Just a clump of cells

No, they don't. Animals don't rape. That's a uniquely human thing.

Animals aren't monogamous, so they can't "Cheat". How many fallacies are you coming up with here?

Here's the reality. We need abortion because unlike most of history, we don't have an infant mortality rate of 50% today. Back in the oldy days, people had six kids and only two of them survived into adulthood. That was the normal, even for famous people. (Wolfgang Mozart and his wife Constanza had six children, only two of whom grew to adulthood.)

You're advocating abortion as a means of population control?

Can you imagine???
That suggestion that you just nailed comes from morons or totalitarians.

What's next? Forced sterilization?

Funny you should mention that....

The fascist that Obama chose as his Science Czar suggested exactly that.

John P. Holdren’s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,”Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.”
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

“It must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,” wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will “seems to horrify people” and yet it doesn’t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.» Obama Science Czar’s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
I like this guy. Too bad what you posted wasn't true. Sounds like a plan.

I posted the truth.

And I love watching you two cockroaches scurry around like the lights just came on.
Can you imagine???
That suggestion that you just nailed comes from morons or totalitarians.

or people who live in the real fucking world.

real world. Women won't be mothers if they dont want to be.

Which appellation brought you scurrying out of the woodwork....'moron' or 'totalitarian'?

The one where a crazy person tried to equate a woman controlling her own body to either of those.

Do you ACTUALLY know any women who have had abortions?
A rightwing myth. Political C has lied again. That's twice this week.

Political Spice didn't LIe.

She actually believes all the crazy shit she hears on Hate Radio and on crazy websites.

Wanna take on anything Iv'e posted....or are you shy of another beating?

again, pointing out that your sources are usually crazy people isn't much of a challenge.

Getting you to admit they are is another matter.
You're advocating abortion as a means of population control?

Can you imagine???
That suggestion that you just nailed comes from morons or totalitarians.

What's next? Forced sterilization?

Funny you should mention that....

The fascist that Obama chose as his Science Czar suggested exactly that.

John P. Holdren’s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,”Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.”
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

“It must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,” wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will “seems to horrify people” and yet it doesn’t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.» Obama Science Czar’s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
I like this guy. Too bad what you posted wasn't true. Sounds like a plan.

I posted the truth.
Of course you didn't. The truth is here: Description misrepresented as endorsement Bludgeoning Obama s science advisor with a 1977 textbook bioephemera

And remember, I want it to be true, it just isn't.
That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

If God was so against abortion, why didn't he spell out Abortion being wrong in the Bible?

I mean, when he was too busy "not existing".

Are you a closed minded liberal atheist, I mean I have read some posts by closed minded liberal atheists and that's pretty much what one looks like.
I think at last count I had 3 posters in this thread who want the death penalty for women who have an abortion.

Any more? There are certainly more of you who like to call abortion 'murder'.

That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

Then you would repeal laws against killing born persons and let the killers and God sort that out?

How many agree with this nut?
That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

If God was so against abortion, why didn't he spell out Abortion being wrong in the Bible?

I mean, when he was too busy "not existing".

Are you a closed minded liberal atheist, I mean I have read some posts by closed minded liberal atheists and that's pretty much what one looks like.

I'm very open minded. I will happily consider ANY REAL EVIDENCE you guys present for the existence of a God.
The problem is, you guys never present any.

But assuming that there is a God and assuming that he really did spread his word through the Bible (A book written for one tribe of illiterate sheep-herders in Palestine), then why didn't he specifically spell out, "Thou shall not terminate a pregnancy before birth!"

The Bible God spends CHAPTERS on telling them what animals they can and cannot eat, what kind of clothes they should wear and all the sins they can be killed for. (Incidently, none of these rules are followed by Jews or Christians today)

But apparently, he couldn't get down in spelling out in no uncertain terms that terminating pregnancies was wrong. Or that one human being owning another was wrong.
That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

If God was so against abortion, why didn't he spell out Abortion being wrong in the Bible?

I mean, when he was too busy "not existing".

Are you a closed minded liberal atheist, I mean I have read some posts by closed minded liberal atheists and that's pretty much what one looks like.

I'm very open minded. I will happily consider ANY REAL EVIDENCE you guys present for the existence of a God.
The problem is, you guys never present any.

But assuming that there is a God and assuming that he really did spread his word through the Bible (A book written for one tribe of illiterate sheep-herders in Palestine), then why didn't he specifically spell out, "Thou shall not terminate a pregnancy before birth!"

The Bible God spends CHAPTERS on telling them what animals they can and cannot eat, what kind of clothes they should wear and all the sins they can be killed for. (Incidently, none of these rules are followed by Jews or Christians today)

But apparently, he couldn't get down in spelling out in no uncertain terms that terminating pregnancies was wrong. Or that one human being owning another was wrong.
He was distracted, turning women into pillars of salt and striking dead young men for not impregnating their sisters-in-law.
I think at last count I had 3 posters in this thread who want the death penalty for women who have an abortion.

Any more? There are certainly more of you who like to call abortion 'murder'.

That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

Then you would repeal laws against killing born persons and let the killers and God sort that out?

How many agree with this nut?

Ahahaha you're the one posting wild, well lets just say it, insane what-if scenarios lmao!
I think at last count I had 3 posters in this thread who want the death penalty for women who have an abortion.

Any more? There are certainly more of you who like to call abortion 'murder'.

That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

Then you would repeal laws against killing born persons and let the killers and God sort that out?

How many agree with this nut?

Ahahaha you're the one posting wild, well lets just say it, insane what-if scenarios lmao!

Abortion has been a capital crime in places. Why shouldn't it be, if it's murder?
That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

If God was so against abortion, why didn't he spell out Abortion being wrong in the Bible?

I mean, when he was too busy "not existing".

Are you a closed minded liberal atheist, I mean I have read some posts by closed minded liberal atheists and that's pretty much what one looks like.

If you think God is a good argument against abortion, then make the argument as an argument.

1. Prove God exists
2. Prove God has an opinion on abortion
That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

If God was so against abortion, why didn't he spell out Abortion being wrong in the Bible?

I mean, when he was too busy "not existing".

Are you a closed minded liberal atheist, I mean I have read some posts by closed minded liberal atheists and that's pretty much what one looks like.

I'm very open minded. I will happily consider ANY REAL EVIDENCE you guys present for the existence of a God.
The problem is, you guys never present any.

But assuming that there is a God and assuming that he really did spread his word through the Bible (A book written for one tribe of illiterate sheep-herders in Palestine), then why didn't he specifically spell out, "Thou shall not terminate a pregnancy before birth!"

The Bible God spends CHAPTERS on telling them what animals they can and cannot eat, what kind of clothes they should wear and all the sins they can be killed for. (Incidently, none of these rules are followed by Jews or Christians today)

But apparently, he couldn't get down in spelling out in no uncertain terms that terminating pregnancies was wrong. Or that one human being owning another was wrong.

Ahahaha your mind is a block of concrete after its cured into a solid. Allow me to demonstrate just how rigid and close minded you people are, do you deny that God may come to exist far into the future, say 10 billion years from now?
That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

If God was so against abortion, why didn't he spell out Abortion being wrong in the Bible?

I mean, when he was too busy "not existing".

Are you a closed minded liberal atheist, I mean I have read some posts by closed minded liberal atheists and that's pretty much what one looks like.

I'm very open minded. I will happily consider ANY REAL EVIDENCE you guys present for the existence of a God.
The problem is, you guys never present any.

But assuming that there is a God and assuming that he really did spread his word through the Bible (A book written for one tribe of illiterate sheep-herders in Palestine), then why didn't he specifically spell out, "Thou shall not terminate a pregnancy before birth!"

The Bible God spends CHAPTERS on telling them what animals they can and cannot eat, what kind of clothes they should wear and all the sins they can be killed for. (Incidently, none of these rules are followed by Jews or Christians today)

But apparently, he couldn't get down in spelling out in no uncertain terms that terminating pregnancies was wrong. Or that one human being owning another was wrong.

Ahahaha your mind is a block of concrete after its cured into a solid. Allow me to demonstrate just how rigid and close minded you people are, do you deny that God may come to exist far into the future, say 10 billion years from now?
God is unknown, if not unknowable, so therefore not the basis of a good argument.
That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

If God was so against abortion, why didn't he spell out Abortion being wrong in the Bible?

I mean, when he was too busy "not existing".

Are you a closed minded liberal atheist, I mean I have read some posts by closed minded liberal atheists and that's pretty much what one looks like.

If you think God is a good argument against abortion, then make the argument as an argument.

1. Prove God exists
2. Prove God has an opinion on abortion

Herbert is that you? (Trek fans will get that one)
That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

If God was so against abortion, why didn't he spell out Abortion being wrong in the Bible?

I mean, when he was too busy "not existing".

Are you a closed minded liberal atheist, I mean I have read some posts by closed minded liberal atheists and that's pretty much what one looks like.

If you think God is a good argument against abortion, then make the argument as an argument.

1. Prove God exists
2. Prove God has an opinion on abortion

Herbert is that you? (Trek fans will get that one)
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I love the Internet. You look up a reference and suddenly there's ten new porn sites to check out.
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That's between the baby killers and God to sort out.

If God was so against abortion, why didn't he spell out Abortion being wrong in the Bible?

I mean, when he was too busy "not existing".

Are you a closed minded liberal atheist, I mean I have read some posts by closed minded liberal atheists and that's pretty much what one looks like.
Which is infinitely preferable to being an authoritarian Christian fundamentalist seeking to compel conformity to their religious dogma through the force of secular law.
A rightwing myth. Political C has lied again. That's twice this week.

Political Spice didn't LIe.

She actually believes all the crazy shit she hears on Hate Radio and on crazy websites.

Wanna take on anything Iv'e posted....or are you shy of another beating?

again, pointing out that your sources are usually crazy people isn't much of a challenge.

Getting you to admit they are is another matter.

My source was Holdren's book, moron.

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