Just as a reminder of how shitty our healthcare system is

When have you knocked me down? By claiming towns can overrule the US Constitution? By claiming lynching is acceptable? Or by saying you will come down with 100 convicted felons and shit on my property and use my people as toilet paper?
You should read about tombstone story

What? You mean the shootout at the OK Corral? Or do you have a story about frozen pizza?
No Wyatt and his bro’s confiscated guns for a short period of time. And Authorized by lawmen to lynch a few people

No, they banned carrying guns in town. They did not ban gun ownership.

And when did Wyatt Earp lynch anyone? I know there are accounts of him stopping at least one lynching, and he moved Curly Bill Brocious out of Tombstone to prevent him being lynched.
Word games so your saying that’s constitutional? lol

he was the law man and ordered some lynching

No, it is not word games. Owning guns is not the same as carrying guns.

And what lynching did Wyatt Earp order? Like I said, he stopped some and avoided at least one by moving the prisoner. You claim he either lynched someone or ordered a lynching. Link?
I have seen no sign that you are doing anything except talking shit and telling lies.

No one will step down. Why would they? They were elected by the people. Which, according to you even over rides the US Constitution.
Yes and when the people revolt and protest .. they will resign

Will they? Protests happen all the time. No one resigns.
All of America will be in Boston protesting democrats! This America’s oldest city and America needs to come together restore liberty and the constitution here.

Remember alter or abolish that’s what we can do

All of America? That might be a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and Boston is not the oldest city.
If your American you would want to save Boston

Typical. I didn't say I didn't want to save Boston. You said "All of America will be in Boston". I accused you of exaggerating.
I have seen no sign that you are doing anything except talking shit and telling lies.

No one will step down. Why would they? They were elected by the people. Which, according to you even over rides the US Constitution.
Yes and when the people revolt and protest .. they will resign

Will they? Protests happen all the time. No one resigns.
All of America will be in Boston protesting democrats! This America’s oldest city and America needs to come together restore liberty and the constitution here.

Remember alter or abolish that’s what we can do

All of America? That might be a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and Boston is not the oldest city.
If your American you would want to save Boston

BTW, it would be "you're", as in "you are".
I stand by my statement I made to the people

What statement?

What you stand by does not change the way a constitutional republic works.
It should be up the the city or town what the laws are not the fed gov. The constitution stands for its self, you can’t change it. But if the city or town wants to ban guns for a short period of time to fix a crime problem I have no issue to it only for a short period of time

I have a problem with it. To ban firearms from law abiding citizens is simply unconstitutional. It is that simple.

And do you really think, if the politicians banned guns for a short period of time, we would ever get them back? They would ban them "just until they get crime under control". Then, they would extend the ban, because crime was not under control. Then they would extend the ban because that is the ONLY reason crime is down.

And it is not the federal gov't setting the limits. The US Constitution sets the limits for the federal gov't. The US Constitution also sets the limits for state and local gov't.
Patriot ACT 3 ?

I have long maintained that the Patriot Act is unconstitutional.

it's what could be built on the premise that completely shreds it

A few years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I am a veteran and could have had it treated through the VA for free.

God knows how long it would have taken to go through the government bureaucratic mess. No telling wha the fucking government would have done to treat it.

I decided to get it treated privately and pay the several thousands of dollars in deductibles and co payments.

In private care it was treated quickly and competently and I am now five years of being cancer free.

My Oncologist tells me that my success is the result of quickly treating the cancer.

Waiting around for the filth ass government to take care of me probably would have been a disaster.

Health care is too important to be trusted to the bureaucratic government that doesn't really give a shit about you.
Maybe the GOP should allow full funding for the VA. But no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share.

The reason you have no credibility on this forum is because you post partisan bullshit like that.

If you want to be partisan remember that the worthless incompetent asshole Obama took that money that was given to him and them wasted it. It was under his watch that the VA was caught making up numbers about treatment and removing people from the records that had problems. Obama really fucked up the VA just like everything else he was responsible for.

Stop being a partisan asshole. It makes you look like a fool.

Government services are always piss poor no matter which political party is in power.

Health care is too important to be left to the discretion of government bueracrats who don't give a damn about you and whose bosses are corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups.
Yes it was under Obama that fraud in the VA was found. That certainly doesn't mean they started it. That's the GOP swamp in action. Only the propaganda machine make this ignorance possible.... The Obama administration found all kinds of corruption and Insanity left over from the Bush administration. Ridiculous overspending for seminars in the FBI... Corruption with halliburton and the BP oil blow. The Arizona ATF gun Walking program. And of course that little corrupt real estate bubble that only cost $10 billion to pave over.... Just for you, hyper-partisanship against you is called reality. You ought to try it change the channel.

The GOP has been in charge of tax rates and policy the last 37 years. A huge giveaway to the rich and the screw job for everyone else. Only their disgraceful propaganda machine makes this mess possible- you are a brainwashed functional moron LOL
You should read about tombstone story

What? You mean the shootout at the OK Corral? Or do you have a story about frozen pizza?
No Wyatt and his bro’s confiscated guns for a short period of time. And Authorized by lawmen to lynch a few people

No, they banned carrying guns in town. They did not ban gun ownership.

And when did Wyatt Earp lynch anyone? I know there are accounts of him stopping at least one lynching, and he moved Curly Bill Brocious out of Tombstone to prevent him being lynched.
Word games so your saying that’s constitutional? lol

he was the law man and ordered some lynching

No, it is not word games. Owning guns is not the same as carrying guns.

And what lynching did Wyatt Earp order? Like I said, he stopped some and avoided at least one by moving the prisoner. You claim he either lynched someone or ordered a lynching. Link?
Lol umm if I have a gun I own the mother fucka.. and read the book
Yes and when the people revolt and protest .. they will resign

Will they? Protests happen all the time. No one resigns.
All of America will be in Boston protesting democrats! This America’s oldest city and America needs to come together restore liberty and the constitution here.

Remember alter or abolish that’s what we can do

All of America? That might be a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and Boston is not the oldest city.
If your American you would want to save Boston

Typical. I didn't say I didn't want to save Boston. You said "All of America will be in Boston". I accused you of exaggerating.
Lol you don’t say
Yes and when the people revolt and protest .. they will resign

Will they? Protests happen all the time. No one resigns.
All of America will be in Boston protesting democrats! This America’s oldest city and America needs to come together restore liberty and the constitution here.

Remember alter or abolish that’s what we can do

All of America? That might be a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and Boston is not the oldest city.
If your American you would want to save Boston

BTW, it would be "you're", as in "you are".
Ok and
What? You mean the shootout at the OK Corral? Or do you have a story about frozen pizza?
No Wyatt and his bro’s confiscated guns for a short period of time. And Authorized by lawmen to lynch a few people

No, they banned carrying guns in town. They did not ban gun ownership.

And when did Wyatt Earp lynch anyone? I know there are accounts of him stopping at least one lynching, and he moved Curly Bill Brocious out of Tombstone to prevent him being lynched.
Word games so your saying that’s constitutional? lol

he was the law man and ordered some lynching

No, it is not word games. Owning guns is not the same as carrying guns.

And what lynching did Wyatt Earp order? Like I said, he stopped some and avoided at least one by moving the prisoner. You claim he either lynched someone or ordered a lynching. Link?
Lol umm if I have a gun I own the mother fucka.. and read the book

Yes, but just because you own a gun doesn't mean you carry it in town.
Will they? Protests happen all the time. No one resigns.
All of America will be in Boston protesting democrats! This America’s oldest city and America needs to come together restore liberty and the constitution here.

Remember alter or abolish that’s what we can do

All of America? That might be a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and Boston is not the oldest city.
If your American you would want to save Boston

Typical. I didn't say I didn't want to save Boston. You said "All of America will be in Boston". I accused you of exaggerating.
Lol you don’t say

Actually, I did say.

So far I have seen no sign of you doing anything where Boston is concerned. So you saying all of America will be there is a bit ridiculous.
Will they? Protests happen all the time. No one resigns.
All of America will be in Boston protesting democrats! This America’s oldest city and America needs to come together restore liberty and the constitution here.

Remember alter or abolish that’s what we can do

All of America? That might be a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and Boston is not the oldest city.
If your American you would want to save Boston

BTW, it would be "you're", as in "you are".
Ok and

And, while I am educating you on how our country works, I thought I would throw in an English lesson, free of charge. Lord know you need it.
What? You mean the shootout at the OK Corral? Or do you have a story about frozen pizza?
No Wyatt and his bro’s confiscated guns for a short period of time. And Authorized by lawmen to lynch a few people

No, they banned carrying guns in town. They did not ban gun ownership.

And when did Wyatt Earp lynch anyone? I know there are accounts of him stopping at least one lynching, and he moved Curly Bill Brocious out of Tombstone to prevent him being lynched.
Word games so your saying that’s constitutional? lol

he was the law man and ordered some lynching

No, it is not word games. Owning guns is not the same as carrying guns.

And what lynching did Wyatt Earp order? Like I said, he stopped some and avoided at least one by moving the prisoner. You claim he either lynched someone or ordered a lynching. Link?
Lol umm if I have a gun I own the mother fucka.. and read the book

So....did you find a lynching that Wyatt Earp did or ordered?
No Wyatt and his bro’s confiscated guns for a short period of time. And Authorized by lawmen to lynch a few people

No, they banned carrying guns in town. They did not ban gun ownership.

And when did Wyatt Earp lynch anyone? I know there are accounts of him stopping at least one lynching, and he moved Curly Bill Brocious out of Tombstone to prevent him being lynched.
Word games so your saying that’s constitutional? lol

he was the law man and ordered some lynching

No, it is not word games. Owning guns is not the same as carrying guns.

And what lynching did Wyatt Earp order? Like I said, he stopped some and avoided at least one by moving the prisoner. You claim he either lynched someone or ordered a lynching. Link?
Lol umm if I have a gun I own the mother fucka.. and read the book

Yes, but just because you own a gun doesn't mean you carry it in town.
Are you arguing your self?
All of America will be in Boston protesting democrats! This America’s oldest city and America needs to come together restore liberty and the constitution here.

Remember alter or abolish that’s what we can do

All of America? That might be a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and Boston is not the oldest city.
If your American you would want to save Boston

Typical. I didn't say I didn't want to save Boston. You said "All of America will be in Boston". I accused you of exaggerating.
Lol you don’t say

Actually, I did say.

So far I have seen no sign of you doing anything where Boston is concerned. So you saying all of America will be there is a bit ridiculous.
Well have you donated patriot dollars yet?
A few years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I am a veteran and could have had it treated through the VA for free.

God knows how long it would have taken to go through the government bureaucratic mess. No telling wha the fucking government would have done to treat it.

I decided to get it treated privately and pay the several thousands of dollars in deductibles and co payments.

In private care it was treated quickly and competently and I am now five years of being cancer free.

My Oncologist tells me that my success is the result of quickly treating the cancer.

Waiting around for the filth ass government to take care of me probably would have been a disaster.

Health care is too important to be trusted to the bureaucratic government that doesn't really give a shit about you.
Maybe the GOP should allow full funding for the VA. But no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share.

The reason you have no credibility on this forum is because you post partisan bullshit like that.

If you want to be partisan remember that the worthless incompetent asshole Obama took that money that was given to him and them wasted it. It was under his watch that the VA was caught making up numbers about treatment and removing people from the records that had problems. Obama really fucked up the VA just like everything else he was responsible for.

Stop being a partisan asshole. It makes you look like a fool.

Government services are always piss poor no matter which political party is in power.

Health care is too important to be left to the discretion of government bueracrats who don't give a damn about you and whose bosses are corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups.
Yes it was under Obama that fraud in the VA was found. That certainly doesn't mean they started it. That's the GOP swamp in action. Only the propaganda machine make sis ignorance possible.... The Obama administration found all kinds of corruption and Insanity left over from the Bush administration. Ridiculous overspending for seminars in the FBI... Corruption with halliburton and the BP oil blow. And of course that little corrupt real estate bubble it only cost $10 to pave over.... Just for you, hyper-partisanship against you is called reality. You ought to try it change the channel.
A few years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I am a veteran and could have had it treated through the VA for free.

God knows how long it would have taken to go through the government bureaucratic mess. No telling wha the fucking government would have done to treat it.

I decided to get it treated privately and pay the several thousands of dollars in deductibles and co payments.

In private care it was treated quickly and competently and I am now five years of being cancer free.

My Oncologist tells me that my success is the result of quickly treating the cancer.

Waiting around for the filth ass government to take care of me probably would have been a disaster.

Health care is too important to be trusted to the bureaucratic government that doesn't really give a shit about you.
Maybe the GOP should allow full funding for the VA. But no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share.

The reason you have no credibility on this forum is because you post partisan bullshit like that.

If you want to be partisan remember that the worthless incompetent asshole Obama took that money that was given to him and them wasted it. It was under his watch that the VA was caught making up numbers about treatment and removing people from the records that had problems. Obama really fucked up the VA just like everything else he was responsible for.

Stop being a partisan asshole. It makes you look like a fool.

Government services are always piss poor no matter which political party is in power.

Health care is too important to be left to the discretion of government bueracrats who don't give a damn about you and whose bosses are corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups.
I have nothing but credibility for people who live in the real world oh, not the imaginary GOP one, super duper.
All of America will be in Boston protesting democrats! This America’s oldest city and America needs to come together restore liberty and the constitution here.

Remember alter or abolish that’s what we can do

All of America? That might be a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and Boston is not the oldest city.
If your American you would want to save Boston

BTW, it would be "you're", as in "you are".
Ok and

And, while I am educating you on how our country works, I thought I would throw in an English lesson, free of charge. Lord know you need it.
My key board is 2 inches long, grammar police is l lost the debate police
No Wyatt and his bro’s confiscated guns for a short period of time. And Authorized by lawmen to lynch a few people

No, they banned carrying guns in town. They did not ban gun ownership.

And when did Wyatt Earp lynch anyone? I know there are accounts of him stopping at least one lynching, and he moved Curly Bill Brocious out of Tombstone to prevent him being lynched.
Word games so your saying that’s constitutional? lol

he was the law man and ordered some lynching

No, it is not word games. Owning guns is not the same as carrying guns.

And what lynching did Wyatt Earp order? Like I said, he stopped some and avoided at least one by moving the prisoner. You claim he either lynched someone or ordered a lynching. Link?
Lol umm if I have a gun I own the mother fucka.. and read the book

So....did you find a lynching that Wyatt Earp did or ordered?
Yes for me to know and you to find out
No, they banned carrying guns in town. They did not ban gun ownership.

And when did Wyatt Earp lynch anyone? I know there are accounts of him stopping at least one lynching, and he moved Curly Bill Brocious out of Tombstone to prevent him being lynched.
Word games so your saying that’s constitutional? lol

he was the law man and ordered some lynching

No, it is not word games. Owning guns is not the same as carrying guns.

And what lynching did Wyatt Earp order? Like I said, he stopped some and avoided at least one by moving the prisoner. You claim he either lynched someone or ordered a lynching. Link?
Lol umm if I have a gun I own the mother fucka.. and read the book

Yes, but just because you own a gun doesn't mean you carry it in town.
Are you arguing your self?

Not at all. Just explaining how the Earps did not ban guns, as you claimed they did.
All of America? That might be a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and Boston is not the oldest city.
If your American you would want to save Boston

Typical. I didn't say I didn't want to save Boston. You said "All of America will be in Boston". I accused you of exaggerating.
Lol you don’t say

Actually, I did say.

So far I have seen no sign of you doing anything where Boston is concerned. So you saying all of America will be there is a bit ridiculous.
Well have you donated patriot dollars yet?

Donate money to you? LMAO! You must be high.
All of America? That might be a bit of an overstatement, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and Boston is not the oldest city.
If your American you would want to save Boston

BTW, it would be "you're", as in "you are".
Ok and

And, while I am educating you on how our country works, I thought I would throw in an English lesson, free of charge. Lord know you need it.
My key board is 2 inches long, grammar police is l lost the debate police

I get that you use a small keyboard. The rest of that sentence makes no sense.

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