Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

By 2016, do you really think either party is going to really still want to be talking about this?

I don't want to sound too cynical here, but it strikes me that if you have GOP judges striking down these laws and GOP governors not working very hard to defend them, that tells me they want this issue to just go away.

If I were a GOP strategist, I'd be hitting the Democrats on the economy. It still sucks. i certainly wouldn't want to be going down these rabbit holes.

Yeah, but we are talking a Presidential Election year. If this case goes to the SCOTUS in 2016, the candidates will have to talk about it. What will the GOP candidate do? Not a one of the "contendas" has come out in favor of marriage equality.

They won on anti gay before...I would love to see them lose on it now. :lol:

I think they might mull around uncomfortably, but by 2016, at current rates, a majority of states would have already legalized it.

As I think I said at the Time, SCOTUS didn't strike down DOMA in its entirety, but made it pretty clear that's what it would do if pushed. They'd like more states to jump, first.

And since then, IL, HI, PA and OR (and others I've probably missed) have done just that.

So which will be the last state to legalize gay marriage?

Backwater state...Alabama or Mississippi would be my guess.
That's the thing, butt-pirates make up such an insignificant part of the population.

Just like the bunny huggers,

The Eco-Nazis,

The rug munchers,

The God haters,

The pinko commies,

The baby killers,

The dope heads,

The gun grabbers,

The vegidouches,

The occutards,

The Black Klan,

The HispaniKlan,

and of course the carpet pilots who insist that a 1400 year old cult who's radical members would love to slaughter almost everyone in the groups listed above is a "religion of peace" have teamed up together in a gagglefuck of mindless dipshits called democrats.

So in spite of all common sense, and even conflicting agendas, these assholes diligently work together to destroy what they all revile.

The United States of America.

If that is ever achieved of course the bloodbath between those factions would make satan cringe.

Like the left-handed.

It doesn't matter to us which hand you use to fist your BF's ass, the fact that you are doing it is a sign of mental illness. :eusa_clap:

I don't have a boy friend, you poor confused laddie. :D
It doesn't matter to us which hand you use to fist your BF's ass, the fact that you are doing it is a sign of mental illness. :eusa_clap:

Just out of curiosity, have you ever injured yourself with a rubber spoon while eating pudding? I really think you have a strong malpractice case. I'm pretty sure they left a sponge or two in.

:eusa_clap: Kudos for a spiffy insult. Well done. :smiliehug:
Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage | Reuters

19 states now, falling like dominoes they are.
The ruling makes Pennsylvania the 19th U.S. state where gay marriage is allowed, a movement that has gained momentum since the Supreme Court ruled last June that legally married same-sex couples are eligible for federal benefits.

may this be an education in why you can vote peoples rights away.

A PERVERT strikes down a law against PERVERTS. Perverts are running the Justice System of this Country.
Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage | Reuters

19 states now, falling like dominoes they are.
The ruling makes Pennsylvania the 19th U.S. state where gay marriage is allowed, a movement that has gained momentum since the Supreme Court ruled last June that legally married same-sex couples are eligible for federal benefits.

may this be an education in why you can vote peoples rights away.

A PERVERT strikes down a law against PERVERTS. Perverts are running the Justice System of this Country.

What do you have against the Republican Judge (and George Bush appointee) John E Jones III?
Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage | Reuters

19 states now, falling like dominoes they are.
The ruling makes Pennsylvania the 19th U.S. state where gay marriage is allowed, a movement that has gained momentum since the Supreme Court ruled last June that legally married same-sex couples are eligible for federal benefits.

may this be an education in why you can vote peoples rights away.

A PERVERT strikes down a law against PERVERTS. Perverts are running the Justice System of this Country.

How devastating for you.
Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage | Reuters

19 states now, falling like dominoes they are.
The ruling makes Pennsylvania the 19th U.S. state where gay marriage is allowed, a movement that has gained momentum since the Supreme Court ruled last June that legally married same-sex couples are eligible for federal benefits.

may this be an education in why you can vote peoples rights away.

A PERVERT strikes down a law against PERVERTS. Perverts are running the Justice System of this Country.

Shhhh.. :eusa_shhh: If you listen very carefully, you can hear millions of middle voters' feet shuffle ever so slightly to the right.

The democratic election strategy machine is still in the same shape it's always been:

1. Promote three-legged horses for a horse race

2. Allow the most extreme in their party to sculpt the platform.

3. Wonder where all those middle votes went the day after the polls close.

4. Drink lots of alchohol, brush themselves off and begin planning the same strategy for the next election cycle, chanting the mantra "the same strategy will fix it next time"...
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Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage | Reuters

19 states now, falling like dominoes they are.
The ruling makes Pennsylvania the 19th U.S. state where gay marriage is allowed, a movement that has gained momentum since the Supreme Court ruled last June that legally married same-sex couples are eligible for federal benefits.

may this be an education in why you can vote peoples rights away.

A PERVERT strikes down a law against PERVERTS. Perverts are running the Justice System of this Country.

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage | Reuters

19 states now, falling like dominoes they are.
The ruling makes Pennsylvania the 19th U.S. state where gay marriage is allowed, a movement that has gained momentum since the Supreme Court ruled last June that legally married same-sex couples are eligible for federal benefits.

may this be an education in why you can vote peoples rights away.

A PERVERT strikes down a law against PERVERTS. Perverts are running the Justice System of this Country.

So what is so perverted about the Judge, he's straight, married to the same woman for 32 years and has two children?

In addition to being a Republican and nominated by a Republican President.

Another example of bed wetters using the court to move their agenda in spite of the will of the people.

So if everyone in NY voted to ban the private ownership of a gun, you would .......

......still not give a fuck what happens in New Yuck state.

So what is so perverted about the Judge, he's straight, married to the same woman for 32 years and has two children?

In addition to being a Republican and nominated by a Republican President.


Which makes me want to repeat this post...

Shhhh.. :eusa_shhh: If you listen very carefully, you can hear millions of middle voters' feet shuffle ever so slightly to the right.

The democratic election strategy machine is still in the same shape it's always been:

1. Promote three-legged horses for a horse race

2. Allow the most extreme in their party to sculpt the platform.

3. Wonder where all those middle votes went the day after the polls close.

4. Drink lots of alchohol, brush themselves off and begin planning the same strategy for the next election cycle, chanting the mantra "the same strategy will fix it next time"...

Let me know when y'all catch on.... When the GOP in its infinite altruism and compassion for the democratic platform gives it a very public leg up, you should be worried and not celebrating...

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Another example of bed wetters using the court to move their agenda in spite of the will of the people.

So if everyone in NY voted to ban the private ownership of a gun, you would .......

......still not give a fuck what happens in New Yuck state.


Yeah right, you'd be on here squealing like a jilted hairdresser about how the courts need to overturn this breach of the Constitution.

Another state where marriage is a joke now. Everyone update your lists of traitors.

Oregon had a constitutional amendment. How can a single judge have such powers? I am not against gays and gay marriage.

If Oregon had a constitutional amendment banning all guns, how would you feel if a judge overturned that?

We can't pick and choose which parts of the US Constitution we can violate and which ones we cannot.

Descibe which part of the Constitution guarantees people the right to marry? Don't use the 14th unless you can prove that LGBT behavioral cultees are a race, gender, country of origin or religion...

Recognized religion that is...
Oregon had a constitutional amendment. How can a single judge have such powers? I am not against gays and gay marriage.

If Oregon had a constitutional amendment banning all guns, how would you feel if a judge overturned that?

We can't pick and choose which parts of the US Constitution we can violate and which ones we cannot.

Descibe which part of the Constitution guarantees people the right to marry? Don't use the 14th unless you can prove that LGBT behavioral cultees are a race, gender, country of origin or religion...

Recognized religion that is...

Homosexuals have been recognized as covered under the 14th amendment....as they should be
If Oregon had a constitutional amendment banning all guns, how would you feel if a judge overturned that?

We can't pick and choose which parts of the US Constitution we can violate and which ones we cannot.

Descibe which part of the Constitution guarantees people the right to marry? Don't use the 14th unless you can prove that LGBT behavioral cultees are a race, gender, country of origin or religion...

Recognized religion that is...

Homosexuals have been recognized as covered under the 14th amendment....as they should be

NO NO the Constitution only applies to people I agree with.
Gay marriageis the new Roe v. Wade. Both legal shifts actually touh the lives of very, very few of the people most outraged by them. It isn't the impact on each of us that makes thse issues political zingers, it's the implication that something that has always been wrong is now suddenly OK. The do's and dont's of our sexual behavior are the post holes that anchor our society. Gay marriage and legal abortion are unmistakeable signs that the old order is slipping away. For most conservatives, the new order is characterized by sexual license but unaccompanied by increased wealth, power, or status for them personally.The hedge fund guys are fine with the new order and don't give a damn about to broads who want to marry each other or terminate a pregnancy. But for the conservative majority, whose house is worth less, whose retirment fund has shrunk and whose paychecks aren't keeping up with rising prices, gay marriage and abortion are symbols of their own social loss.
Gay marriageis the new Roe v. Wade. Both legal shifts actually touh the lives of very, very few of the people most outraged by them. It isn't the impact on each of us that makes thse issues political zingers, it's the implication that something that has always been wrong is now suddenly OK. The do's and dont's of our sexual behavior are the post holes that anchor our society. Gay marriage and legal abortion are unmistakeable signs that the old order is slipping away. For most conservatives, the new order is characterized by sexual license but unaccompanied by increased wealth, power, or status for them personally.The hedge fund guys are fine with the new order and don't give a damn about to broads who want to marry each other or terminate a pregnancy. But for the conservative majority, whose house is worth less, whose retirment fund has shrunk and whose paychecks aren't keeping up with rising prices, gay marriage and abortion are symbols of their own social loss.

I would agree that this is what is driving their hatred of other people. My assumption is that they are older and they have known only this way of thought their entire lives. Now they feel they are being pushed to the side and being vilified for what they were taught when they were young.

So I think it's about them trying to hold onto their legacy and keep their ideals from dying along with them. The problem with that is that those are ideas that promote discrimination, bigotry and prejudice. That's fundamentally wrong. All people are equal and all love is equal.
Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage

Judge strikes down Pennsylvania law barring gay marriage | Reuters

19 states now, falling like dominoes they are.

may this be an education in why you can vote peoples rights away.

A PERVERT strikes down a law against PERVERTS. Perverts are running the Justice System of this Country.

So what is so perverted about the Judge, he's straight, married to the same woman for 32 years and has two children?

In addition to being a Republican and nominated by a Republican President.


Welllll...you knowwwww...

Hey look! Benghazi!

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