Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

Wait for it...WAIT FOR IT....it's all interconnected!

It's only a matter of time till the whole country recognizes gay marriage. I give it five years before the Supreme Court states the obvious

Two. I think Sotomayor controls the court majority on this.
Negative one. Windsor 2013. They already spoke on it and determined that the description of who may marry is the "unquestioned authority" of each sovereign state by as broad a consensus as possible by the governed.

Windsor v USA Might want to take a looksie at it. The state's rights attorneys have read it and are using it to appeal all these nifty GOP vote-getting stunts of suppressing middle voters rights to govern themselves..
Why not just swap the stars and stripes for the faggot rainbow already. Goddamn nation of queers on parade.

That's the thing, butt-pirates make up such an insignificant part of the population.

Just like the bunny huggers,

The Eco-Nazis,

The rug munchers,

The God haters,

The pinko commies,

The baby killers,

The dope heads,

The gun grabbers,

The vegidouches,

The occutards,

The Black Klan,

The HispaniKlan,

and of course the carpet pilots who insist that a 1400 year old cult who's radical members would love to slaughter almost everyone in the groups listed above is a "religion of peace" have teamed up together in a gagglefuck of mindless dipshits called democrats.

So in spite of all common sense, and even conflicting agendas, these assholes diligently work together to destroy what they all revile.

The United States of America.

If that is ever achieved of course the bloodbath between those factions would make satan cringe.
Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage | Reuters

19 states now, falling like dominoes they are.
The ruling makes Pennsylvania the 19th U.S. state where gay marriage is allowed, a movement that has gained momentum since the Supreme Court ruled last June that legally married same-sex couples are eligible for federal benefits.

may this be an education in why you can vote peoples rights away.

This one, and district court decisions affecting ten other states, will obviously go to the SCOTUS much sooner than later. The lack of stay by the lower court will force the issue.
The Supreme Court has already issued an emergency stay for Utah months ago, after the request for a stay had been denied by the lower federal court.

"The application for stay presented to Justice Sotomayor and
by her referred to the Court is granted."

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the Supreme Court's Circuit Justice for the Tenth Circuit, referred the stay request to the full Supreme Court and on January 6, without noting any dissents by her colleagues, she issued the stay pending final disposition of the appeal by Tenth Circuit.[42][43] The stay allowed Utah to reinstate its ban on same-sex marriage and deny state services to married same-sex couples.[44]
Kitchen v. Herbert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It stands to reason that, if the government in PA wishes, it can also request a stay and get one.

Baker v Nelson and stare decisis stand in the way of these decisions. For the decisions, en masse, to be vacated all the SCOTUS need do is find the lower courts erred in the determining the existence of a "substantial federal issue".

I truly am sorry to sour any celebrations. I am concerned that the SCOTUS may in fact find the lower federal courts erred. Or maybe this will be one of those times where the SCOTUS surprises us all with a 6-3 decision affirming.
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Why not just swap the stars and stripes for the faggot rainbow already. Goddamn nation of queers on parade.

That's the thing, butt-pirates make up such an insignificant part of the population.

Just like the bunny huggers,

The Eco-Nazis,

The rug munchers,

The God haters,

The pinko commies,

The baby killers,

The dope heads,

The gun grabbers,

The vegidouches,

The occutards,

The Black Klan,

The HispaniKlan,

and of course the carpet pilots who insist that a 1400 year old cult who's radical members would love to slaughter almost everyone in the groups listed above is a "religion of peace" have teamed up together in a gagglefuck of mindless dipshits called democrats.

So in spite of all common sense, and even conflicting agendas, these assholes diligently work together to destroy what they all revile.

The United States of America.

If that is ever achieved of course the bloodbath between those factions would make satan cringe.

Like the left-handed.
It's only a matter of time till the whole country recognizes gay marriage. I give it five years before the Supreme Court states the obvious

Two. I think Sotomayor controls the court majority on this.
Negative one. Windsor 2013. They already spoke on it and determined that the description of who may marry is the "unquestioned authority" of each sovereign state by as broad a consensus as possible by the governed.

Windsor v USA Might want to take a looksie at it. The state's rights attorneys have read it and are using it to appeal all these nifty GOP vote-getting stunts of suppressing middle voters rights to govern themselves..

Windsor, as you want to explain it, is a non-player in this issue.
Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage | Reuters

19 states now, falling like dominoes they are.
The ruling makes Pennsylvania the 19th U.S. state where gay marriage is allowed, a movement that has gained momentum since the Supreme Court ruled last June that legally married same-sex couples are eligible for federal benefits.

may this be an education in why you can vote peoples rights away.

This one, and district court decisions affecting ten other states, will obviously go to the SCOTUS much sooner than later. The lack of stay by the lower court will force the issue.
The Supreme Court has already issued an emergency stay for Utah months ago, after the request for a stay had been denied by the lower federal court.

"The application for stay presented to Justice Sotomayor and
by her referred to the Court is granted."

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the Supreme Court's Circuit Justice for the Tenth Circuit, referred the stay request to the full Supreme Court and on January 6, without noting any dissents by her colleagues, she issued the stay pending final disposition of the appeal by Tenth Circuit.[42][43] The stay allowed Utah to reinstate its ban on same-sex marriage and deny state services to married same-sex couples.[44]
Kitchen v. Herbert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It stands to reason that, if the government in PA wishes, it can also request a stay and get one.

Baker v Nelson and stare decisis stand in the way of these decisions. For the decisions, en masse, to be vacated all the SCOTUS need do is find the lower courts erred in the determining the existence of a "substantial federal issue".

I truly am sorry to sour any celebrations. I am concerned that the SCOTUS may in fact find the lower federal courts erred. Or maybe this will be one of those times where the SCOTUS surprises us all with a 6-3 decision affirming.

i doubt it given the issue these went to court is based off the recent Scotus ruling.
....and several thousands of middle votes just silently took a step to the right in Pennsylvania....

..which state will the dems cut their own throats in next?...

Never underestimate the power of fascism telling voters "you're going to accept sexual behavior perversions as normal and you can't even vote on it anymore". Something is fishy in Denmark..

Meeehhhh, not really.

The tide of public opinion has turned on this issue. People have changed their minds since this law was passed.

Which is what happens in a democracy. You have a discussion, and when your arguments are whittled down, the law changes.

The two primary arguments against gay marriage are 1) My Magic Friend in the Sky Says It's Wrong and 2) I think it's Icky (when dude do it.)

Neither one of these is a strong basis for law.
Why not just swap the stars and stripes for the faggot rainbow already. Goddamn nation of queers on parade.

That's the thing, butt-pirates make up such an insignificant part of the population.

Just like the bunny huggers,

The Eco-Nazis,

The rug munchers,

The God haters,

The pinko commies,

The baby killers,

The dope heads,

The gun grabbers,

The vegidouches,

The occutards,

The Black Klan,

The HispaniKlan,

and of course the carpet pilots who insist that a 1400 year old cult who's radical members would love to slaughter almost everyone in the groups listed above is a "religion of peace" have teamed up together in a gagglefuck of mindless dipshits called democrats.

So in spite of all common sense, and even conflicting agendas, these assholes diligently work together to destroy what they all revile.

The United States of America.

If that is ever achieved of course the bloodbath between those factions would make satan cringe.

Like the left-handed.

It doesn't matter to us which hand you use to fist your BF's ass, the fact that you are doing it is a sign of mental illness. :eusa_clap:
That's the thing, butt-pirates make up such an insignificant part of the population.

Just like the bunny huggers,

The Eco-Nazis,

The rug munchers,

The God haters,

The pinko commies,

The baby killers,

The dope heads,

The gun grabbers,

The vegidouches,

The occutards,

The Black Klan,

The HispaniKlan,

and of course the carpet pilots who insist that a 1400 year old cult who's radical members would love to slaughter almost everyone in the groups listed above is a "religion of peace" have teamed up together in a gagglefuck of mindless dipshits called democrats.

So in spite of all common sense, and even conflicting agendas, these assholes diligently work together to destroy what they all revile.

The United States of America.

If that is ever achieved of course the bloodbath between those factions would make satan cringe.

Like the left-handed.

It doesn't matter to us which hand you use to fist your BF's ass, the fact that you are doing it is a sign of mental illness. :eusa_clap:

Your head is larger than a fist I presume.
It doesn't matter to us which hand you use to fist your BF's ass, the fact that you are doing it is a sign of mental illness. :eusa_clap:

Just out of curiosity, have you ever injured yourself with a rubber spoon while eating pudding? I really think you have a strong malpractice case. I'm pretty sure they left a sponge or two in.
Two. I think Sotomayor controls the court majority on this.


The Utah case will likely be before the Court by the October 2016 term.

That ought to make it an even MORE fun election year.

By 2016, do you really think either party is going to really still want to be talking about this?

I don't want to sound too cynical here, but it strikes me that if you have GOP judges striking down these laws and GOP governors not working very hard to defend them, that tells me they want this issue to just go away.

If I were a GOP strategist, I'd be hitting the Democrats on the economy. It still sucks. i certainly wouldn't want to be going down these rabbit holes.

The Utah case will likely be before the Court by the October 2016 term.

That ought to make it an even MORE fun election year.

By 2016, do you really think either party is going to really still want to be talking about this?

I don't want to sound too cynical here, but it strikes me that if you have GOP judges striking down these laws and GOP governors not working very hard to defend them, that tells me they want this issue to just go away.

If I were a GOP strategist, I'd be hitting the Democrats on the economy. It still sucks. i certainly wouldn't want to be going down these rabbit holes.

Yeah, but we are talking a Presidential Election year. If this case goes to the SCOTUS in 2016, the candidates will have to talk about it. What will the GOP candidate do? Not a one of the "contendas" has come out in favor of marriage equality.

They won on anti gay before...I would love to see them lose on it now. :lol:
It's only a matter of time till the whole country recognizes gay marriage. I give it five years before the Supreme Court states the obvious

Two. I think Sotomayor controls the court majority on this.

You might be right. Roberts and Kennedy would probably agree with it. They can't continue to kick the can down the road or leave it up to the states

We have reached the tipping point on gay marriage. It is no longer just a few isolated states. Married gays will move across state lines. They can't be married in one state and not another. The military will have married gay couples. They will demand their rights even in a red state
That ought to make it an even MORE fun election year.

By 2016, do you really think either party is going to really still want to be talking about this?

I don't want to sound too cynical here, but it strikes me that if you have GOP judges striking down these laws and GOP governors not working very hard to defend them, that tells me they want this issue to just go away.

If I were a GOP strategist, I'd be hitting the Democrats on the economy. It still sucks. i certainly wouldn't want to be going down these rabbit holes.

Yeah, but we are talking a Presidential Election year. If this case goes to the SCOTUS in 2016, the candidates will have to talk about it. What will the GOP candidate do? Not a one of the "contendas" has come out in favor of marriage equality.

They won on anti gay before...I would love to see them lose on it now. :lol:

I think they might mull around uncomfortably, but by 2016, at current rates, a majority of states would have already legalized it.

As I think I said at the Time, SCOTUS didn't strike down DOMA in its entirety, but made it pretty clear that's what it would do if pushed. They'd like more states to jump, first.

And since then, IL, HI, PA and OR (and others I've probably missed) have done just that.

So which will be the last state to legalize gay marriage?

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