Just about ready to say President Pence?

Idiotic right wingers are on here "arguing" that Trump won the election...Fine, nitwits...we are NOT disputing that on this thread........The argument here is about Trump having to resign or quitting since he is WAY over his head and pathologically lying through his false teeth...

Why would he resign? Are y'all on a continual loop chasing the bunny rabbit in alice in wonderland? Is trumps predecessor, the brown buffoon, in that fantasy land?
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.

Is that anything like the "drip-drip-drip" of the Clinton emails?
Pence taking over would be the only reason for me to oppose a potential impeachment against Trump.
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.

Pence, along with too many Republican Members of Congress have made it clear that they put their party before our country. The President's surrogates have mislead the public too many times to ever again be credible.
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Pence taking over would be the only reason for me to oppose a potential impeachment against Trump.

In his own words ... ""I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order"

Better to have said, I'm an American first ...; sadly, with these words he segregated himself from the majority of Americans, and has put loyalty to the President and the Republican Party, and not to We the People.
What part of "the people voted for Trump/Pence" do you not comprehend? He is in the WH because the people voted for him. Period.
Fucking bullshit, the orange clown received 3 million less votes than did Clinton.
/---- The popular vote in the Pres. Election is as meaningless as the number of runs scored in the World Series. In the 1960 World Series, Pittsburgh Pirates over New York Yankees (4-3 games) but did you know the Pirates only scored 27 runs against the Yankees 55 runs? So what determines the WS winner, the most runs or the most games won? The popular vote is meaningless.
View attachment 126230
The national popular vote may be meaningless in electing the president but for him to assume it means nothing is a big mistake. The national popular vote indicates the degree of public support the new president will have. It means more people are going to be opposing the new president than supporting him. Until the Trump election, we have had 4 presidents elected without winning the popular vote. Only one of them, George Bush won a second term but unlike Trump he lost the popular vote by a very small margin. If Trump ignores this, he will not have a second term.
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Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.

Ever retarded..

You fuckwad fascists will be claiming on January 19, 2024 that "Trump is DUN."
It's a comedy watching your foaming at the mouth retards, driven completely insane by your undending hatred.
Are democrat lies giving you a headache yet.

Comey got canned just as he was going to as for more resources for the Russia proble. Errr, Lie.

Rosenstein threatened to resign over Trump's pressure. Errr. Lie.

Now, the FBI #2 lied through HIS teeth in financial disclosures failing to show ties to clinton.
FBI No. 2 did not disclose wife's ties to Clinton ally, records show

Are you Tipsy or something? :biggrin:

Senator: Comey Asked DOJ for More Resources for Russia Probe Before Firing
Fox News Insider - ‎May 10, 2017‎
Former FBI Director James Comey asked the Justice Department for more resources for his Russia investigation just days before his firing, a Senate Democrat said this afternoon. The Justice Department has denied the New York Times report about Comey .

Oh my, that must mean, uh, something or something....

Fucking butthurt morons... :lmao:
I can't stand Pence. He would make a terrible president, but I would be THRILLED if Trump was removed from office

Of course you would, you're being eaten alive by the hatred festering inside of you. Just like every other fascist scumbag on this board.

You retards jump from one fantasy to another - Hillary has it in the bag, Recounts will give it to Hillary, EC will put Hillary in, Russia stole the election, ad nasium.

Every day you fascists are ranting about the way your going to get Trump. It would be comical if not for how violent you Brown Shirts tend to be.
I am willing to bet you and those like you will regret if Pence as President. It is better to suffer the four years of Trump than suffer two years of Pence.

I know you will disagree but I wrote when Bush was President that the left would regret it if they impeached Bush and had Cheney as President, so believe me I would rather have Trump over Pence!

Perhaps. but we won't find out about Pence as president until 2025 - until then it's Trump.
I am willing to bet you and those like you will regret if Pence as President. It is better to suffer the four years of Trump than suffer two years of Pence.

I know you will disagree but I wrote when Bush was President that the left would regret it if they impeached Bush and had Cheney as President, so believe me I would rather have Trump over Pence!

Perhaps. but we won't find out about Pence as president until 2025 - until then it's Trump.
Maybe, maybe not. When Trump took office his approval rating was about equal to his disapproval rating. Currently only 40% approve of his performance and 55% disapprove.
Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval
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Ever retarded..

You fuckwad fascists will be claiming on January 19, 2024 that "Trump is DUN."
It's a comedy watching your foaming at the mouth retards, driven completely insane by your undending hatred.

Unhinged, uncensored?????

What the fuck is UNDENDING?????.....LOL
Ever retarded..

You fuckwad fascists will be claiming on January 19, 2024 that "Trump is DUN."
It's a comedy watching your foaming at the mouth retards, driven completely insane by your undending hatred.

Unhinged, uncensored?????

What the fuck is UNDENDING?????.....LOL


Poor little hate filled fascist. Every last day is another insane plot to get Trump, every day you Brown Shirted thugs fall flat on your face. :lmao:
What part of "the people voted for Trump/Pence" do you not comprehend? He is in the WH because the people voted for him. Period.
Fucking bullshit, the orange clown received 3 million less votes than did Clinton.
/---- The popular vote in the Pres. Election is as meaningless as the number of runs scored in the World Series. In the 1960 World Series, Pittsburgh Pirates over New York Yankees (4-3 games) but did you know the Pirates only scored 27 runs against the Yankees 55 runs? So what determines the WS winner, the most runs or the most games won? The popular vote is meaningless.
View attachment 126230
The national popular vote may be meaningless in electing the president but for him to assume it means nothing is a big mistake. The national popular vote indicates the degree of public support the new president will have. It means more people are going to be opposing the new president than supporting him. Until the Trump election, we have had 4 presidents elected without winning the popular vote. Only one of them, George Bush won a second term but unlike Trump he lost the popular vote by a very small margin. If Trump ignores this, he will not have a second term.
/---- Those extra votes came from Blue State California rendering your point moot.
good morn libs.jpg
What part of "the people voted for Trump/Pence" do you not comprehend? He is in the WH because the people voted for him. Period.
Fucking bullshit, the orange clown received 3 million less votes than did Clinton.
/---- The popular vote in the Pres. Election is as meaningless as the number of runs scored in the World Series. In the 1960 World Series, Pittsburgh Pirates over New York Yankees (4-3 games) but did you know the Pirates only scored 27 runs against the Yankees 55 runs? So what determines the WS winner, the most runs or the most games won? The popular vote is meaningless.
View attachment 126230
The national popular vote may be meaningless in electing the president but for him to assume it means nothing is a big mistake. The national popular vote indicates the degree of public support the new president will have. It means more people are going to be opposing the new president than supporting him. Until the Trump election, we have had 4 presidents elected without winning the popular vote. Only one of them, George Bush won a second term but unlike Trump he lost the popular vote by a very small margin. If Trump ignores this, he will not have a second term.
/---- Those extra votes came from Blue State California rendering your point moot.
View attachment 126566
What part of "the people voted for Trump/Pence" do you not comprehend? He is in the WH because the people voted for him. Period.
Fucking bullshit, the orange clown received 3 million less votes than did Clinton.
/---- The popular vote in the Pres. Election is as meaningless as the number of runs scored in the World Series. In the 1960 World Series, Pittsburgh Pirates over New York Yankees (4-3 games) but did you know the Pirates only scored 27 runs against the Yankees 55 runs? So what determines the WS winner, the most runs or the most games won? The popular vote is meaningless.
View attachment 126230
The national popular vote may be meaningless in electing the president but for him to assume it means nothing is a big mistake. The national popular vote indicates the degree of public support the new president will have. It means more people are going to be opposing the new president than supporting him. Until the Trump election, we have had 4 presidents elected without winning the popular vote. Only one of them, George Bush won a second term but unlike Trump he lost the popular vote by a very small margin. If Trump ignores this, he will not have a second term.
/---- Those extra votes came from Blue State California rendering your point moot.
View attachment 126566/---- Those extra votes came from Blue State California rendering your point moot.

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