the greatest nation on earth, go right ahead. At least for the moment there are those that oppose what you stand for, and I can only hope it's enough to put a halt to whatever end goal you and your violent ilk are trying to achieve....
Look, I don't have the willingness to waste any more time educating you on events that went down three years ago. If you don't get it by now, nor willing to be honest about it, then our conversation is useless.

You want to support the dismantling of the greatest nation on earth, go right ahead. At least for the moment there are those that oppose what you stand for, and I can only hope it's enough to put a halt to whatever end goal you and your violent ilk are trying to achieve....
One side stood for reforming discriminatory and violent police practice.

One side wanted the election overturned because they were sad that Trump lost.

Both devolved into violence but at least one side stood for principles consistent with our nation’s founding.
Marener said: Duh, dar, I have nothing, kaz, I'm just going to parrot back to you what you said. Duh, duh, duh.

Wow, the stupid are out in force today
Wow, you really don’t want to acknowledge the fact that “lock her up” was a frequent chant by the MAGA faithful.

But you’re going to pretend that didn’t exist?
One side stood for reforming discriminatory and violent police practice.

One side wanted the election overturned because they were sad that Trump lost.

Both devolved into violence but at least one side stood for principles consistent with our nation’s founding.
Those on the right of the political spectrum always stand for this nations founding principles...

It is those of your ilk trying to tear those principles down...That's a fact.
Those on the right of the political spectrum always stand for this nations founding principles...

It is those of your ilk trying to tear those principles down...That's a fact.
I’m not seeing it.

In the case of policing, the right supports corrupt police who violate people’s civil rights. They support government authoritarianism without oversight.

In the case of elections, Trump was working against the people’s right for self determination.
How is that even comparable?
Volume. The argument is that you can't go through the volume of documents in the time frame. Yes you can. Do you have any idea how many emails flow through a large utility company in 6 years? How many are irrelevant to a lawsuit? Those evidence search engines are incredibly efficient.
I’m not seeing it.

In the case of policing, the right supports corrupt police who violate people’s civil rights. They support government authoritarianism without oversight.

In the case of elections, Trump was working against the people’s right for self determination.
Of course you don't see it...It's not what you've been programmed to see....

There is no way you can substantiate your claim that the right supports corrupt police, without lying....As for authoritarianism, we all witnessed that with Covid, coming from the left...NOT the right...In fact you and your ilk attacked any Governors on the right NOT clamping down on their citizens freedoms...

As for oversight, you progressives abhor oversight....Just look at what you are doing and saying about the current investigation in the oversight committee...You love it when that committee's requests are stonewalled, and outright refused...Nah, if anyone is against oversight, its liberal progressive dems.

And no, Trump was NOT working against peoples right of self determination...In fact, just the opposite. It is dems that are now actively trying to subvert, and disenfranchise any vote for Trump...

Why is it you people always accuse us of what you're doing...It's utterly transparent, and a stupid tactic.
Volume. The argument is that you can't go through the volume of documents in the time frame. Yes you can. Do you have any idea how many emails flow through a large utility company in 6 years? How many are irrelevant to a lawsuit? Those evidence search engines are incredibly efficient.
emails are not documents...Not even close....Emails can be scanned with algorithms, making the searches high speed....And while there may or may not exist a similar technology to scan these documents, there is no credible lawyer that would tell you that 12.5 million documents can be thoroughly researched in 6 months.

Why is it your ilk always has to cheat?
Of course you don't see it...It's not what you've been programmed to see....

There is no way you can substantiate your claim that the right supports corrupt police, without lying....As for authoritarianism, we all witnessed that with Covid, coming from the left...NOT the right...In fact you and your ilk attacked any Governors on the right NOT clamping down on their citizens freedoms...

As for oversight, you progressives abhor oversight....Just look at what you are doing and saying about the current investigation in the oversight committee...You love it when that committee's requests are stonewalled, and outright refused...Nah, if anyone is against oversight, its liberal progressive dems.

And no, Trump was NOT working against peoples right of self determination...In fact, just the opposite. It is dems that are now actively trying to subvert, and disenfranchise any vote for Trump...

Why is it you people always accuse us of what you're doing...It's utterly transparent, and a stupid tactic.
The left was talking about police authoritarianism for years, which never seemed to bother the right when the targets of the authoritarianism were minorities. They doubled down on “supporting police”, turning a blind eye to corruption.

As for Trump, he tried numerous means to take away our votes. He tried having the courts throw out hundreds of thousands of votes from people who did absolutely nothing wrong. He tried having state legislatures choose new electors, ignoring the votes entirely. He also tried to get the election settled by Congress, where members of Congress would choose the president instead of the voters.
Measured how? By long jail sentences being handed out?

Is that just a temporary win until the next president pardons them?

I'm not biased. It's only for me to bring awareness of the fact that a patriot's odds have been reduced to no better than 50/50.
I guess that depends on how you express your patriotism?
You demonize BLM, but call me racist? That is rich!

I have no interest in demonizing BLM, they are a violent left wing extremist group who exposes you for what you are every time you support them, racist. There's no demonization in that, it's what they are. And it's no demonization if you, you are a racist.

You care when one white guy kills a black but you don't give a shit when thousands of blacks are killed by blacks. It's because of your racism, you don't benefit unless whites are killing blacks so you don't care when blacks do it
I have no interest in demonizing BLM, they are a violent left wing extremist group who exposes you for what you are every time you support them, racist. There's no demonization in that, it's what they are. And it's no demonization if you, you are a racist.

You care when one white guy kills a black but you don't give a shit when thousands of blacks are killed by blacks. It's because of your racism, you don't benefit unless whites are killing blacks so you don't care when blacks do it
You have no interest in demonizing BLM, but then immediately state they are a "violent left wing extremist group"!

Wow! You waffle more than IHOP!
I’m order for you to claim Joe Biden did anything YOU have to prove it.

And you can’t
The House is in the process of proving that as we speak, Lesh. More damning evidence comes out almost daily and they've just gotten started. As they go through the Biden's bank records it becomes more and more clear how pervasive this was and on what a scale it was taking place. You can't hide what now is estimated to be fifty million dollars in pay offs. The Biden's tried but in the end the whole sordid mess will come out. Right now all the Biden DOJ is doing is trying to run out the clock on the statute of limitations on criminal charges against the Bidens. That won't stop the House investigators and the coming impeachment no matter how hard Merrick Garland stonewalls their questions!
The House is in the process of proving that as we speak, Lesh. More damning evidence comes out almost daily and they've just gotten started. As they go through the Biden's bank records it becomes more and more clear how pervasive this was and on what a scale it was taking place. You can't hide what now is estimated to be fifty million dollars in pay offs. The Biden's tried but in the end the whole sordid mess will come out. Right now all the Biden DOJ is doing is trying to run out the clock on the statute of limitations on criminal charges against the Bidens. That won't stop the House investigators and the coming impeachment no matter how hard Merrick Garland stonewalls their questions!
“In the process of doing that”

Yea like Durham was in the process of doing it for four fucking years and came up with nuffin

Get back to us when they actually succeed.

Hold your breath till then
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