Judging Obama's Handling of the Budget and the Economy Fairly

Ah, I get it now. You're an idiot.

The economy is backward looking. I specifically said THE ECONOMY.

The stock market is FORWARD looking. They are entirely different things. My God you're stupid
Is unemployment forward or backward looking? You conveniently forgot about that point

Got it. I'm supposed to address every economic indicator.

Forward looking. Unemployment is with the stock market. Companies hire to staff projects based the profits they will make for the project going forward, not what they would have made looking back
So as Trump boasted about hitting these unemployment milestones you are seriously going to say that he deserves credit because of forward thinking speculation by companies who ran out and hired a bunch of people? Can you show stats to back that up? I’d love to see the Trump surge in hiring that sets him apart from Obama’s progress. Please show us

I said companies look forward with hiring. The rest is your paranoid delusions
Where are your numbers Kaz? Show how Trump changed the game when it comes to unemployment

Why would I do that since I didn't claim that? I answered your question. Companies hire in anticipation of future projects. I didn't make a claim one way or the other regarding Trump
Obama's handling of the budget and the economy was not as bad as most conservatives believe it was, and it is not as good as most liberals claim it was. Some points:

* True, Obama jacked up spending in his first year, but he actually imposed a net cut on spending the following year (2010), before sequestration was even debated, and he held spending to virtually flat-lined levels through 2015 (US Federal Spending Analysis - Charts Tables History). Yes, the spending restraint from 2012 through 2015 was because of the sequester, but Obama agreed to the sequester--he could have vetoed it, but he did not.

* In connection with the above, Obama increased the national debt by a much smaller percentage than Bush did. Bush increased the debt by 101%. Obama increased it by 68%, one-third less than Bush.

* During Obama's 8 years, 17 million new jobs were created, a 12.8% increase, which far surpasses Bush's record on job creation (Which President Created the Most Jobs?).

* Under Obama, we had 74 consecutive months of job growth, from October 2010 to December 2016 (Bureau of Labor Statistics Data).

* The biggest chunk of Obama's much-maligned stimulus packet was devoted to tax cuts. Of the $787 billion, $288 billion was for tax cuts. Another $275 billion was for job creation via federal contracts, grants, and loans.

* Obama signed numerous tax-cut measures, both for individuals and for small businesses. He also made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent, against the advice of many liberal economists. Some of his other tax cuts included the following:

In 2010, President Obama signed an $858 billion tax cut deal. It extended the Bush tax cuts through 2012 and unemployment benefits through 2011. It cut payroll taxes by 2 percent, adding $120 million to workers' spendable income. It extended a college tuition tax credit. It also included $55 billion in industry-specific tax cuts. (https://www.thebalance.com/obama-tax-cuts-3306330; see also https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/taxes;
(https://www.cnbc.com/id/49261153; Obama Proposes Extending Small Business Tax Cuts Permanently | Andersen CPA Firm)​

* A typical family making $50,000 a year received tax cuts totaling $3,600 in President Obama’s first term, more if they were putting a child through college.

* Improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC), enacted in 2009 under Obama and later made permanent provided roughly 16 million working families a year with a tax cut of about $900 on average.

* The 2015 budget deal lifted the sequester's caps but it also contained well over $600 billion in tax cuts/tax breaks and lifted the ban on oil exports.

Of course, there were some black marks. We actually lost manufacturing jobs under Obama, although the loss was relatively small--we went from 12,561,000 manufacturing jobs in January 2009 to 12,369,000 in January 2017. Another problem was that the stock market's growth was somewhat weak. Over-regulation was a drag on many business sectors. A sizable number of the new jobs that were created were modest-income jobs and part-time jobs, but the majority were good jobs. The U-6 rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," stayed unusually high for most of Obama's presidency. Obamacare caused many companies to change full-time positions to part-time positions to avoid having to offer health insurance.

On balance, Obama did a better of dealing with the budget and the economy than most conservatives give him credit for.

Fair analysis, not a huge O fan he was to much of a corporate where for me. But the guy was dropped into a bad situation that was deteriorating quickly and he made moves to make things prolong. Yes he could have done a sight better but imagine if Booooosh had inherited that mess?

With all due respect, Aldo...it was "Boooosh" who set up TARP which pretty much saved many of our financial institutions and did so without costing taxpayer a dime (we actually made money on the Bush TARP loans!)! Barack Obama on the other hand used TARP money to reward his supporters like the UAW and the taxpayers lost a ton of money on the process!

As for what Obama "did" when he was dropped into what you describe as a bad situation? His number one priority was passing what became ObamaCare...something that hurt the economy...and he was working on passing Cap & Trade legislation when Democrats lost the House in the 2010 midterms...which would have REALLY hurt the economy! He could have done a "sight better"? He could have done a whole lot better. He was more concerned with passing parts of a progressive agenda than he was with the welfare of millions of Americans who were out of jobs and burning through their life's savings.
Stop lying, ya lyin' con tool. In fact, the economy grew worse after TARP. It only turned around after Obama passed ARRA.

TARP wasn't designed to grow the economy, oh Clueless One! It was designed to stabilize large financial institutions that were in danger of failing. Anything else you want to demonstrate your ignorance about?
Obama's handling of the budget and the economy was not as bad as most conservatives believe it was, and it is not as good as most liberals claim it was. Some points:

* True, Obama jacked up spending in his first year, but he actually imposed a net cut on spending the following year (2010), before sequestration was even debated, and he held spending to virtually flat-lined levels through 2015 (US Federal Spending Analysis - Charts Tables History). Yes, the spending restraint from 2012 through 2015 was because of the sequester, but Obama agreed to the sequester--he could have vetoed it, but he did not.

* In connection with the above, Obama increased the national debt by a much smaller percentage than Bush did. Bush increased the debt by 101%. Obama increased it by 68%, one-third less than Bush.

* During Obama's 8 years, 17 million new jobs were created, a 12.8% increase, which far surpasses Bush's record on job creation (Which President Created the Most Jobs?).

* Under Obama, we had 74 consecutive months of job growth, from October 2010 to December 2016 (Bureau of Labor Statistics Data).

* The biggest chunk of Obama's much-maligned stimulus packet was devoted to tax cuts. Of the $787 billion, $288 billion was for tax cuts. Another $275 billion was for job creation via federal contracts, grants, and loans.

* Obama signed numerous tax-cut measures, both for individuals and for small businesses. He also made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent, against the advice of many liberal economists. Some of his other tax cuts included the following:

In 2010, President Obama signed an $858 billion tax cut deal. It extended the Bush tax cuts through 2012 and unemployment benefits through 2011. It cut payroll taxes by 2 percent, adding $120 million to workers' spendable income. It extended a college tuition tax credit. It also included $55 billion in industry-specific tax cuts. (https://www.thebalance.com/obama-tax-cuts-3306330; see also https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/taxes;
(https://www.cnbc.com/id/49261153; Obama Proposes Extending Small Business Tax Cuts Permanently | Andersen CPA Firm)​

* A typical family making $50,000 a year received tax cuts totaling $3,600 in President Obama’s first term, more if they were putting a child through college.

* Improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC), enacted in 2009 under Obama and later made permanent provided roughly 16 million working families a year with a tax cut of about $900 on average.

* The 2015 budget deal lifted the sequester's caps but it also contained well over $600 billion in tax cuts/tax breaks and lifted the ban on oil exports.

Of course, there were some black marks. We actually lost manufacturing jobs under Obama, although the loss was relatively small--we went from 12,561,000 manufacturing jobs in January 2009 to 12,369,000 in January 2017. Another problem was that the stock market's growth was somewhat weak. Over-regulation was a drag on many business sectors. A sizable number of the new jobs that were created were modest-income jobs and part-time jobs, but the majority were good jobs. The U-6 rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," stayed unusually high for most of Obama's presidency. Obamacare caused many companies to change full-time positions to part-time positions to avoid having to offer health insurance.

On balance, Obama did a better of dealing with the budget and the economy than most conservatives give him credit for.

Fair analysis, not a huge O fan he was to much of a corporate where for me. But the guy was dropped into a bad situation that was deteriorating quickly and he made moves to make things prolong. Yes he could have done a sight better but imagine if Booooosh had inherited that mess?

With all due respect, Aldo...it was "Boooosh" who set up TARP which pretty much saved many of our financial institutions and did so without costing taxpayer a dime (we actually made money on the Bush TARP loans!)! Barack Obama on the other hand used TARP money to reward his supporters like the UAW and the taxpayers lost a ton of money on the process!

As for what Obama "did" when he was dropped into what you describe as a bad situation? His number one priority was passing what became ObamaCare...something that hurt the economy...and he was working on passing Cap & Trade legislation when Democrats lost the House in the 2010 midterms...which would have REALLY hurt the economy! He could have done a "sight better"? He could have done a whole lot better. He was more concerned with passing parts of a progressive agenda than he was with the welfare of millions of Americans who were out of jobs and burning through their life's savings.
Stop lying, ya lyin' con tool. In fact, the economy grew worse after TARP. It only turned around after Obama passed ARRA.

TARP wasn't designed to grow the economy, oh Clueless One! It was designed to stabilize large financial institutions that were in danger of failing. Anything else you want to demonstrate your ignorance about?

It stabilized more parties for Booooosh's buddies, there is your ignorance.
Obama's handling of the budget and the economy was not as bad as most conservatives believe it was, and it is not as good as most liberals claim it was. Some points:

* True, Obama jacked up spending in his first year, but he actually imposed a net cut on spending the following year (2010), before sequestration was even debated, and he held spending to virtually flat-lined levels through 2015 (US Federal Spending Analysis - Charts Tables History). Yes, the spending restraint from 2012 through 2015 was because of the sequester, but Obama agreed to the sequester--he could have vetoed it, but he did not.

* In connection with the above, Obama increased the national debt by a much smaller percentage than Bush did. Bush increased the debt by 101%. Obama increased it by 68%, one-third less than Bush.

* During Obama's 8 years, 17 million new jobs were created, a 12.8% increase, which far surpasses Bush's record on job creation (Which President Created the Most Jobs?).

* Under Obama, we had 74 consecutive months of job growth, from October 2010 to December 2016 (Bureau of Labor Statistics Data).

* The biggest chunk of Obama's much-maligned stimulus packet was devoted to tax cuts. Of the $787 billion, $288 billion was for tax cuts. Another $275 billion was for job creation via federal contracts, grants, and loans.

* Obama signed numerous tax-cut measures, both for individuals and for small businesses. He also made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent, against the advice of many liberal economists. Some of his other tax cuts included the following:

In 2010, President Obama signed an $858 billion tax cut deal. It extended the Bush tax cuts through 2012 and unemployment benefits through 2011. It cut payroll taxes by 2 percent, adding $120 million to workers' spendable income. It extended a college tuition tax credit. It also included $55 billion in industry-specific tax cuts. (https://www.thebalance.com/obama-tax-cuts-3306330; see also https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/taxes;
(https://www.cnbc.com/id/49261153; Obama Proposes Extending Small Business Tax Cuts Permanently | Andersen CPA Firm)​

* A typical family making $50,000 a year received tax cuts totaling $3,600 in President Obama’s first term, more if they were putting a child through college.

* Improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC), enacted in 2009 under Obama and later made permanent provided roughly 16 million working families a year with a tax cut of about $900 on average.

* The 2015 budget deal lifted the sequester's caps but it also contained well over $600 billion in tax cuts/tax breaks and lifted the ban on oil exports.

Of course, there were some black marks. We actually lost manufacturing jobs under Obama, although the loss was relatively small--we went from 12,561,000 manufacturing jobs in January 2009 to 12,369,000 in January 2017. Another problem was that the stock market's growth was somewhat weak. Over-regulation was a drag on many business sectors. A sizable number of the new jobs that were created were modest-income jobs and part-time jobs, but the majority were good jobs. The U-6 rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," stayed unusually high for most of Obama's presidency. Obamacare caused many companies to change full-time positions to part-time positions to avoid having to offer health insurance.

On balance, Obama did a better of dealing with the budget and the economy than most conservatives give him credit for.

Fair analysis, not a huge O fan he was to much of a corporate where for me. But the guy was dropped into a bad situation that was deteriorating quickly and he made moves to make things prolong. Yes he could have done a sight better but imagine if Booooosh had inherited that mess?

With all due respect, Aldo...it was "Boooosh" who set up TARP which pretty much saved many of our financial institutions and did so without costing taxpayer a dime (we actually made money on the Bush TARP loans!)! Barack Obama on the other hand used TARP money to reward his supporters like the UAW and the taxpayers lost a ton of money on the process!

As for what Obama "did" when he was dropped into what you describe as a bad situation? His number one priority was passing what became ObamaCare...something that hurt the economy...and he was working on passing Cap & Trade legislation when Democrats lost the House in the 2010 midterms...which would have REALLY hurt the economy! He could have done a "sight better"? He could have done a whole lot better. He was more concerned with passing parts of a progressive agenda than he was with the welfare of millions of Americans who were out of jobs and burning through their life's savings.

Not so the TARP money Booooosh threw out there his pals partied on. The economy did not begin to turnaround until after Obama injected his plan into the mix, AARA I believe. I may be wrong on the acronym but you get the idea!

The TARP loans that were made under Bush were repaid with interest, Aldo! The auto bailout that Obama made with TARP funds on the other hand cost the US taxpayers billions of dollars. As for the Obama Stimulus? Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi promised that if they were given the money they requested that it would create a hundred thousand plus "shovel ready" jobs...only to admit later that never happened. It created so few jobs in fact that they had to hide behind the made up numbers of "Jobs Created or Saved"!
Obama's handling of the budget and the economy was not as bad as most conservatives believe it was, and it is not as good as most liberals claim it was. Some points:

* True, Obama jacked up spending in his first year, but he actually imposed a net cut on spending the following year (2010), before sequestration was even debated, and he held spending to virtually flat-lined levels through 2015 (US Federal Spending Analysis - Charts Tables History). Yes, the spending restraint from 2012 through 2015 was because of the sequester, but Obama agreed to the sequester--he could have vetoed it, but he did not.

* In connection with the above, Obama increased the national debt by a much smaller percentage than Bush did. Bush increased the debt by 101%. Obama increased it by 68%, one-third less than Bush.

* During Obama's 8 years, 17 million new jobs were created, a 12.8% increase, which far surpasses Bush's record on job creation (Which President Created the Most Jobs?).

* Under Obama, we had 74 consecutive months of job growth, from October 2010 to December 2016 (Bureau of Labor Statistics Data).

* The biggest chunk of Obama's much-maligned stimulus packet was devoted to tax cuts. Of the $787 billion, $288 billion was for tax cuts. Another $275 billion was for job creation via federal contracts, grants, and loans.

* Obama signed numerous tax-cut measures, both for individuals and for small businesses. He also made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent, against the advice of many liberal economists. Some of his other tax cuts included the following:

In 2010, President Obama signed an $858 billion tax cut deal. It extended the Bush tax cuts through 2012 and unemployment benefits through 2011. It cut payroll taxes by 2 percent, adding $120 million to workers' spendable income. It extended a college tuition tax credit. It also included $55 billion in industry-specific tax cuts. (https://www.thebalance.com/obama-tax-cuts-3306330; see also https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/taxes;
(https://www.cnbc.com/id/49261153; Obama Proposes Extending Small Business Tax Cuts Permanently | Andersen CPA Firm)​

* A typical family making $50,000 a year received tax cuts totaling $3,600 in President Obama’s first term, more if they were putting a child through college.

* Improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC), enacted in 2009 under Obama and later made permanent provided roughly 16 million working families a year with a tax cut of about $900 on average.

* The 2015 budget deal lifted the sequester's caps but it also contained well over $600 billion in tax cuts/tax breaks and lifted the ban on oil exports.

Of course, there were some black marks. We actually lost manufacturing jobs under Obama, although the loss was relatively small--we went from 12,561,000 manufacturing jobs in January 2009 to 12,369,000 in January 2017. Another problem was that the stock market's growth was somewhat weak. Over-regulation was a drag on many business sectors. A sizable number of the new jobs that were created were modest-income jobs and part-time jobs, but the majority were good jobs. The U-6 rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," stayed unusually high for most of Obama's presidency. Obamacare caused many companies to change full-time positions to part-time positions to avoid having to offer health insurance.

On balance, Obama did a better of dealing with the budget and the economy than most conservatives give him credit for.

Fair analysis, not a huge O fan he was to much of a corporate where for me. But the guy was dropped into a bad situation that was deteriorating quickly and he made moves to make things prolong. Yes he could have done a sight better but imagine if Booooosh had inherited that mess?

With all due respect, Aldo...it was "Boooosh" who set up TARP which pretty much saved many of our financial institutions and did so without costing taxpayer a dime (we actually made money on the Bush TARP loans!)! Barack Obama on the other hand used TARP money to reward his supporters like the UAW and the taxpayers lost a ton of money on the process!

As for what Obama "did" when he was dropped into what you describe as a bad situation? His number one priority was passing what became ObamaCare...something that hurt the economy...and he was working on passing Cap & Trade legislation when Democrats lost the House in the 2010 midterms...which would have REALLY hurt the economy! He could have done a "sight better"? He could have done a whole lot better. He was more concerned with passing parts of a progressive agenda than he was with the welfare of millions of Americans who were out of jobs and burning through their life's savings.
Stop lying, ya lyin' con tool. In fact, the economy grew worse after TARP. It only turned around after Obama passed ARRA.

TARP wasn't designed to grow the economy, oh Clueless One! It was designed to stabilize large financial institutions that were in danger of failing. Anything else you want to demonstrate your ignorance about?

It stabilized more parties for Booooosh's buddies, there is your ignorance.

Quite frankly...that's an idiotic statement! Which is better...someone repaying the loan you gave them...ahead of time and with interest...or someone who doesn't repay you all of the money that you lent them? Duh?
Obama's handling of the budget and the economy was not as bad as most conservatives believe it was, and it is not as good as most liberals claim it was. Some points:

* True, Obama jacked up spending in his first year, but he actually imposed a net cut on spending the following year (2010), before sequestration was even debated, and he held spending to virtually flat-lined levels through 2015 (US Federal Spending Analysis - Charts Tables History). Yes, the spending restraint from 2012 through 2015 was because of the sequester, but Obama agreed to the sequester--he could have vetoed it, but he did not.

* In connection with the above, Obama increased the national debt by a much smaller percentage than Bush did. Bush increased the debt by 101%. Obama increased it by 68%, one-third less than Bush.

* During Obama's 8 years, 17 million new jobs were created, a 12.8% increase, which far surpasses Bush's record on job creation (Which President Created the Most Jobs?).

* Under Obama, we had 74 consecutive months of job growth, from October 2010 to December 2016 (Bureau of Labor Statistics Data).

* The biggest chunk of Obama's much-maligned stimulus packet was devoted to tax cuts. Of the $787 billion, $288 billion was for tax cuts. Another $275 billion was for job creation via federal contracts, grants, and loans.

* Obama signed numerous tax-cut measures, both for individuals and for small businesses. He also made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent, against the advice of many liberal economists. Some of his other tax cuts included the following:

In 2010, President Obama signed an $858 billion tax cut deal. It extended the Bush tax cuts through 2012 and unemployment benefits through 2011. It cut payroll taxes by 2 percent, adding $120 million to workers' spendable income. It extended a college tuition tax credit. It also included $55 billion in industry-specific tax cuts. (https://www.thebalance.com/obama-tax-cuts-3306330; see also https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/taxes;
(https://www.cnbc.com/id/49261153; Obama Proposes Extending Small Business Tax Cuts Permanently | Andersen CPA Firm)​

* A typical family making $50,000 a year received tax cuts totaling $3,600 in President Obama’s first term, more if they were putting a child through college.

* Improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC), enacted in 2009 under Obama and later made permanent provided roughly 16 million working families a year with a tax cut of about $900 on average.

* The 2015 budget deal lifted the sequester's caps but it also contained well over $600 billion in tax cuts/tax breaks and lifted the ban on oil exports.

Of course, there were some black marks. We actually lost manufacturing jobs under Obama, although the loss was relatively small--we went from 12,561,000 manufacturing jobs in January 2009 to 12,369,000 in January 2017. Another problem was that the stock market's growth was somewhat weak. Over-regulation was a drag on many business sectors. A sizable number of the new jobs that were created were modest-income jobs and part-time jobs, but the majority were good jobs. The U-6 rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," stayed unusually high for most of Obama's presidency. Obamacare caused many companies to change full-time positions to part-time positions to avoid having to offer health insurance.

On balance, Obama did a better of dealing with the budget and the economy than most conservatives give him credit for.

Fair analysis, not a huge O fan he was to much of a corporate where for me. But the guy was dropped into a bad situation that was deteriorating quickly and he made moves to make things prolong. Yes he could have done a sight better but imagine if Booooosh had inherited that mess?

With all due respect, Aldo...it was "Boooosh" who set up TARP which pretty much saved many of our financial institutions and did so without costing taxpayer a dime (we actually made money on the Bush TARP loans!)! Barack Obama on the other hand used TARP money to reward his supporters like the UAW and the taxpayers lost a ton of money on the process!

As for what Obama "did" when he was dropped into what you describe as a bad situation? His number one priority was passing what became ObamaCare...something that hurt the economy...and he was working on passing Cap & Trade legislation when Democrats lost the House in the 2010 midterms...which would have REALLY hurt the economy! He could have done a "sight better"? He could have done a whole lot better. He was more concerned with passing parts of a progressive agenda than he was with the welfare of millions of Americans who were out of jobs and burning through their life's savings.
Stop lying, ya lyin' con tool. In fact, the economy grew worse after TARP. It only turned around after Obama passed ARRA.

TARP wasn't designed to grow the economy, oh Clueless One! It was designed to stabilize large financial institutions that were in danger of failing. Anything else you want to demonstrate your ignorance about?

It stabilized more parties for Booooosh's buddies, there is your ignorance.
Leftist write the most stupid crap, dildo. I opposed tarp, but parties?
Fair analysis, not a huge O fan he was to much of a corporate where for me. But the guy was dropped into a bad situation that was deteriorating quickly and he made moves to make things prolong. Yes he could have done a sight better but imagine if Booooosh had inherited that mess?

With all due respect, Aldo...it was "Boooosh" who set up TARP which pretty much saved many of our financial institutions and did so without costing taxpayer a dime (we actually made money on the Bush TARP loans!)! Barack Obama on the other hand used TARP money to reward his supporters like the UAW and the taxpayers lost a ton of money on the process!

As for what Obama "did" when he was dropped into what you describe as a bad situation? His number one priority was passing what became ObamaCare...something that hurt the economy...and he was working on passing Cap & Trade legislation when Democrats lost the House in the 2010 midterms...which would have REALLY hurt the economy! He could have done a "sight better"? He could have done a whole lot better. He was more concerned with passing parts of a progressive agenda than he was with the welfare of millions of Americans who were out of jobs and burning through their life's savings.
Stop lying, ya lyin' con tool. In fact, the economy grew worse after TARP. It only turned around after Obama passed ARRA.

TARP wasn't designed to grow the economy, oh Clueless One! It was designed to stabilize large financial institutions that were in danger of failing. Anything else you want to demonstrate your ignorance about?

It stabilized more parties for Booooosh's buddies, there is your ignorance.
Leftist write the most stupid crap, dildo. I opposed tarp, but parties?

Name calling that's awesome jizz, yup those companies took that tarp money given to them and partied.
Psst do you know what debt is? The sum of annual deficits.

2009 budget submitted by Bush in 2008 had 1.3 Trillion dollar deficit...how exactly did Obama cause that???

He didn't. But you idiots keep saying W was responsible for 2001 which was Clinton's budget, W was responsible for the entire eight year Obama term and then Trump became responsible the day he took office so Obama wasn't ever responsible for anything


Bush blew up the budget with tax-cuts, unpaid-for wars and Medicaid part B.

That’s without blaming him for Great Recession.
In adjusted dollars, receipts were greater under Bush than under Clinton and his punitive tax rates. Lets stick with facts.

Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
With all due respect, Aldo...it was "Boooosh" who set up TARP which pretty much saved many of our financial institutions and did so without costing taxpayer a dime (we actually made money on the Bush TARP loans!)! Barack Obama on the other hand used TARP money to reward his supporters like the UAW and the taxpayers lost a ton of money on the process!

As for what Obama "did" when he was dropped into what you describe as a bad situation? His number one priority was passing what became ObamaCare...something that hurt the economy...and he was working on passing Cap & Trade legislation when Democrats lost the House in the 2010 midterms...which would have REALLY hurt the economy! He could have done a "sight better"? He could have done a whole lot better. He was more concerned with passing parts of a progressive agenda than he was with the welfare of millions of Americans who were out of jobs and burning through their life's savings.
Stop lying, ya lyin' con tool. In fact, the economy grew worse after TARP. It only turned around after Obama passed ARRA.

TARP wasn't designed to grow the economy, oh Clueless One! It was designed to stabilize large financial institutions that were in danger of failing. Anything else you want to demonstrate your ignorance about?

It stabilized more parties for Booooosh's buddies, there is your ignorance.
Leftist write the most stupid crap, dildo. I opposed tarp, but parties?

Name calling that's awesome jizz, yup those companies took that tarp money given to them and partied.

I opposed tarp, but thats shallow childish and stupid, dildo
Psst do you know what debt is? The sum of annual deficits.

2009 budget submitted by Bush in 2008 had 1.3 Trillion dollar deficit...how exactly did Obama cause that???

He didn't. But you idiots keep saying W was responsible for 2001 which was Clinton's budget, W was responsible for the entire eight year Obama term and then Trump became responsible the day he took office so Obama wasn't ever responsible for anything


Bush blew up the budget with tax-cuts, unpaid-for wars and Medicaid part B.

That’s without blaming him for Great Recession.
In adjusted dollars, receipts were greater under Bush than under Clinton and his punitive tax rates. Lets stick with facts.

Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

Bullshit, they were not. Yardstick adjustment for revenue comparison is [% of GDP]

Record high revenues with respect to economy size were posted in 1999-2001. Even at the height of real estate bubble expansion in 2006 we collected 20% less in personal income taxes.

Record low revenues were posted in 2008-2010

With all due respect, Aldo...it was "Boooosh" who set up TARP which pretty much saved many of our financial institutions and did so without costing taxpayer a dime (we actually made money on the Bush TARP loans!)! Barack Obama on the other hand used TARP money to reward his supporters like the UAW and the taxpayers lost a ton of money on the process!

As for what Obama "did" when he was dropped into what you describe as a bad situation? His number one priority was passing what became ObamaCare...something that hurt the economy...and he was working on passing Cap & Trade legislation when Democrats lost the House in the 2010 midterms...which would have REALLY hurt the economy! He could have done a "sight better"? He could have done a whole lot better. He was more concerned with passing parts of a progressive agenda than he was with the welfare of millions of Americans who were out of jobs and burning through their life's savings.
Stop lying, ya lyin' con tool. In fact, the economy grew worse after TARP. It only turned around after Obama passed ARRA.

TARP wasn't designed to grow the economy, oh Clueless One! It was designed to stabilize large financial institutions that were in danger of failing. Anything else you want to demonstrate your ignorance about?

It stabilized more parties for Booooosh's buddies, there is your ignorance.
Leftist write the most stupid crap, dildo. I opposed tarp, but parties?

Name calling that's awesome jizz, yup those companies took that tarp money given to them and partied.

What part of this can't you seem to GRASP, Aldo! The TARP loans that Bush made were repaid completely WITH INTEREST!!! That can't be said of the TARP loan that Obama made to GM. We lost billions on that deal. You need to take your head out of your nether regions if you're going to come here and argue economic policy! We already have R-Derp...the board doesn't need another village idiot!
Stop lying, ya lyin' con tool. In fact, the economy grew worse after TARP. It only turned around after Obama passed ARRA.

TARP wasn't designed to grow the economy, oh Clueless One! It was designed to stabilize large financial institutions that were in danger of failing. Anything else you want to demonstrate your ignorance about?

It stabilized more parties for Booooosh's buddies, there is your ignorance.
Leftist write the most stupid crap, dildo. I opposed tarp, but parties?

Name calling that's awesome jizz, yup those companies took that tarp money given to them and partied.

I opposed tarp, but thats shallow childish and stupid, dildo

Jizz, yes it is but that is what happened!
Stop lying, ya lyin' con tool. In fact, the economy grew worse after TARP. It only turned around after Obama passed ARRA.

TARP wasn't designed to grow the economy, oh Clueless One! It was designed to stabilize large financial institutions that were in danger of failing. Anything else you want to demonstrate your ignorance about?

It stabilized more parties for Booooosh's buddies, there is your ignorance.
Leftist write the most stupid crap, dildo. I opposed tarp, but parties?

Name calling that's awesome jizz, yup those companies took that tarp money given to them and partied.

What part of this can't you seem to GRASP, Aldo! The TARP loans that Bush made were repaid completely WITH INTEREST!!! That can't be said of the TARP loan that Obama made to GM. We lost billions on that deal. You need to take your head out of your nether regions if you're going to come here and argue economic policy! We already have R-Derp...the board doesn't need another village idiot!

Agreed so you are free to leave.
That dumbass Obama increased poverty, decreased family income, really increased debt, increased income disparity, ruined health care and had dismal economic growth.

All we get out of the Moon Bats is trying to blame Obama's failures on Bush or anybody else.

Worst President ever.
With all due respect, Aldo...it was "Boooosh" who set up TARP which pretty much saved many of our financial institutions and did so without costing taxpayer a dime (we actually made money on the Bush TARP loans!)! Barack Obama on the other hand used TARP money to reward his supporters like the UAW and the taxpayers lost a ton of money on the process!

As for what Obama "did" when he was dropped into what you describe as a bad situation? His number one priority was passing what became ObamaCare...something that hurt the economy...and he was working on passing Cap & Trade legislation when Democrats lost the House in the 2010 midterms...which would have REALLY hurt the economy! He could have done a "sight better"? He could have done a whole lot better. He was more concerned with passing parts of a progressive agenda than he was with the welfare of millions of Americans who were out of jobs and burning through their life's savings.
Stop lying, ya lyin' con tool. In fact, the economy grew worse after TARP. It only turned around after Obama passed ARRA.

TARP wasn't designed to grow the economy, oh Clueless One! It was designed to stabilize large financial institutions that were in danger of failing. Anything else you want to demonstrate your ignorance about?

It stabilized more parties for Booooosh's buddies, there is your ignorance.
Leftist write the most stupid crap, dildo. I opposed tarp, but parties?

Name calling that's awesome jizz, yup those companies took that tarp money given to them and partied.

I guess if GM had thrown a party, the US Treasury wouldn't have lost over $11 billion bailing them out, eh?
Is unemployment forward or backward looking? You conveniently forgot about that point

Got it. I'm supposed to address every economic indicator.

Forward looking. Unemployment is with the stock market. Companies hire to staff projects based the profits they will make for the project going forward, not what they would have made looking back
So as Trump boasted about hitting these unemployment milestones you are seriously going to say that he deserves credit because of forward thinking speculation by companies who ran out and hired a bunch of people? Can you show stats to back that up? I’d love to see the Trump surge in hiring that sets him apart from Obama’s progress. Please show us

I said companies look forward with hiring. The rest is your paranoid delusions
Where are your numbers Kaz? Show how Trump changed the game when it comes to unemployment

Why would I do that since I didn't claim that? I answered your question. Companies hire in anticipation of future projects. I didn't make a claim one way or the other regarding Trump
So when Trump takes credit for the amazing unemployment rates in 2017, you understand that he is full of shit right?
Got it. I'm supposed to address every economic indicator.

Forward looking. Unemployment is with the stock market. Companies hire to staff projects based the profits they will make for the project going forward, not what they would have made looking back
So as Trump boasted about hitting these unemployment milestones you are seriously going to say that he deserves credit because of forward thinking speculation by companies who ran out and hired a bunch of people? Can you show stats to back that up? I’d love to see the Trump surge in hiring that sets him apart from Obama’s progress. Please show us

I said companies look forward with hiring. The rest is your paranoid delusions
Where are your numbers Kaz? Show how Trump changed the game when it comes to unemployment

Why would I do that since I didn't claim that? I answered your question. Companies hire in anticipation of future projects. I didn't make a claim one way or the other regarding Trump
So when Trump takes credit for the amazing unemployment rates in 2017, you understand that he is full of shit right?
What about i didnt take a position on that dont you grasp?
So as Trump boasted about hitting these unemployment milestones you are seriously going to say that he deserves credit because of forward thinking speculation by companies who ran out and hired a bunch of people? Can you show stats to back that up? I’d love to see the Trump surge in hiring that sets him apart from Obama’s progress. Please show us

I said companies look forward with hiring. The rest is your paranoid delusions
Where are your numbers Kaz? Show how Trump changed the game when it comes to unemployment

Why would I do that since I didn't claim that? I answered your question. Companies hire in anticipation of future projects. I didn't make a claim one way or the other regarding Trump
So when Trump takes credit for the amazing unemployment rates in 2017, you understand that he is full of shit right?
What about i didnt take a position on that dont you grasp?
Well take a position, it isn’t rocket science. It’s ok to call out the bullshit that comes from your side of the aisle. It might actually give you some credibility
I said companies look forward with hiring. The rest is your paranoid delusions
Where are your numbers Kaz? Show how Trump changed the game when it comes to unemployment

Why would I do that since I didn't claim that? I answered your question. Companies hire in anticipation of future projects. I didn't make a claim one way or the other regarding Trump
So when Trump takes credit for the amazing unemployment rates in 2017, you understand that he is full of shit right?
What about i didnt take a position on that dont you grasp?
Well take a position, it isn’t rocket science. It’s ok to call out the bullshit that comes from your side of the aisle. It might actually give you some credibility
libertarians have a side of the aisle now? Bam, cool!


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