Just about ready to say President Pence?

What part of "the people voted for Trump/Pence" do you not comprehend? He is in the WH because the people voted for him. Period.
Fucking bullshit, the orange clown received 3 million less votes than did Clinton.

/---- Pres Trump won more counties than Hildabeast and that's all that matters
^^ Made up reasoning.
/----- So is the popular vote when it comes to the Presidency. Thanks for proving my point.
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Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.

I am willing to bet you and those like you will regret if Pence as President. It is better to suffer the four years of Trump than suffer two years of Pence.

I know you will disagree but I wrote when Bush was President that the left would regret it if they impeached Bush and had Cheney as President, so believe me I would rather have Trump over Pence!

Nope. He's cookie cutter Republican with just a smidgen more evangelical bent than is the norm...but he's not insane.


When you believe he is better than Trump tell me beware of Pence.

Pence is a tea panty darling with radical religious views and is not the average GOP like Collins, Ryan, McCain, or McConnell...

He is more like Ted " Canadian " Cruz...
/---- To you, anyone who does not approve of two tinkerbells porking each other in the arse has radical religious views.
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Describe in your own words what Rachel "Blinky" Maddow's sex organ tastes like. And we realize you actually have no chance of meeting him since you do not live in the NY metro area or CT, but still. What do you hope he tastes like?
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.
Let's play a game, name a fact!
/---- The popular vote in the Pres. Election is as meaningless as the number of runs scored in the World Series

Would the same fucked up "rationale" then apply to the current majority in the senate?
Trump won the popular vote in the other 49.

Now, here's a "well-informed"....albeit moronic......right winger's fake news spewer....but, the idiot heard it from Rush or Sean, therefore.............LOL

When you believe he is better than Trump tell me beware of Pence.

Pence is a tea panty darling with radical religious views and is not the average GOP like Collins, Ryan, McCain, or McConnell...

He is more like Ted " Canadian " Cruz..

Although I'd tend to agree that pence is a religious zealot, AT LEAST, we'd know and challenge him on some of his consistent proselytizing and he'd lose....HOWEVER, Trump is all over the freaking place and shows a mental instability that is downright dangerous to our nation.
/---- The popular vote in the Pres. Election is as meaningless as the number of runs scored in the World Series

Would the same fucked up "rationale" then apply to the current majority in the senate?
why would it? they are voted by the people of the districts they represent by total vote. Fk man, don't you know how our country elects our government?

When you believe he is better than Trump tell me beware of Pence.

Pence is a tea panty darling with radical religious views and is not the average GOP like Collins, Ryan, McCain, or McConnell...

He is more like Ted " Canadian " Cruz..

Although I'd tend to agree that pence is a religious zealot, AT LEAST, we'd know and challenge him on some of his consistent proselytizing and he'd lose....HOWEVER, Trump is all over the freaking place and shows a mental instability that is downright dangerous to our nation.
in your warped opinion. :itsok:
/---- The popular vote in the Pres. Election is as meaningless as the number of runs scored in the World Series

Would the same fucked up "rationale" then apply to the current majority in the senate?
/---- No you blithering imbecile. Every representative in office is elected by popular vote EXCEPT THE PRESIDENT who is selected by the Electoral College. When you vote in November, you are not voting for the president. You are for the Elector who then votes for the president. You see folks this is what happens when they stopped teaching civics in 1970. . .

Presidential Election Process | USA.gov
Presidential Election Process | USA.gov: In the Electoral College system, each state gets a certain number of electors based on its total number of representatives in Congress. Each elector casts one electoral vote following the general election; there are a total of 538 electoral votes. The candidate that gets more than half (270) wins the election.

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Idiotic right wingers are on here "arguing" that Trump won the election...Fine, nitwits...we are NOT disputing that on this thread........The argument here is about Trump having to resign or quitting since he is WAY over his head and pathologically lying through his false teeth...
Idiotic right wingers are on here "arguing" that Trump won the election...Fine, nitwits...we are NOT disputing that on this thread........The argument here is about Trump having to resign or quitting since he is WAY over his head and pathologically lying through his false teeth...
/--- Your childish insults don't help your cause. When Obozo won we were told to shut up and accept it. Now it's your turn.
Idiotic right wingers are on here "arguing" that Trump won the election...Fine, nitwits...we are NOT disputing that on this thread........The argument here is about Trump having to resign or quitting since he is WAY over his head and pathologically lying through his false teeth...

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