Just as a reminder of how shitty our healthcare system is

The government is like any of your other employees or contractors. If they don’t work in your interests, you get rid of them.

This is sarcasm, right?

No it’s not. Twice in the last 30 years Canadians have destroyed political parties. Brian Mulroney’s Progressive Conservatives being a case in point.

Twice in the last 30 years. Wow. You shoulda went with sarcasm.

You said: "The government is like any of your other employees or contractors. If they don’t work in your interests, you get rid of them."

And that's just not true. In fact, the most important difference between a contractor and the government is that you cannot fire the government. Voting someone out of office isn't remotely comparable. You know how many votes it takes for me to fire an employee or contractor I don't like? Just one. And I don't have to convince of a bunch of dimwitted voters that I'm right.
Don’t like the health care system in American then leave no one is holding you back. Bye bye!
Republicans like to pretend our healthcare system is the best in the world, but obviously it isn’t if the poor can’t afford it.

Here’s a video of Brits reacting to our healthcare costs.

Generally, it is Democrats who say our healthcare is the worst on the planet, but then they are hardly American, and have a separate agenda when saying so..

Sticking your head in the sand doesn’t change reality.

Killing babies by the million won't make them healthy.
That’s because women can’t afford to raise children. I’m told by my daughter that child for one baby is $275 per week. There are no discounts for multiple children.
I can’t read any more past this..




I’m sorry I keep providing you with facts that upset you so much. If your labour laws and practices are so anti-family and anti-woman, that women stop having children, your country is fucked!

It’s not the women lack incentives you stupid tool, it’s because labour law makes it impossible to work and have a baby. And if you don’t work, you don’t have health insurance and you can’t afford the medical costs.
It is the responsibility of our government to make sure we reproduce

If you don’t, you won’t have a country for long.
Ok pea brain
Does the mental institution allow the patience to own guns on their property yes or no?

So the institution can regulate their 2nd amendment rights?

But I am specifically asking about non-institutionalized, seriously mentally ill. Should psychotics, schizophrenics and other other mentally ill be able to own guns?
Does the mental institution allow it yes or no to their parents allow them to own a gun yes or no

I am not asking about institutionalized mentally ill. There are plenty of people who are seriously mentally ill who are not in mental institutions.
It’s up to that small-town laws.. I like when a small community makes laws ,, not the fed gov

You didn't answer my question.

If the people of Boston, by popular vote, decide no one in the city gets to own guns, are you ok with that? Will you abide by the will of "we the people"?
The city yes.. if the city council comes back with that then I would probably move to the next city
Don’t like the health care system in American then leave no one is holding you back. Bye bye!
Brilliant GOP problem solver.....one major problem is other countries don't want Americans unless they are doctors millionaires or married to a citizen. the other is we're not leaving this country to you brainwashed functional morons and scumbag thieving GOP propagandists....
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Great, you must have been one of those "special" employees.


franco is god's gift to the world. If only we would listen to him we have paradise on earth.
Just ask him.
We'd all be a hell of a lot better off. Every other modern country does it, only the brainwashed GOP stops US. We're number 27 in happiness. Enjoy the spike in violence against blacks Jews gays and Muslims and the Nazis getting all excited everywhere. All in the big tent GOP. A brainwashed disgrace. Do you have any actual argument or just stupid trolling like that?

Grow up little boi. The violence is coming from you leftwing pussies. Antifa does the violent shit you are afraid to do.
Funny easy FBI thinks the only spike in violence is right-wingers against Jews black gays and Muslims. Antifa does nothing they're bunch of young punk idiots.
Which brand of bike lock do you bring to ANTIFA rallies? What do you use to cover your face?
the Democratic party has nothing to do with those young punks who barely do anything, you have just been brainwashed by endless repeats of the same videos. Sorry they attack white supremacists and Nazis your heroes.
Republicans like to pretend our healthcare system is the best in the world, but obviously it isn’t if the poor can’t afford it.

Here’s a video of Brits reacting to our healthcare costs.

Generally, it is Democrats who say our healthcare is the worst on the planet, but then they are hardly American, and have a separate agenda when saying so..

Sticking your head in the sand doesn’t change reality.

And sticking your head up your ass probably isn't covered by your insurance.
Republicans like to pretend our healthcare system is the best in the world, but obviously it isn’t if the poor can’t afford it.

Here’s a video of Brits reacting to our healthcare costs.

So you kill babies and have abortions but you care about health care of citizens? Huh

I don’t do either, but obviously a woman having an abortion isn’t killing a baby because a fetus isn’t a baby lol. All that really matters is letting a woman do what she wants with her own body.

It is a baby it has feelings nerves after a few weeks.. why would you snip a humans limbs off like that?

Lol it barely has a brain for it to matter. Either way, it’s a woman’s choice to do what she wants with her own body.

So what is your excuse...medical malpractice ?
So the institution can regulate their 2nd amendment rights?

But I am specifically asking about non-institutionalized, seriously mentally ill. Should psychotics, schizophrenics and other other mentally ill be able to own guns?
Does the mental institution allow it yes or no to their parents allow them to own a gun yes or no

I am not asking about institutionalized mentally ill. There are plenty of people who are seriously mentally ill who are not in mental institutions.
It’s up to that small-town laws.. I like when a small community makes laws ,, not the fed gov

You didn't answer my question.

If the people of Boston, by popular vote, decide no one in the city gets to own guns, are you ok with that? Will you abide by the will of "we the people"?
The city yes.. if the city council comes back with that then I would probably move to the next city

Luckily, that is not how the US Constitution works. No community or city gets to decide the constitutionally guaranteed rights are taken away.
Does the mental institution allow it yes or no to their parents allow them to own a gun yes or no

I am not asking about institutionalized mentally ill. There are plenty of people who are seriously mentally ill who are not in mental institutions.
It’s up to that small-town laws.. I like when a small community makes laws ,, not the fed gov

You didn't answer my question.

If the people of Boston, by popular vote, decide no one in the city gets to own guns, are you ok with that? Will you abide by the will of "we the people"?
The city yes.. if the city council comes back with that then I would probably move to the next city

Luckily, that is not how the US Constitution works. No community or city gets to decide the constitutionally guaranteed rights are taken away.
like Chicago? lol you anti American

Do you prefer to be altered or abolished
Are you OK with living in America with the only gun law is what the Second Amendment says yes or no you little fucking piece of non-American shit? Hehehhe thay was good

I'm all for well-regulated militias. I was a member of one for years.

Every nut having a gun, not so much.
My standard and the founders standard of regulated militia is different then yours lol you would hate it lol
I am not asking about institutionalized mentally ill. There are plenty of people who are seriously mentally ill who are not in mental institutions.
It’s up to that small-town laws.. I like when a small community makes laws ,, not the fed gov

You didn't answer my question.

If the people of Boston, by popular vote, decide no one in the city gets to own guns, are you ok with that? Will you abide by the will of "we the people"?
The city yes.. if the city council comes back with that then I would probably move to the next city

Luckily, that is not how the US Constitution works. No community or city gets to decide the constitutionally guaranteed rights are taken away.
like Chicago? lol you anti American

Do you prefer to be altered or abolished

I'm anti-American? YOu didn't even take the time to learn how the US Constitution and our system of gov't works.

If Chicago is taking away constitutionally guaranteed rights, then challenge it. Take them to court. It is how Heller won't the case against the District of Columbia.

And I will be neither altered or abolished. But thanks for asking.

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